Ping! Doors opening...Doors closing...

"What floor you going to?" Damon casually asked Edward in the most civil tone he could muster.
Edward presses the button, trying to mentally decipher the smirk growing steadily on Damon's face. He didn't have to wait long to learn what was making the dark haired man so cheerful:

"Can I ask you something?" Damon didn't pause for the bronze-haired boy to answer before continuing "What products do you use on your hair?"
Elena elbowed Damon in the ribs embarrassed that she always had to clear up his mess "Stop being so rude, you don't even know him." She awkwardly turned to Edward "I am very sorry for his behaviour."

Emmet began to growl and started to lower into a crouch, eyes focussed on that exasperating smirk "Well he should be, no one messes with my brother...except me!"
Edward sighed, pulling his beast of a brother up "I forgive him, but he's not very sorry. I can feel it, sense it, read it." Edward closed his eyes focussing on the thoughts of the strangers in the lift.

Elena and Damon exchanged confused looks.
Edward opened his, now golden eyes, evenly staring into the ice blue eyes glaring at him. "By the way, my hair is naturally like this." (Sticking out his tongue probably would've had the same effect.)
Elena whispers to Damon: "A girl would die for that guy, like jumping of a cliff dying. Man, the guy is…hot!" She shook her head in disbelief about the way his beauty was dazzling her and loyally added "Of course, not as hot as way!"
Damon turned the full power of his cocky smirk to the petite, blushing girl beside him "Where do I rank in comparison? Do I fit into any of those categories...hmmm?" Damon loved to toy with Elena.



Suddenly the lights went off and Elena screamed. The red emergency power light came on giving the Cullens' an eerie glow and Elena started ranting: "What the hell! Don't tell me were going to die! I haven't even told Stefan I love him, or finished all the pages in my diary…" The panicking girl took a deep breath before continuing, this time to Edward "Before we die, I need to ask you, how much foundation do you put on every morning? No! We're going to die! We don't have time for this! If we make it out please give me the name of your stylist!" Now turning to Damon "Have I ever told you how much I hate you! I just wanted you to know I hated you and if it wasn't for the fact we both have a common interest in Stefan, I wouldn't even be here right now!"

Rosalie stepped out from the dark corner and turned to Damon, who was shaking Elena to try to shut her up "Is she always like this?"
"Unfortunately she has her crazy episodes, but most of the time she's sane."
Edward said blandly "We're stuck in the elevator."
"Well done Captain Obvious!" Damon muttered.
Edward began to read the thoughts of the people in the Elevator.

Don't know if I can stay in here any longer with these insane people. My hair looks really good in this lighting! Would it be too obvious? Rose hair when I'm called Rose? I will have to ask Alice if I ever get out of here alive! Mmmmm, I didn't notice before but that guy is sizzling...GRRRRR...
We're going to die! I can't believe I am stuck in an Elevator with DAMON FREAKING SALVATORE! I told him we should've taken the stairs! I bet he planned this- just wait until I tell Stefan about this…
That girl's hot! Not as hot as me of course…
This is the right time to show off some cool vampire moves...GO EMMET!

A/N: I would like to thank Samers for the massive help she gave me, thank you SAMERS. Thanks for reading. Please review. Thanks again.