***A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys. I'm still around. I just didn't have the time to update because of a big fluster f**k of drama going on in my house hold and I'm going through a lot right now. But I didn't forget about you or this story. I am dealing with a bit of writer's block. I know how I want this story to play out and I have a bunch of sticky notes with everything I want to happen written down, but I just don't know how to word it or put it together. So if y'all have any idea's or suggestions, feel free to let me know. I'll see if i can work it into the story. Anyway, enough of my blabber mouth. I hope you enjoy this chapter. And thanks for not giving up on me yet. 3 Amber ***

-Sonny's P.O.V.-

We sat in a corner booth next to the window. She sat across from me and I admired the way the sun shone through the window bringing out the natural brown highlights in her hair. She smiled at me and I felt the same flutter in my stomach I did each time I saw her. She's just as beautiful as the day I met her. I smiled back.

"You look great." I finally said.

"So do you." Her voice was soft and sweet. And just for a second she looked at me the way she did the 1st time she said 'I love you', before she looked at her hands on the table. She was picking at her nails, which she usually did when she was nervous. After a long silence I finally spoke.

"So, I've been trying to call you for a while…" I started.

"I'm sorry about that. I've just had a lot going on. So what's up?" she leaned forward, hands locked together, ready to listen. So I continued.

"I came to New York to record an album, and-"

"Sonny, that's awesome!" She interrupted and came around to sit next to me and hugged me. Her long arms around my neck made my heart race. She pulled away still smiling.

"Congratulations." She said. She was always so supportive of my music which was one of the best things about her. And as she smiled at me I remembered, that's what made me notice her in the 1st place.

"I wanted to know if you'd be the album artist."

Her smile faded slowly. She blinked then shook herself. "Wh-What?"

"I told the record label I knew this amazing artist and they want to have a meeting with you." I could see the excitement grow on her face. "So, would you be interested?"

"You're serious?"

"Very." I said.

Her face lit up and she squealed wrapping her arms around my torso pinning my arms to my side. I laughed loudly as she said, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" before releasing me and jumping up to do her little happy dance. But she stopped, staring away from us. I followed her gaze to a girl with shaggy hair talking to her little brother Max. I couldn't see her face because her back was turned to us, but as she walked into the kitchen, Max gave Alex a strange look. Then he looked at me, smiled big and waved. I waved back and Alex turned around and sat down across from me again. She didn't look or sound as excited as a few seconds ago.

"Before I say yes," she stared. "I should probably tell you why I haven't been returning your calls."

I watched her and listened to her carefully as she explained the events going on in her life over the last nearly month and a half. Minutes later I stared across at her. Highly aware of the shock on my face and open mouth, as she stared back quietly.

"Please say something." She told me after a long silence.

"I…" I started, but my thoughts were so jumbled. I couldn't believe it. I just kept thinking over and over again about the story she'd told me about Stevie a year ago. There was just no way. "That's impossible." I said finally finding my voice. She nodded sucking on her lip.

"That's what I said." She said like it was nothing.

"No, Alex." I said sitting on the edge of my seat dropping my voice as a few customers walked by. "I mean, how do you bring someone back from the dead with magic?'

"I don't know, but I have a feeling it wasn't just Warren's spell." She smiled and looked at her hands.

I sat for a moment thinking and studying her carefully. "So, you ignored me because you thought I'd be freaked out that your dead best friend isn't dead anymore?" As I finished I realized the answer was obvious. "Well, yeah. I'm not gonna lie. It's a little weird," I confessed but my voice softened. "But that's no reason to ignore me."

"Actually," she began. "That's not why I stopped returning your calls."

"Then why?" I was a little hurt. She was my best friend. My 1st true love. My rock. My everything. "I thought it'd be easier to just stop talking to you. I didn't want to hurt you," her face guilty. "But I didn't want to hurt her either."

Okay, now I'm confused. "Lexi, what are you talking about?"

She looked me in the eyes. "Stevie's my girlfriend." She practically whispered.

WHAM! It was like someone had punched me in the face. I sat back staring at her. The only person I'd ever truly loved, my biggest inspiration, the only reason I decided to record in New York instead of L.A., was seeing someone. But I smiled anyway and she slowly returned it.

"So you're happy?"

She looked back to the counter where that girl was returning someone's change. When she looked up from the register, flipped her hair out of her face and smiled at the man and his daughter. I realized who she was. It was her. Stevie. When I looked back at Alex, she had her sweet smile. And I knew.

"Yes." She finally said looking back at me. "And," she looked at her hands. "I want you to meet her." She glanced up without moving her head chewing her bottom lip.

"I'd love to." I laughed. Although it hurt knowing she'd moved on, she looked so cute when she looked at me that way. Plus, she was happy. I watched as her long legs lead her across the restaurant to the counter quickly. She grabbed Stevie's wrist as she was about to re-enter the kitchen pulling her toward where I sat. I smiled standing as they approached.

With her bright smile, Alex stood to her left holding her hand. "Sonny, this is Stevie."

-Stevie's P.O.V.-

"Stevie, this is Sonny." Alex said holding my hand as Sonny held out hers. Her smile was friendly and sweet and genuine. Her dark brown eyes glistened. She was MUCH more attractive up close, than on stage or in a picture. She was absolutely beautiful.

"It's nice to meet you." She said to me as I shook her hand.

"Likewise." I said smiling. "Great show last night by the way."

"Thank you." She said looking at my hand, before dropping it. I felt a quick small wave of dizziness come over me and grabbed onto Alex's arm with my other hand for balance. She and Sonny both grabbed my arms.

"Are you okay?" Sonny asked and I grinned. My girlfriends ex is concerned. Maybe she's as kind hearted as they said she was.

