Chameleon sighed as stuck to the side of a building.

'Hopefully those cats won't find me here. I wonder what they're after?' he thought as he surveyed the city.

His thoughts were interupted when 4 shruikan struck the glass a few inches from him.

"Guess it's time to move!" he jumped from the building, and turned into a glider.

"You can't escape us, Chameleon!" one of the ninjas yelled from a rooftop just below him.

The cat jumped and grabbed onto him.

"Sorry, no free rides." Chameleon turned into a fly, and the cat fell back to the cement roof.

After reaching the ground, Chameleon returned to chameleon form, and ran for T.U.F.F. HQ.

The other 2 ninjas landed in front of him, and grabbed him before he could turn around.

"Hold it, ninja cats!" a voice yelled. Dudley ran up to them. "You're not gettin' past me."

The ninjas and Chameleon looked at him skeptically.

"Do not interfere with our mission." The ninja on the right warned.

"We do not wish to injure a civilian." the other said.

"I'd like to see you try-"

Dudley was sent flying into a wall.

"Idiot..." Chameleon muttered.

The other ninja pulled up in a van.

"Let's go!" he ordered.

They started pulling Chameleon towards the back of the van.

"Not so fast, pal!" Dudley ran at them.

"Start the van!" one of the ninjas yelled. Just as it started pulling away, the two ninjas jumped into the back and yanked Chameleon in with them.

"Hey no fair! I can't keep up with a van!" Dudley exclaimed as he chased after them.

"Help me you dunce!" Chameleon yelled as the back doors shut. The van really took off then, and was out of sight within seconds.

"Well that coulda gone better." Dudley muttered. "To the T.U.F.F. mobile!"


Chameleon struggled as one of the ninjas put him in handcuffs.

"We should reach headquarters in about an hour or 2." the other announced.

"And once we do, you will pay for what you did." he directed at Chameleon.

"Exactly what did I do?" Chameleon mumbled.

Meanwhile, outside the van, Dudley was in the T.U.F.F. mobile, tailing the vehicle.

"Sorry ninjas, but no one messes with my friends." he said as he pushed one of the buttons. A small missle was launched at the van's back left wheel. The tire blew, and the van swerved.

"What's goin on?" one of the ninjas exclaimed.

"That lousy dog is out there again!" the driver yelled.

"What's the damage?"

"One blown tire. There's a 50% chance we'll make it-"

He was cut off by another loud bang, and the other back tire was out.

"Make that a 0% chance of making it."

The van came to a screeching stop. Chameleon used the distraction to take out the ninjas. He grabbed one with his tail, and flung him into the other one, knocking them out. Just then, the back doors were opened by Dudley.

"Was that awsome or what?" the dog asked.

"Just find the key to these handcuffs." Chameleon snapped.

"Fine, no thanks needed." Dudley muttered as he searched the ninjas for the key. After finding it, he unlocked the handcuffs, and the two jumped out of the van.

"Chameleon, Dudley!" Kitty yelled, driving up in a car. Chief and Kezwick sat in the back, both clinging to the apolstry for dear life.

"She dr-dr-drives fast." Kezwick stuttered.a

"Are you 2 ok?" Kitty asked.

"We're totally fine. I just pulled off the greatest rescue, EVER!" Dudley replied.

Then, the 3 ninjas got out of the van and approached them.

"Get ready guys." Kitty warned.

The cats pulled off their masks, revealing their true colors. One had brown fur and blue eyes. The second had black fur and green eyes, and the last had white fur and amber eyes.

The white pulled out a badge.

"In the name of the F.B.I., you are all under arrest." he said.

Everyone stared at them in shock and confusion.

"Uh, you can't be the good guys. We're the good guys." Dudley said.

"And we're the F.B.I. from Streetsdale."

"That reptile is a liar and theif. He has commited crimes throughout Streetsdale." the black furred one put in.

"He stole a secret file from our database." the brown one piped up angrily.

"I've never even been to Streetsdale." Chameleon replied.

Kitty thought for a minute, then gasped a little and pulled out the storage device, which Chameleon had dropped back in the restuarant.

"But I bet I know someone who has." she said, holding up the device.

Chameleon gasped as realization hit.

"You've been chasing the wrong chameleon," Kitty said as she tossed the device to the F.B.I., "Where's Karma?" she asked, turning to the others.

Dudley caught movement in the corner of his eye. He looked and saw Karma flying through the sky with a jetpack.

"Uhhh..." he pointed.

"Don't worry Chameleon, she won't get away with this." Kitty assured him.

Chameleon stared up at Karma, then glared. "No she will not."

He made a jetpack grow from his back, then took off after his cousin.

Karma was flying along when Chameleon flew and hovered in front of her.

"Hello, cousin." he grumbled.

"Oh, you're mad. I know I should have said goodbye, but you know me, I hate goodbyes." Karma smiled weakly.

"You're a criminal and stole from the F.B.I., and were going to let me take your place in prison."

"Oh that, well, yeah."

"You are going to do the right thing and turn yourself in."

"And what are YOU going to do if I don't?"

Chameleon stared nervously.

Karma smirked, then spun and hit him with her tail. He was sent flying downward.

"You forget, you taught me everything."

Chameleon regained his bearings, and glared up at her. "Not everything."

He changed into a dragon, and slapped her with his tail, which sent her flying downward. Then he returned to himself and flew into her. They both spiraled downward, before Chameleon turned into a parachute and they gently landed on the ground.

Karma elbowed him in the face, and ran. She was quickly stopped by the F.B.I. cats.

"Karma Chameleon, you are under arrest." the brown one announced.


Karma, in handcuffs, was being loaded into a prison van.

Chameleon watched with sadness.

"Hey, you gonna be ok?" Kitty asked.

"I will be. I'm still a little shocked over the whole 'my cousin's a wanted criminal' thing."

"Don't feel too bad, she chose this life."

"Still, I feel it's a little my fault. I wrote to her about my plans before I joined T.U.F.F..Maybe that's what caused her to be this way." Chameleon murmered as he looked at his cousin.

"Mark my words! I will get out of jail, 'cousin'. And when I do, you will PAY!" Karma vowed furiously as the door to the van was shut, and the van drove off.

"She won't be getting out of jail anytime soon. In the mean time, I think you agents have done enough for one day. Go home and get some rest." Chief said.

The trio consented, and got in the T.U.F.F. mobile and drove off.


The end. Hope you liked. I'll get the next story typed up as soon as possible. I'll give you the title, let's see if you can guess what it's about. It'll be called 'Crushing Reptile'. Boy, that'll be tough to figure out. *sarcasm*
