Quatre's Aunt Revised

Author: Sinopa Ariyana

Chapter Two

It had been a week since he had received his last letter from his Aunt and he was finally caught up on his paperwork. Relaxing back he decided to call Duo and Heero and talk to them about his Aunt.


"Duo! It's Quatre. Is Heero around? I have a small favor to ask of the two of you."

~Yeah. Just a minute" he heard a muffled shout for Heero and a few minutes later they were both back and the vid option had been turned on.

~"We're back. So ask away Quatre."

"Well a few months ago I received a letter from one of my Aunt's. I had been told she was dead so I was cautious about revealing too much until I knew for sure it was her. I'm almost positive it is her but I was hoping that you could do some checking around for me. You know, look into her files and all." He told them.

The two former pilots shared a look before turning back to the vid-phone.

~Of course Quat! Just give us a name and we'll look into it for you." Duo told him, rather enthusiastically.

"Thank you both. Her name's Sakura. Sakura Dimentia Winner." He told them

~Okay. We'll look into it. Was there anything specific you wanted to know?"

"She is, or was a bodyguard. See if you can track down who her past employers have been. See what information you can find about where she's been for the past 10 or so years. Her training and credentials. Everything you can find on her, including Birth certificates and if there is indeed any death certificates."

~Will Do. So how have you been Q? How bad is the paperwork?" Duo asked

"Ughh. If I never see another piece of paperwork in my lifetime it will be too soon. I've just now gotten caught up on everything. It's why it took me so long to contact you guys. So how's it going at Preventers? Anything interesting?"

~I know what you mean. Anytime we even fire our weapons we have to fill in forms in triplicate. It's absolutely insane! It's interesting. Wufei once again lost another partner. Une is going nuts dealing with all the complaints that she gets about him." Duo chuckled.

"Ah. Sounds even more stressful than the paperwork here." Quatre said.

While Duo and Quatre continued to chat Heero got to work on looking into Quatre's Aunt. Eventually the call ended with Heero telling him that he would send him an email with all of the information once he had it compiled. They said their goodbyes and disconnected the call.

Sitting back in his chair he thought on what the look on the former perfect soldier's face meant. Duo had certainly been good for him. From what Trowa had told him Wufei also had a thing for both the former pilots but had not acted on it when he learned they were an item. He had agreed not to tell them but it seemed as if the two of them were both concerned about the former Shenlong pilot.

He hoped things worked out for them in the end. Glancing at the clock he sighed before getting some more work done. Hopefully if he got a head start on things he wouldn't be so stressed.

He had managed to make a good dent in the work so that should something arise he would have some leeway in which to get caught up again. He hoped it didn't come down to that though. That night as he lay in bed with his lover he couldn't help wondering what Heero and Duo would dig up on his Aunt. He hoped it wouldn't be damning evidence of treachery on some unknown person posing as his aunt. With those thoughts swirling in his head he drifted into a fitful sleep.

The next morning when he awoke he immediately checked his computer for any transmissions from Heero. Upon finding none he headed towards the bathroom to get ready for the day, his lover was already there when he made his way to their room.

While he waited he diceded to start another letter to his Aunt.


I was glad to see your letter. The mountains of paperwork are driving me insane. It seems as if I get one set done and fifteen more appear!

Maybe. Possibly. Yes all of my friends are taken and no you will not ge any information from me about them just yet. Maybe. Possibly. If the mountains of paperwork don't crush me first. Oh, God. Maybe I shouldn't introduce you to my friends on second thought. One prankster is enough to handle, but two? Let me hide first!

I am not even going to comment on your obsession with sharp and pointy weaponry or any weaponry really. Where were you during the wars? I am sure the Resistance could have used someone like you on their side. I am glad you've never gotten ahold of a light saber. Father would have ended up in teeny tiny pieces!

Well, after you 'died' me and Father had a falling out. I continuously acted out against him and up and left one day with nary a word to anyone. It's something that I have never regreted. You are definitely cool and smart. Just because you never finished school doesn't mean you're an idiot. One of my friends never had a proper education and he's very smart. Smart enough that he could easily create a company that would rival WEI if he wished. He claims he doesn't have the patience to run a business though. I think it's a load of bull but that my friend for you. Yes a little bit on one of my friends. I am eternally grateful for your training me in self-defense against Father's wishes.

What was your assignment? You have mentioned it several times and I am curious to know what it was. You keep saying you thought you were going to die. Did you want to die? You're not suicidal are you? I wouldn't think you are but you never can tell you know?

You better not. I am not pouting.

Oh. So how did they meet? Was it in school? I still don't understand how someone can be friendly rivals. Well, okay maybe I can but…eh, to each their own I guess.

