Hello people of fanfiction! I'm a pretty happy person right now, thanks to new personal record for me on the two mile in track, a time that made me get first against the best distance team in our section and helped us top beat them! Also, a boy I really like named Joey just asked me to the freshman farewell in May, so I thought, why not write a chapter for my story? Sorry for going off like this, please read and review!

Elliot struggled with Ryan for a few minutes, the man even stronger than he was. He just couldn't get the upper hand on him. He saw out of the corner of his eye, Olivia and Lizzie on the steps of the courthouse, being almost trampled by the crowd. The motivation to get to them gave him the strength to land a punch on Ryan's nose that resulted in a crack, and Ryan stumbling back, holding his broken nose. At that moment, a regular police officer, slapped handcuffs on him quickly, and Munch and Fin appeared out of nowhere to grab him, Ryan still thrashing away.

Jackson had tried to run, and had almost gotten away until the most unlikely of events happened. He had a heart attack. He was quite an old man, and he had been doing a lot in the past hour or so. An onlooker who had no idea that he was a murderer called 911 and gave him CPR. She later tearfully told police how he had grabbed at her after he was stable.

Elliot sprinted to the courthouse steps as soon as he could, and got to his daughter ad true love, fearing the worst. "Lizzie! Liv!" He reached them and knelt down, calling for medics to help him. They were both knocked out, but both stirred as the medics swarmed them, looking for injuries, than loading them on stretchers and taking them to a hospital to be checked out.

Olivia woke up and glanced around the room immediately for Lizzie. She saw her, in the bed opposite her, and breathed a sigh of relief. Besides a cast on her left arm and the fast that she was still unconscious, the girl seemed okay. Elliot was sitting on a chair in between the beds; Kathy on Lizzie's other side. All of his other children were there as well. The seven of them made the hospital room seem very small.

Elliot's face lit up when he saw she was awake. "What happened to me" she grumbled. "I feel like someone put rocks in my head."

Elliot chuckled and discreetly ran his thumb over her hand. "You hurt some bones in your back again, but the doctors said besides an extra week in the wheelchair that it's ok. He was afraid of head trauma because you were out for so long, but he said it's just a small concussion, and that's it is normal to be out for a while with one.

"And Lizzie? Is she alright?"

"She has a broken arm and a concussion as well, and some broken ribs. You saved her Liv. If you hadn't shielded her the way you did, she could have been killed. Why did you come back and save her? You could have stayed in safety, but you came back."

"I knew you couldn't do it on your own." Olivia teased, trying not to let him see the real reason she had come back- because she loved him too much to let his daughter die.

Olivia was anxious to leave and was discharged a little over an hour later, with Elliot driving her home. She had told him again and again to stay with his daughter, who was being held overnight, but he had insisted, saying that Lizzie had Kathy, Maureen, Kathleen, and Dickie to be with her. As they reached 4D he opened the door and wheeled her in, lifting her onto the couch even as she tried to get him to let her so it herself.

"Today I almost lost you again" Elliot said, sitting down on the couch next to her. "And when that happened I realized that if something would happen to you, that I would be lost. You were going to go with those men to save Lizzie, and I promise you, if you would of, I would have searched until the day I die for you."

Olivia smiled and laid her hand on his arm so he would stop talking. "Oh just kiss me before you make me cry El."

He did kiss her, gently but with all the passion and love he had for her in it at the same time. He knew at that time that he never wanted to be apart from her again.

Please Review! Pretty please?