Notes – Done for pw_contest, under the prompt "Snooping". Set post-AJ.

"In this line of work you have to get used to crazy people, Apollo," Phoenix informed him, cutting into the furious rant that his sort-of-apprentice had been yelling since the moment he'd walked through the door.

"I know that, but I'm not even working on a case right now. Can't these people give me a break?" Apollo sighed, taking to the sofa.

Smiling, Phoenix replied, "In my experience meeting a new psycho usually means that your next case isn't far off."

"That's not very helpful," Apollo sulked, "She wasn't even talking about anything I could help her with anyway, just one of those stupid reporters wanting to know if I had any dirt on Prosecutor Gavin. I'm getting used to them now, but this one was extremely pushy…"

"Pushy? Can you describe them?" said Phoenix, a little curiously.

Nodding, Apollo began listing what he could remember, "She had a huge afro, I don't think I've ever seen one on a woman before, and she was ginger. And she had a bright green sweater… Oh, and this huge camera too. She talked in a sort of accent and, um, she was very loud."

Loud and brightly coloured.

Phoenix knew exactly who he was talking about.

"What's so funny?" Apollo asked, watching him laugh.

"Oh nothing, it's just good to see she's still up and about after all these years," he said, "I know her, she's called Lotta Hart. Used to pester me all the time when I was a lawyer, she was always trying to catch a break as a reporter in some field or other. Guess she's fallen back on celebrity gossip now."

"Well she's not getting any gossip out of me," Apollo assured, who really didn't care for that sort of thing.

"Pity she hadn't tried someone a bit chattier," Phoenix agreed, "Speaking of which, do you know where Trucy is? I thought you were picking her up from school today."

Apollo's eyes opened widely.

Oh no…

Elsewhere in the city, at a particular noodle stand, Lotta tapped her pen at the end of her notes.

"Now ah think that might be everythin'. Can you tell me what ya saw Mr. Gavin doin' one more time just incase ah missed somethin'?"

Grinning up from the half full bowl of noodles, Trucy confirmed, "Sure, I'd be glad to help."