So Harry's school is in Great Britain? Is it that fancy preppy school for special children that Father was hoping I'd get accepted to in Scotland? Really? Since when is sixteen mostly legal? I was sure it was eighteen all throughout the ESUN. WHAT?! He's a teacher!? Have you gone mad? At least this teacher is smart enough to know he could go to jail for having a relationship with a student. You will not be locking anyone in any closet of any kind. Though now I'm confused as well. Why would someone, a teacher at that, have a problem with any one student? You make it sound as If there is some sort of history between those two. Will you please explain?

Yes, I am well taken care of and that is all I'll say on the subject.

I am unsure when I'll be able to get away from this infernal paperwork. I'll let you know if I can get away any time soon.


Your Nephew Quatre

Having finished his missive to his Aunt he stuffed it in an envelope, addressed it and placed a stamp on it before setting it in with the rest of the mail to be mailed out tomorrow. He needed to get back to the paperwork. Sighing, he rubbed his temples. He was beginning to get a headache from staring at all of the words on the different forms he needed to review and sign off on.

**Two Weeks Later**

Quatre was once again seated at his desk, only this time he wasn't trying to catch up on paperwork. He was, in fact, completely caught up on all of his paperwork and was instead staring between an innocuous envelope sitting on his desk and his computer screen. On it there was a message from Heero which would contain all of the information on his Aunt and possibly reveal a very knowledgeable fraud. He wasn't sure which one he wanted to open first. As he sat looking between the two his lover came into the room and decided for him by clicking on the mouse to open the email their friend had sent.

"Better to know now Little one, before you become too attached." He said in lieu of an explanation.

Nodding, Quatre began to read.


Here's all of the information I was able to compile on one Sakura Dimentia Winner. Hope it proves useful._

Name: Sakura Dimentia Winner

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown; adopted by Quaterina Winner as younger sister.

Date of Birth: April 1, 163 AC

Highest Grade Completed: Grade 5

Marital Status: Single

Height: 160.02 cm (5'3) ((63in))

Weight: 81.64kg (180lbs)

Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Employment Record: Bodyguard from June 174 AC to June 185 AC. Note: Uncertified until Age 20. Teacher at Saryashki Junior High in Tokyo, Japan from AC 189-current Susbtitute Teacher at Meiou Prep Senior High School in Tokyo, Japan from AC194-current.

Background: Runaway at age 11, Certified Bodyguard Age 20, Unofficial POW(possibly civilian casualty), No Military Records or History, suspected of illegal criminal terrorist related activities (unconfirmed reports)((unsubstantiated)), Has served 30 days in county prison, Multiple Fines, Community Service, House Arrest, Parolee, Short-tempered.

Criminal History: Reckless Endangerment, Assault, Assault on a Police Officer, Drunk and Disorderly Conduct, Illegal Firearms, Carry concealed weapon without a permit, Traffic Violation; excessive speed, Traffic violation; unregistered vehicle, Traffic violation; driving without insurance, Traffic violation; excessive speed in school zone, traffic violation; excessive speed in work zone, traffic violation; driving w/o license, traffic violation; driving under suspended license, traffic violation; excessive speed, Violation of Noise ordinances, Assault w/ intent(acquited), aggravated assault (acquited), Damage to Private Property, Breaking and Entering, B&E, Attempted Assault, Parole Violation, Parole Violation; carrying concealed weapon w/o permit, Traffic Violation; Excessive Speed, Traffic Violation; Illegal Racing.

Notes: Trained in Martial Arts, History, Phys-Ed, Kendo, Taijutsu, Krav Maga, Jujitsu, Languages, Certified as a Translator, Permit to Carry concealed weapon, has been arrested, quick to throw a punch, community activist, Helps Troubled Pre-teens and Teens, Violent, Contradictive.

P.S. Quat, it seems most of her records are sealed but that was no problem for 'Ro. No record of any death certificates and it seems that despite having a continuing problem with speeding she's been clean of any other activity. 'Ro looked into the claims of terroristic activities and found the claims to have been made by several disgruntled people and there is no basis for them. It seems that she is who she says she is. Enclosed is the most recent "booking" photo. Hope that it really is your Aunt.



Quatre smiled as he finished reading the information that Heero and Duo had gathered. He chuckled slightly at the fact that his aunt apparently hadn't changed much since she still drove faster than was safe. He had to frown at all of the assault charges though as she had never seemed to be the type to simply hurt someone without some form of provocation and she had never had that short of a fuse. He clicked the attachment and laughed out loud, startling Trowa. That was his Aunt alright. Her Strawberry Blonde hair that was more on the red side of the spectrum, her blue eyes and the rather lewd gesture she was making with her hand even as she smiled for the camera. Even her style of dress was the same. Unconventional and extremely ancient. I mean what sane person would willing wear hakama's and a Gi all the time?

"It's her alright. She doesn't seem to have changed much except for the lines on her face. There's more of them than I remember." He told Trowa before picking up her letter and opening it.


