Zim walked down the utterly silent street. A tumble weed bounced by, followed by some loose trash and a supermodel. The only other person he saw was a lone human sitting near the public library with a laptop.

"Ha! No one else will ever write a fanfiction about Black Friday!" her voice echoed down the road. "I'm ingenious!"

Zim ignored her and entered the abandoned skool.

Ms. Bitters looked up with surprise and disdain as the disguised Irken entered her classroom. "So. Someone did show up."

A red phone appeared out of her desk along with the screams of tortured souls. She held it up and hissed into it. Inhuman growls replied. She snarled and returned the phone to the underworld.

"The principal has demanded that I teach you," Ms. Bitters glared at Zim, whom was trying to figure out where everyone was. "Open your text book to chapter eight billion and five: Buyer's market."

She began to rant how doomed the economy was and that it will surely fail because of how the fools that sat in front of their televisions all day were brainwashed to bla bla bla. Zim stopped listening at that point.

"Ms. Bitters," he raised his clawed hand, "Zim wants to know why he is the only student in the class present."

Ms. Bitters shook her head sadly. "Oh you poor, doomed child. They are shopping."

"Why? Skool is to be held today."

"Black Friday," spat Ms. Bitters.

A tentative knock sounded on the door. Opening slightly, the voice of an unknown teacher whispered through to the almost empty classroom.

"Is it true?" the voice asked. "Is there a student?"

"A horrible one that doesn't know what Black Friday is," answered Ms. Bitters. "You may enter."

"What is this? And why is this Friday black?" Zim demanded. "Answer ZIM!"

"He is here?" a black robbed figure glided in. "Where is the other one? The large headed one."

A call came from outside. "My head's not big!"

Dib fell through the window, landing with a thud on the floor.

"TWO students!" the teachers shrieked.

More teachers poked their heads through the open door. "Did someone say there were students here?"

The intercom screeched awake. "Do to the fact that students have come to skool today, the entire faculty and staffs are to met in the board room to discuss what to do with them."

Like wisps of smoke, the teachers left. Dib hopped up on Zim's desk, pointing at him.

"Why are you here, spaceboy?" Dib demanded. "Every HUMAN knows that today is Black Friday. Guess you just admitted you were an alien!"

"Nonsense!" Zim leapt on the desk behind him. "Zim is normal! I admit nothing!"

Dib raised an eyebrow. "You don't even know what Black Friday is, do you?"

"YOU'RE LYING!" Zim yelled. "Zim knows EVERYTHING!"

"Then what am I thinking?"

"Capturing me, proving that you were right all along, and something about proving me wrong," Zim stated simply, crossing his arms.

Dib pouted. "That was too easy."

He thought for a minute then grinned. "What's your species greatest weakness?"

"Psh! That's easy!" Zim waved his hand in dismissal. "You simply…"

The door burst open and lightning struck outside followed by a clap of thunder. Ms. Bitters pointed at the two boys.

"As punishment for showing up," she hissed, "both of you will scrub the floors of the underground classrooms. Now go to the janitors' closet! Go!"

Dib and Zim glared at each other and spoke at the same time. "This is all your fault."