"Yeah," I straightened. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Alex asked quietly.

"Yes." I smiled at her. "But I think I'm gonna take your parents advice and take the day off."

Max took over my shift and I went upstairs with Alex, Theresa, Sonny, and Connie. I sat at the table with Sonny and Alex. Sonny was sweet and pretty funny. She kept making me laugh as she told Alex about the 'So Random's' newest cast member. Her impressions of Tawni's reaction to the 16-year-old farm girl were classic. I knew who Tawni Hart was. I'd caught a few episodes of Mackenzie Fall's that she'd guest starred on. And I gotta say, though I've never seen 'So Random', she's definitely gotta be better at comedy. Because she made that Kristen Stewart girl look like a good actor.

The way she was with Alex was like they were best friends. I sensed no tension between them. And she even smiled genuinely when Alex kissed me. Her smile was breath taking. I'm not sure if thinking my girlfriends ex is hot was weird or not. But her personality made her beauty more vibrant. And I could see why Alex had fallen for this girl right away. And she was still looking for musicians to play on her album.

"The record label said I could pick each band member since Nick was the only one willing to come to New York. The only problem is, I don't know any musicians in New York." Sonny said a little disappointed.

"Stevie plays a few instruments." Alex said matter-of-factly. My heart nearly stopped.

"Really?" Sonny smiled excitedly and looked at me.

"Yeah. Guitar, drums, and keyboard." Alex didn't even let me answer. 'What the hell is she doing?' I thought to myself.

"Can I hear you play?" Sonny was still looking at me with that bright smile. And Alex was smiling just the same at me. I couldn't say no.

"Sure." I said. We went upstairs to Alex's room where my keyboard and the ocean blue acoustic Alex got me for Christmas were. I sat on a stool in front of my keyboard and set the sheet music out in front of me. "I've been working on this for a few hours…"

"Hours?" Sonny raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I started this morning on my guitar. It's not finished, and I haven't started on the lyrics yet, but whatever."

They sat on the floor and I played a little of what I'd written. To my surprise Sonny smiled when I'd finished. Alex stared at me with an awed expression.

"What's it called?" Sonny asked.

"I'm sorry?"

"The song. What's it called?"

"I don't know yet." I answered bashfully.

"It sounds great."



Somehow me playing them my song moved to Sonny offering me a spot on the album if the label approved. I accepted once she said Alex and I would both be getting paid. I've known this girl for only a few hours and already she's offered me a job. Usually, I'd be freaked.

Ever since I woke up I've been able to see the bad in people. There was nothing about this girl I couldn't trust. She was completely pure. I couldn't see the good in everyone right away, but I could still see it.

Sonny explained that in a few days, Alex would meet with the art director and I would play for the label and her manager. They had to approve of the musicians in the band of course. Which I thought was kinda stupid for and 8 song E.P. But whatever.

After dinner, Sonny, Alex, Harper and I went for a walk. We all talked and laughed like it was an everyday thing for us. Alex and Sonny went to get us all coffee. While Harper and I watched them walk away Harper questioned me.

"You're taking this extremely well." She said to me.


"Aren't you the least bit jealous?" She was a little confused.

"No. I trust Alex. And I actually kinda like Sonny. She's pretty cool." I smiled.

"Wow." Harper looked surprised.

"I have a question." I lowered my voice. "When are you and Justin gonna tell everyone you're pregnant?"

Harper tensed. Her eyes widened. She wore an obvious look of shock. "How did you know that?" She demanded quietly.

I smiled. "You've had this glow around you since I've been around. And I saw you and him together before when I was hanging around."

Harper turned red in the cheeks. "What glow?"

"It's not something anyone else can see. But it's bright and it's mostly around your middle." I motioned to her stomach.

She put a hand to her belly when I did this. A pleasant smile spread across her face. "Max is the only one who knows. And well, now you. We were gonna tell them New Year's Eve. But now…" her voice faded and she looked at me with sad brown eyes. My heart sank. "We just wanted to wait a little longer." She tried to cover up her mistake. They weren't sharing their news because of me.

"Harper, New Year's is the perfect time to tell them." She smiled at me. "They're gonna be so happy." Her smile turned smug when I reassured her.

"Max is dying for a nephew." She laughed.

"Well he's gonna have to wait for the next one. I laughed with her.

She looked at me. "It's…it's a girl?" She whispered. I nodded and her smile grew.

"What are you so happy about?" Alex asked Harper handing me my coffee.

"Nothing." She said taking the coffee Sonny offered.

I Laughed as Alex sat on my left and Sonny on Harper's right.

-Sonny's P.O.V.-

After our little stroll through the park, we went back to the apartment. I said goodnight to Mr. and Mrs. Russo, Stevie and Harper. Alex walked my mother and me to the cab waiting outside. Mom got in the car as I said goodnight to Alex.

"This was fun." I said to her.

"Yeah, it was." Alex smiled.

"I really like Stevie."


"Yeah, she's really sweet. She's nothing like the mischief you said she was." I laughed.

"She changed a lot when she woke up. Mason said the 'experience' awoke the inner light she always hid." Her smile grew.

"Well, I can't wait to work with her. We should do this again soon."

"Okay. Sounds great."

"I'll see you in a few days."

She pulled me in for a hug. Her strong arms wrapped around my waist hugging me tight. I squeezed her back, inhaling her scent. I didn't want to let her go, but reluctantly I did.

"Goodnight Lexi."

"Night Allison."

The whole way home I held back tears. Yes, I did like Stevie. I didn't lie. And of course I was happy for Alex. But inside, my heart was breaking. I love her. And I made a HUGE mistake by letter her go.

But I was too late.