I know the feeling. Teacher, remember? It will always be that way. I often swear that the paperwork gods are never satisfied unless I fill out forms in octuplicate.

Really now? That's uncalled for Angel. I may be a prankster with a need for speed but I know boundaries. There's got to be a reason I was born on April Fool's Day. So you have a friend or friends that like pranks? Then this person or persons will get along wonderfully with Harry as he knows a good prank when he sees it.

I was…indisposed. Rather unfortunate series of events. Okay I was in Scotland dealing with a crazy old goat for part of the wars. Cleaning up messes and protecting hoards of students. Ugh. Whatever was I thinking becoming a bodyguard? And I know about the resistance and who says I didn't help? If I did I certainly wouldn't make a big production out of it, now would I? I am not obsessed with sharp and pointy objects nor just any plain old weaponry. As for your father, I could have always stuffed him in a regen tank. Though I believe just the threat of meeting the business end of a light saber would have held him in check. And yes I have finished the plans for a regen tank. Just haven't decided if they are going to be of any use what with all the advanced medical techniques.

Now you sound like me. Nary a word, huh? Have you been reading my journals again? Because that is just…well, odd. I'm alive aren't I? You always were headstrong and I applaud you for having the courage to disappear and carve out your own path. Really? He sounds smart. I make up for my lack of smarticles(not a word) by being street savvy and rather brash and cunning. I am a teacher. Mind you it's not anything complicated like math or science so not much to write about there.

It's classified. Okay it's not really classified. Much. Let's just say that protecting a VIP is much harder than it seems, especially when said VIP's family is the one your protecting them from. Oh and tracking down some rather seedy characters. That is all I will say on the subject. No I did not nor do I want to die. I just had a realistic view on things. It was a dangerous assignments considering who that target I was protecting was and knew it was probable I would die. Yes, I do know.

You are so pouting.

They met first day of school while waiting to be sorted. It's a boarding school and they have four different "houses" sort of like a sorority/frat combined thing, without all the drinking and sex. So yes it was at school. Draco told Harry that he shouldn't associate with a kid that Harry had met on the train to school and then offered his hand in friendship. Harry didn't take to kindly to someone insulting his new friend like that.

Scotland to be precise. Yes, it is that school. Be glad you didn't get accepted. The headmaster is a crazy, manipulative, irresponsible old goat. It is in Great Britain. Especially since Harry is the last male heir to a rather old family. Calm it down, Angel. Yes, Severus is a teacher. No I haven't gone mad, I am already insane. Don't take that tone with me. Yes, Severus is very smart and I will lock them in closets if I want. Remember Harry will have graduated by the time he turns 17 and so, will be a legal adult. He went to school with Harry's parents and is the same age as they would be. Mind you James and Lily got married right out of school at 17 and had Harry when they were 18. Severus and James' Harry's father, had quite the rivalry. Actually James was quite the bully throughout most of their school years and Sev took that out on Harry when he first started school. He couldn't disassociate Harry and James until Harry was 14. Long story on why he realized that Harry is nothing like his father.

That's alright kiddo. I understand about paperwork. Hopeto hear back from you soon.


Your Aunt

Quatre set the letter from his Aunt down as he processed all that he had learned. He was startled out of his reverie by a hand landing on his shoulder.

"You going to visit her now?" his fiancé asked.

"I don't know. I want to but I have so much to do here and I would rather not go alone." He told his taller lover.

"Let your sister's take care of WEI for a bit. You need a vacation, little one. We all do. I am sure if you ask Chang, Maxwell and Yuy will accompany us."

"That…is a great idea Trowa. Thanks." He said, standing up and pecking his lover on the lips before dashing over to the vidphone to make the calls.


AN: Yes I do know that with as many traffic violations that Sakura has had she should no longer have a license(at least here in the US) but this IS Fanfiction so call it creative licensing. I wanted to try and stay away from all those perfect mary-sue types and having a criminal record as long as hers helped. I also know that her being a bodyguard so young was unbelievable hence why she wasn't certified until she was 20 so she was obviously a shady bodyguard that came with VERY good references. Her knowing several ways to fight would be part of that Bodyguard training she received both officially and unofficially. I also made sure she wasn't perfect in the looks department. No skinny women here. You're offended? Then piss off. I don't glamorize my characters to be "acceptably" thin (anorexic more like it) and if you don't like that then you can just click that back button. Don't bother flaming either as it will be used to embarrass the hell out of you and heat my home. Stupid Weather. For those of you that enjoyed the newer revised version of this fic and this new chapter thank you and I would love to hear your thoughts on it. All reviews, comments and constructive criticism are welcomed. Any thoughts on how to improve are also welcomed but if you are going to flame me than you know what will happen. Anonymous or not I will still enjoy laughing in the face of flames.