This chapter… oh this chapter was just evil. It's been what, six months? I'm so incredibly sorry. I'm usually not such a shitty updater. I really feel bad. So, next time, just yell at me after a few months. I promise, I will do better to update. Thanks so much to nikki, fbunnym, Ingrid, Anne Whitehead, December-Apples, Uriahaddy, regina chamberlin, Gwathren, Sara Jessica Grissom, NakedKing, sarlovesoccer , Reader, writergirl99, Jaz-LiL-Bai, Renee 213, TwoBecomeOne, Anon, Hermiony, Brigid Light, Dragonflm61 and marion for reviewing the last chapter and anyone who's stuck with the fic. You guys are why I still write.

A/N: So, since I couldn't think of a real good straight up chappy after all this time, I just combined what I have (surprisingly it actually goes together :D) and here it is. I know there's not much of the squints, but they will be later on. They have a much bigger part to play. Muhahahahahah.

(42 hours earlier)

The microchip that had been discovered had generated a lot of buzz around the lab. Many squints had flocked to see it and Booth had gleaned that a chip the size of a tooth had never been found to hold as much data as this one had. Angela had even stated that it was impossible. Now, Angela, some geeky guys from the tech department and Bones were all trying to decipher the files so they would be legible to the human eye.

Booth; trying to avoid any strange conversations he would invariably end up having with the scientists, was lounging on Bones' couch, pulling up data on a laptop. His guys back at the Hoover had pulled through and had dug up the records concerning the ownership of the warehouse the body had been found in.

For the past several months, it had been labelled vacant, but before that a group called Heatherthorn inc. had been the proud owners. When Booth had tried to dig into Heatherthorn, he had been stone-walled. Calling in nearly all of the favours he could, he discovered that it wasn't even a legit company; just a front for something else. What the something else was, he hadn't a sweet clue.

Growling in frustration and anger, Booth set the computer aside with a thunk and walked out of Bones' office. Noticing her back up on the platform huddling over the body, he started over. But he was intercepted by Hodgins.

"Booth, I got your analysis of the liquid from the crime scene. You would not believe what I found." The scientist was practically bouncing from foot to foot.

"Spit it out Hodgins." Booth snapped irritably.

"It's got traces of blood, oil, candle wax and your run of the mill herb concoction. But that's not what's weird." Hodgins had the biggest shit eating grin on his face and Booth struggled not to deck him.

"Dr. Hodgins, I would not finish that sentence if I were you." A hauntingly familiar female voice drifted from the entrance of the lab. Booth and Hodgins turned simultaneously to watch a tall and lanky woman with a mass of black hair and dark eyes head toward them. From the corner of his eye, Booth noticed the squint's mouth fall open. He smacked him across the back of the head.

Faith laughed to herself and stopped in front of Angel… Booth nowadays. "Agent Booth." She said, extending her hand. He took it and they shared a look that he could instantly read as they would talk later. She turned to Hodgins, the small smile turning a little feral as she sized up the scientist. Booth smirked, hoping she wouldn't hurt the man too bad.

"I'm Agent Lehan. I trust you won't mind if I debrief you on your finding?" She asked her voice silky smooth. Hodgins seemed to recover a bit and swallowed loudly.

"What agency are you from?" He asked slyly, a cocky grin surfacing on his face. Booth shook his head. Already the squint had bitten off more than he could chew. Faith slowly lost her smirk, a dark look in her eyes. Instead of replying, she re-extended her hand to Booth, who caught it and felt the quick fingers of the dark Slayer slip a small wad of paper into his hands. He nodded at her and walked off.

Right as he exited his magnified hearing range, he heard Faith briskly inform Hodgins that he would be coming with her and would have to be debriefed. Considering that she had already turned on the charm, the squint didn't stand a chance.

Entering Bones' office for the second time, Booth looked down at the piece of paper. 23 Memorial Street, 12:30. See you then.

(39 hours earlier)

"So you understand fully?" Faith asked Dr. Hodgins, leaning casually against the interview table. He continued to stare at the documents in front of him. She sighed and pushed off from the wall. Why did she always have to end up with the crazies or conspiracy nuts.

"I knew it. There was something funky about those tests. Obvious. This explains everything. If only…" Hodgins began to mutter on, go over some conspiracies even Faith herself hadn't heard about. But then again, she dealt mostly with the paranormal, even though her job frequently shoved her into the normal world.

Slamming her hands down on the table, she was pleased when he jumped about a foot. "I said, do you understand fully?" She kept her voice kind and smothered in charm, when all she really wanted to do was kick the annoying little man. Hodgins looked her in the eye and nodded, something sharp coming into his eyes. It surprised her a little, making her straighten. This was the first time she had seen anything remotely interesting in the man.

"I will tell no one what I found. I won't breathe a word about it. It's a matter of international security. I will be charged and arrested if I do say anything." He rattled off, quoting her. The feiry intensity in his gaze had her nodding to herself.

"Alright. You can go." She wiggled her eyes at him, wanting to have a little more fun. "Dr. Sexy." At his expression of utter shock, a roar of laughter swept through her. For the next few days, it would still bring a smile to her face.

(35 hours earlier)

Booth narrowed his eyes, shielding them from the incessant rain as he cautiously studied the old, crumbled apartment building that had been out of commission for months. When had the IWC started squatting? He wondered to himself.

Finally approaching, he lifted a hand to knock, but the door was pulled open before his knuckles could hit the wood. He met Spike's rugged gaze with a small jerk of surprise. He had thought that the bleach blond vampire was in Europe. Spike recognized the look and grinned. Anything the piss Peaches off just made his day.

"What are you doing here?" Booth ground out. Even though they had parted on amicable enough terms back in LA, he still didn't like Spike very much. Spike just stepped backwards into the dark and mouldy building.

"You're wanted at HQ Peaches."

"Don't call me that." Spike just smiled coyly. Sighing, Booth followed him into the house.

Luv you all (and so does my muse. *wink*) :D