Hey everyone! So this is my very first posted fan fiction EVER and I am sad to say it, but this is the final chapter. Please do not hate me, but I got a really good idea for a new story and I would like to put my energy into it. This story has pretty much hit its ending point anyway. I really hope you guys liked this story. Thank you for the reviews! You are all so wonderful! I love you guys!

Clare's POV:

I think I am about to marry Eli! It all started as I joke, but now we are sitting on a plane, so I'm thinking it's legit. Eli wouldn't tell me where we were going and he kept plugging my ears when the announcer came on the talk about how long until we arrived where ever we are going.

As Eli and I stepped off the plane, I knew exactly where we were. Eli brought me back to Vegas.

"Eli, what are we doing here?" I asked as I gripped onto his arm.

Eli's face fell, "You don't like it?"

Oh no, that was not what I meant. I shake my head, "No Eli, I love it! I just meant, are we getting married here?"

He nods, "As long as you want to. I just thought it would be perfect…you know, because of a few months ago."

I smile at the memory, "It is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful."

"You are wonderful Clare." He chuckles, "Damn, that was cheesy."

I giggled, "I love you Eli."

He smiled and pecked my forehead, "I love you too my sweet Clare."


Eli took me back to the hotel I first found him in. We walked in wildly blushing and grinning from ear to ear. Finally, I get to marry Eli. My Eli. Dr. Doom. Eli.

Eli took me to their wedding chapel and it was surprisingly gorgeous. He talked to the priest and convinced him to do a short notice wedding. Apparently they knew each other.

Eli and I walked up the aisle together and held hands at the altar. He smiled at me widely and mouthed "I love you"

I mouthed it right back and the preacher began, "Okay Eli, repeat after me."

He nods, "I, Elijah Goldsworthy, take you Clare Edwards, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

Eli repeated the words and now it was my turn.

"Ms. Edwards, please repeat after me. I, Clare Edwards, take you Elijah Goldsworthy, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

The preture continued, "Do you Mr. Goldsworthy take Ms. Edwards to be your wife?"

Eli nodded, "Hell yeah!"

The preture gave him a death stare and Eli coughed, "I- I mean I do."

I rolled my eyes, "And do you Ms. Edwards take Mr. Goldsworthy to be your husband."

I nodded, "I do."

The preture smiled, "Than by the power invested in me I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Goldsworthy, you may now kiss the bride."

And he kissed me. Now, my life was perfect.