Time seemed to slow for Mashiro as Azuki stood before him; fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. "Um…" she started, casting quick glances up at him before completely averting her eyes. It was only the third time they had seen each other since high school. "I think…" her amber eyes locked with his, embarrassment and guilt strewn through them.

Oh no.

Only a week ago had Takagi and Mashiro working on a one shot, something they were planning to submit for another award hosted by one of Shonen Jump's many magazines and, as always, due to complications they would end up working right until the due date.

Azuki, Mashiro started, e-mailing his girlfriend about their recent, sleep absorbing, endeavour. Shujin and I are trying our best to win the next award. Always working hard to be with you! 3

Mashiro was well aware of how embarrassing the message was but, to him, Azuki was worth it. The artist smiled as he set down his phone and picked up his inking pen for he had no time to waste.

Not a moment later the phone rang, signifying that his love had responded.

Do your best! Mail me as soon as you are done!

Mashiro smiled, setting down his pen and leaning back in the chair that his uncle had once occupied. Azuki; cute and determined, always quick to respond, and always encouraging him onward. Who could ask for a better girlfriend? The mangaka certainly didn't, both surprised and still ecstatic that his crush had agreed to see him at all!

Yes, so naive and so fanciful was Mashiro that he didn't bother to question his crush's mail, not curious as to why she might have wanted him to contact her after he had finished drawing instead of after the results for the award came in. No, the artist was too busy with their dream, plans for the future, and – of course – the most pressing matter of finishing Shujin's and his current project. Lots to do and little time to do it in, just as it always was with the two friends.

Mashiro slid his phone to the far side of his desk, picked up his pen and dipped it into the ink. The nib slid across the rough paper, tracing over the graphite lines with ease and honed precision.

Yes. Nothing could break this spell of happiness that had washed over his life. Nothing.

A/N: Re uploading CH:1 for a noticed a few things wrong with it...oops~