Ikuto groaned as the light from the setting sun continued pouring through the window, and he asked Zero to close the curtains. The sunlight was becoming too much for his eyes, he must've had a migraine. He threw one arm over his eyes and closed them. Yoru, disgusted by what had occurred while he and Ikuto were in their Chara-transformation, had dove into the sink of Ikuto's dorm room after filling it up to the rim with steaming hot water; right now, he was asleep in his Chara egg.

"You okay?" Zero asked, sitting next to Ikuto and stroking his face gently. He was really, truly concerned about his blue-haired angel, (he officially decided on that nickname only a minute ago). When they finished having sex, Ikuto had suddenly very nearly passed out saying something about extreme pain throughout his body. At first, Zero thought it was his fault, but he soon recognized the symptoms as flu-like.

"No," Ikuto groaned through a scratchy voice. "I feel like I'm about to puke up everything I've eaten the past three days."

Zero nodded and stood up. "If I go get you some medicine, you're not going to send Yoru to bring me back on an 'emergency,' right?"

Ikuto chuckled humorlessly. "Don't worry about it, that won't happen."

With that, Zero left for the clinic in the main building. A few minutes after he left, Ikuto leaned over the side of his bed and heaved into the white plastic trashcan Zero had set next to his bed. What had made him so sick all of a sudden? He'd felt fine only a few hours ago, and then suddenly overwhelming pain and nausea hit him like a brick wall.

He looked up at the window when he heard a click and felt a breeze waft across his skin. Shivering, he stood up with his blanket around his shoulders and drug his feet across the room to shut the window again. "Ugh," he groaned and held onto his stomach, stopping for a moment before turning around to walk back to his bed, only to stop when he saw Kaname sitting at the foot of his bed.

"Tsukiyomi," Kaname said in a simple greeting.

"K-Kaname?" Ikuto's eyes widened.

"Feeling a little sick?" Kaname gestured back to the rest of the bed. "Maybe you should lie down."

"I don't know if I want to." Ikuto took a single step back and then almost fell over when a wave of dizziness struck him. He fell off to the side, expecting to hit the ground but finding himself landing in Kaname's arms, his blanket floating softly to the floor. "Let go of me," he argued weakly.

"If I do that, you'll fall," Kaname swept the sick boy into his arms bridal style, "you need to be in bed."

Reluctantly, Ikuto let himself be carried back to his bed and have his blanket be thrown over him. "Thanks," he muttered, "I guess." His face turned light red.

Kaname sat down next to Ikuto and rested his hand on the side of the blue-haired boy's face, and made him look him in his eyes. "You're cute when you blush," he purred.

Ikuto's eyes widened, he wanted to jerk away and yell for Zero, hoping his silver-haired prince was nearby, but he couldn't. His eyes were transfixed on the beautiful eyes of the pureblood vampire in front of him. This is insane! I-I love Zero…so why am I feeling attracted to this guy?

Kaname lowered his head so that his lips met Ikuto's roughly before moving down to Ikuto's neck, licking every inch he could as he did. He ran his fangs over the gauze strip covering up where he had bit down earlier, tearing it away and revealing the dried blood surrounding the two puncture wounds there. Slowly, he licked away the dried blood and ran his tongue over the bite marks.

Ikuto turned a brighter shade of red and gasped. He could feel some of the pain and sickness go away at the touch of the vampire's saliva and really wanted it to continue so that all of the pain and sickness would vanish. "Kaname," he groaned.

Kaname leaned up. "Is the pain going away?" Ikuto nodded. "I can make it go away for good."

"Please do."

As he leaned back down, Kaname bared his fangs and sank his teeth into Ikuto's throat right next to the bite marks from before.

Not expecting the harsh, sharp pain, Ikuto screamed. His eyes widened and he could've sworn that he was about to pass out from the pain. Black overtook him more than once but never for more than a few seconds at a time. He suddenly wished Zero was there taking the pain away instead of Kaname, he knew that his lover wouldn't allow that much pain to course through his body as he was trying to help him.

With a quick singular squelching noise, Kaname's fangs left Ikuto's neck with some of blood dripping out of his mouth. He smiled and leaned up, licking his lips clean as he did. "Is the pain gone, love?"

Ikuto took loud, gasping breaths as the pain slowly dulled and he felt the sickness wash away from him. "Y," he took another breath, "Yeah."

"That's good. Now," Kaname straddled Ikuto's waist, "let's have some fun."

"No!" Ikuto tried, without success, to push Kaname off of him.

As Kaname moved to pin down Ikuto's wrists, the door open to Zero holding flu medicine and the handgun. His eyes were narrowed in anger and he lifted the gun at Kaname. "Get the fuck off of my man," he growled.

Kaname looked over and smirked before he leaned down and licked a little more blood off of Ikuto's neck. "He tastes so great though."

"Get. Off. Him!" Zero pulled the trigger of his gun, a loud bang resonating through the dorms.

Unfortunately, Kaname jumped back just in time to avoid the bullet that implanted itself in the wall next to Ikuto's bed. He threw open the window and before leaping out said, "I did you a favor Kiryu, now you don't have to worry about killing him." With that, Kaname leapt out of the window and to the ground to make his way to class.

Zero slipped his gun back into the waistband of his pants and closed the window before turning back to Ikuto. He saw the blood there and wiped it up. His eyes widened when he saw the puncture wounds gone and the skin of his lover's neck completely untouched. "Godammit."

"What's wrong?" Ikuto didn't understand what made Zero so angry, he hadn't felt that good in months.

"Godammit, Kaname!" Zero growled. "I'll fucking kill him!" He gathered Ikuto into his arms and squeezed him against his chest, feeling Ikuto unintentionally brushing his new fangs across the skin of his neck. "I'll kill him for turning you into this monster."