Flare's First kiss

I've got writers block for Ashamed so here's some Flare goodness for you guys.

Summary: Clare and Fitz's first kiss. Clare's not like her on Degrassi.

"Come on please." Clare pleaded with her boyfriend Fitz; she wanted him to let her take a coupley picture of her and him.

"Why do you want one?" He asked. They were in Fitz's bedroom on his bed; Clare was lying next to him as he tried to keep her from taking a picture of them.

"It's going to be our couple thing." Clare said smiling.

"What do you mean by couple thing?" He asked kissing her on the lips. She laughed a little.

"Every couple have something that's just for them, Alli and Johnny got matching tattoos, Jenna and KC have the no condom rule and Adam and Fiona have the no physical stuff. This photo is going to be out thing." Clare explained proudly. Fitz scratched his head thinking.

"God, fine." He said giving in.

"Yay!" Clare squealed excitedly. Fitz laughed at how happy Clare was. He shifted on the bed.

"Let's just get this over with." He said in defeat, Clare pecked his cheek.

"Ok." She said, Fitz leaned closer to her and she held the camera she had in her hands up in front of them. Fitz grudgingly smiled and Clare smiled as well and she took the picture. After she took it Fitz turned to Clare who was looking at the picture on the camera and smiling.

"Is it good?" He asked, Clare turned her head to him and showed him the camera. In the picture he saw Clare and him smiling, he rolled his eyes at how cliché it was.

"That is the most cliché picture I've ever seen." He said not really meaning to.

"That's that point, our thing is to have a cliché photo." Clare said. Fitz snaked his arm around Clare's waist and pulled her on top of him and kissed her gently. Clare pulled back and placed the camera on Fitz's bedside table and kissed Fitz deeply. Fitz held her tightly in his arms not wanting to let go. Clare placed both of her hands onto the sides of Fitz's face.

I'm having major writers block for my other story. Reviews for this please.