Title: Call It Off
Chapter: 1 : Sonny's Call
Pairing: Sonny/Alex, Alex/Stevie (all characters belong to disney channel)
Summary: (inspired by a Tegan & Sara song) After their break up, Alex is heartbroken over Sonny. When it feels like theres no hope for happiness, her "dead" best friend comes back into her life. After accepting that Stevie is very much alive, her old feelings come back to her where as Stevie never let hers go. Will Alex give Stevie a chance or call it off?

It was almost midnight when Justin came into the living room of their New York apartment above the Waverly Substation. Harper was sitting on the couch typing away on her laptop.

"Hey Harper. Where's Alex?" he asked.

"She's on the phone with Sonny," she replied pointing at the door to the balcony."It doesn't sound too good."

"What do you mean?"

"She's been crying and I heard her yelling earlier. I think this maybe their last fight," looking concerned. She hated sing her "sister/best friend" this way.

Justin walked to the window to see his little sister sitting in the corner on the floor of the balcony. He couldn't see her face because of her hair, but he knew she'd been crying. She kept reaching for her face and wiping her make-up on her yellow jacket sleeve. He could hear her conversation, but barely because she hadn't shut the door all the way.

"You say that without magic you have nothing. Sometimes I wish you never even know what magic was. Then, maybe I would've been something you'd be good at," Sonny said with a shakey voice on the other end sniffling.

"Sonny, please. I love you. I'll come visit you more. I wont talk about or do magic around you anymore. Just please don't do this," Alex belted into the phone pleading to keep her girlfriend. "I love you more than anything. Even magic."

"I know, I love you too. But I just can't deal with this wizard stuff anymore. And I just can't be the reason you give up your powers. I love you, Alex. I'm sorry...I have to go," she whimpered into the phone.

"SONNY, WAIT!"...but she'd already hung up.

Alex slid her phone shut and rested her forehead on her knees as the tears came uncontrolably followed by the sobbing.

She lost track of time while she sat there with her face leaking. Just as she started to be able to control herself and breathe, she heard the sound of boots on the concrete balcony. She looked up to find Justin walking toward her. Quickly she wiped her face with both arm sleeves of her jacket.

"What do you want submarine boy?" she spat at him as he came and sat on the floor next to her.

"I came to see if you're okay," he replied. Alex always drove him crazy, but she was his little sister and he loved her. Seeing her like this killed him and somewhat made him angry that someone had hurt her. "Believe it or not, I hate seeing you like this," his words genuine and his gaze soft.

"Why do you care?" Trying not to cry again and averting eye contact.

Justin sighed.

"Because you're my little sister and I love you. Now, you wanna tell me why you're crying?" he said pushing her hair over her shoulder.

Alex stared at her brother hesitating. Tears filled her eyes once more as she began to cave and the tears spilled onto her cheeks.

"Sonny dumped me!" she practically screamed and began sobbing again.

Justin put his arm around her and she fell into the side of his chest.

"Jeez...Alex I'm so so sorry. I know how much she meant to you," he said squeezing his sister to him.

Alex said nothing. Just clung to her brother who held her as she cried, playing with her hair and repeating over and over again, "Everything's gonna be okay."

She doesn't know how long she sat there with Justin, but finally got hold of herself and sat up wiping her face once again with her make-up stained sleeve.

"Thanks Justin. Sorry about your shirt. I know you've already showered but to be fair its an improvement," she said to him. No matter what was going on in her life, sarcasm never left her.

"Ah, it's okay. But...are you?" looking very concerned.

Alex sighed and looked up at the sky to see a plane's lights blinking. One thing about the city that sucked was there were never any stars. But she didn't mind it too much.

"I don't know," she said looking back at her brother."I just need a little time, I guess."

Justin smiled as he remembered the reason he'd asked Harper where she was.

"OH! The reason I was looking for you! You're never gonna guess who I could've swarm I saw today outside the substation."

"Who?" not completely interested.

"I mean, it OBVIOUSLY couldn't have been, but she sure did look a lot like her," babbling to himself.

"OH MY GOODNESS Justin, WHO?" already annoyed.

Justin laughed at Alex's impatience before he answered.

"A girl who could've passed as Stevie's twin."

Another sting to her heart.

Alex had met Sonny only months after Stevie's "death". Alex was heart broken over seeing her best friend's frozen body shatter to pieces next Stevie's unconscious brother, Warren. All because of Max's clumsy hands. Meeting Sonny helped her through this hard time.

Now, she was gone...out of her life. Just like Mason and just like Stevie.

Alex went to bed that night with her Ipod playing songs that reminded her of Sonny. She fell asleep and dreamed of her.

Every night for months Alex dreamed of Sonny only to wake up in tears and covered in sweat. Her depression grew as she fell deeper into it. She'd thought of suicide as a comfort only to make herself laugh because she'd never act on it.

(Alex's mental babble)
"Maybe if I give up my powers, things would be easier. Maybe I could get her back even. But, then I wouldn't be able to transport to L.A. anytime I wanted to see her. Damnit...what am I suppose to do."

Just as Alex put the last dish plate in the cabnet there was a knock at the door.

Groaning and sighing, Alex began walking to answer it.

"Great...more miserable people in this miserable town come to this miserable house to see my miserable face. God Alex shut up."

She wasn't in the mood to see anyone. She hadn't had a visitor in over a month and she liked it that way. She was hurting. She had lost all hope at being happy again. Not getting dressed, sitting around the house all day, not signing up for the fall semester at the community college shed been attending. It was like the light inside her had burn out. Not even Harper could get very many laughs out of her. And Harper always made everything better.

"All hope for happiness is gone...nothing could make any of this better," she told herself quietly.

Until she turned the knob and opened the door.

Alex froze.

"It can't be.."she whispered to herself staring at the person standing in the hall.

"Hi, Alex," Stevie said quietly, "can we talk?"

At that moment, Alex Russo's life took another crazy turn. Things were gonna change all over again.