Alright guys, here it is. The final chapter, the one you have all been waiting for. Chapter twenty is finally here! I'm actually really sad though, because I enjoyed going online and looking at the comments left by y'all, hearing what ya had to say, and just generally knowing that you guys wanted me to keep writing. It made me feel really good. Ah well, I suppose that the sooner I get the sequel done, the sooner I'll see your names coming up again.

Anyway, I know this is going to sound super cheesy and cliche, but I want to thank each and every one of you guys who has faved, commented, or even just come across my story and read it, It's people like you who keep the writers want to keep on writing.

silferdeath: here's the final chapter, hope this meets your satisfaction.

St. Iggy: You've been so loyal, commenting on this story so much, and I really appreciate it. I hope to see you when I finish the sequel. Enjoy!

Fanged Alchemist: I love chapter 19 too. This one's short, but a lot happens. Hope you like it :D

Raven of the Willows: Another short one, but a lot happens. And I agree. Angsty Ed is fun to read (im sadistic, I know) but Al? Nope. He's too cute to have angst :D

Sathreal: The suspense is over! Chapter 20 is here!

Lady of the Times: Thank you! Here's the final chapter, but I will post another when the sequel is done.

As a Jester Fool and Joker: Ah, another loyal commenter. Thanks for reading this and sticking with it, even when I was slow on updating. Ed's one of my favorites too. Haha, I guess I have stuck him in the hospital a lot, haven't I? A good portion of this fic was with him in the hospital, but here's the final chapter.

Eternal Love's Eclipse: I really appreciate the critiques you have left me and your honesty in my writing. I know several of my chapters were really short, but you still stuck by and read this. Thank you for that. Anyway, its not too long, but a lot happens, and its got a cliche happy ending. :D

awesomenaruto: Whoa! thats actually a good thought...anyway. Here's the final chapter. and thanks so much for sticking with this FF.

DeathBySugarCube: Nope. never catching a break. You'll find out. and don't worry. Cliffies are over now, until the sequel...Anyway, thanks for sticking with the FF. and enjoy the sequel. I mean chapter. But I hope when the sequel comes youll enjoy that too.

Joker Oak: Major eh? Yeah, well, thats no longer an issue, cuz this fic is done :( Thanks for the comments and I hope you'll read the sequel, whenever I finish it.

Anyway, onto the final chapter, and I know I haven't said this much, but just to confirm, I don't own FMA, I just write fics. ENJOY!

"Alphonse," Gracia whispered quietly, nearing the boy before her who was clutching the phone tightly as he looked at his brother. The older Elric was lying on his side, eyes shut, and barely alive.

"He's hurt...Because of me..." Alphonse whimpered, "I just...I wanted Daddy, but...That man isn't him. Daddy wasn't like that, he didn't hurt Brother. That man killed Mom, and tried to kill us. He looks like Daddy, and has the same name and smell...But he's not Daddy!" Alphonse cried.

Edward twitched at hearing his brothers raised voice, and his eyes opened slowly, "M-ms. Gracia?" he murmured softly looking at the woman next to him and his brother, "y-you came," the weak voice was a cross between surprise and relief and he forced himself up to crawl closer to her before passing out, smile on his face as Gracia caught him. Maes looked from the doorway and saw his wife with both boys asleep on her lap. They looked at each other and nodded...


"-Hohenheim, for first degree murder on several military officers, second degree murder of your wife, Trisha Elric, and several other people, and two accounts of attempted murder on your sons, we find you, guilty! Envy! For first degree murder on several military officers, second degree murder on several people, the possesion of illegal substances, and attempted murder on two minors, we also, find you guilty!" The judge hit the hammer against the podium and four officers came up front to take the two men away

The two brothers hugged each other smiling, their father hadn't gotten away with killing their mother and hurting them, and he wouldn't be able to hurt them again.

"Now then," the judge cleared his throat, "I believe there is still the matter of the care and housing of the two boys?"

Maes stood up and cleared his throat, "your honor, my wife and I would like to adopt these two children," he told the judge, glaring at the men as they were escourted from the room where they would then be locked in a high security prison.

Edward and Alphonse looked at each other, shock on their faces.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, your honor. We cared for these boys when they first came to Central, and we would like to care for them permanently,"

"Well, there's the paperwork to be filled out, and a social worker will visit from time to time to check on you and make sure they aren't being mistreated...But unless the boys object, I don't see why we couldn't work something out." the judge smiled, "what do you think boys?"

Al bounced excitedly in his seat and nodded his head excitedly, and the judge laughed before turning his attention to the older one. Edward hadn't said anything since the incident in the house and he had a large cut on his forehead that was covered with gauze from fighting with his father. Both boys had been staying at the hospital since then and Maes and Gracia had visited them everyday and promised they wouldn't have to go back to the orphanage ever again, but neither thought it would ever lead to an adoption. They had thought that it just meant another orphanage was going to take them. Both boys had secretly hoped the Hughes's would adopt them, and now the option was being lain out in front of them.

"Edward? Is everything alright?" Hughes asked. a thought occured to him; Edward hadn't wanted to stay with them, and when he finally warmed up to the idea of staying with him and his wife, they had sent him off to an orphanage, and then been hurt, nearly killed. Why would he want to stay with them after all they had done?

Edward was silent for another moment. He looked seriously at Al who was looking at him hopefully, and then to Maes and Gracia Hughes, who had reminded him what it was like to have a family again. He looked down at his watch, which had been stolen by Hohenhiem but Maes had gone through the trouble of getting it back for him. He looked up at the judge who was patiently awaiting his answer. He looked at the door his biological father had been taken out and thought.

If he refused then he and Al would be taken to an orphanage except...Al had accepted the offer, so Ed would be the only one sent there where'd he'd have to stay until he was either adopted, or old enough to live on his own. Either way it was doubtful he'd see Alphonse again, and he did like staying with the Hughes's. Al certainly did in any case. They had been so nice to them, even when he didn't really deserve it and even now, with them knowing how he had felt about them and their purpose and with his attitude...And they still wanted to give him and his brother a place to call home...With these thoughts weighing heavily on his mind, he slowly, almost cautiously, raised his hand, which came as a surprise to everyone, "w-would we...Have to change our names?" he asked.

"You could keep your last name, yes," the judge told him and Edward took his brothers hand under the table and looked up at Maes and Gracia Hughes who were sitting next to him, a real smile on his face for the fist time since the night his family had been ripped apart so violently, one so full of love and hope as he spoke his next words.

"Then...Then yes. I'd like to stay with them; for good," Alphonse sighed in relief when his older brother said that, the older boy had finally found someone he trusted, and now, they had a home...

£££££££££££THE END£££££££££££

I lengthened it a little bit and I really think that it helped it. Anyway, thats the end of this story guys. I hope you all liked it and I really hope that you guys will come up with suggestions on a sequel. I've just started chapter 4 so its still in the early stages and easily changed up. I really really do hope you'll come back when the sequel is posted, and again, I really appreciate how patient you have all been with this Thank you so much.

Oh, and for those who have this on story alert, dont take it off yet, because I'll tag a little prologue for the sequel in here as a chapter 21 so you'll know what to look for.

Again, thanks to all those who have given me feedback and I hope you'll all review and give me some ideas for the sequel.

Cya's laters