I am so sorry for being mia for so long =( this chapter had been sitting in my laptop for 2 years and I just procrastinated in uploading it because I don't know how you guys will react about the meeting of both families..hehe YES! James and Selena's immediate family will finally meet! Yey! and between getting married and having a son, I just did not have the time to clean this chapter and upload it, until now..hoping you guys will understand.

Enough blabbering.. haahha

I don't own anything.


"Would both of you please stop walking around, you're both giving me a headache." Nyota inserted, trying to stop the Captain and the Ambassadress from their futile attempt at drilling a hole into the ship's floor.

"Easy for you to say Ny, you're not married to him." Selena answered, stopping James from his tracks.

"Excuse me? you're not exactly the crème of the crop I've dreamed of being married to."

"Oh and you are?!"

"Stop! Both of you please!" Nyota finally had had it with the bickering, ever since arriving on the starship minutes ago, the two still had not stopped going at it in each others necks.

"You'd think they would try to get along now that there Mr. and Mrs." Sulu muttered earning a quiet laugh from Chekov.

"Excuse me helmsman but I do not recall giving you permission to speak. And if you don't have a better idea at how to solve this predicament of mine, I suggest you keep quiet." giving Sulu the glare.

"Yes Sir." nodding to indicate he firmly understood.

"And would you please enlighten me on this 'predicament' you are in Kirk."

"Admiral" Chekov standing in respect to the Admiral Pike as he entered the room, giving James Kirk the glare he saw him wore once, a long time ago when Kirk suggested a full stop midwarp during a Romulan Attack at Vulcan.

Taking a deep breathe to steady himself for the news, "I'm married Admiral."

"To whom."

"Her." directing a glance at Selena who has decided that the conference table was more intriguing than her marriage to Kirk at the moment.

"Care to explain to me young lady, why is it your married not even six months after your deployment to the Enterprise?"

"Papa please, it wasn't my fault-"

"Papa?" a stunned expression crossing James' features.

"This is not good." muttered Chekov, casting a quick peak at the motionless Vulcan standing beside him.

"He's my...He's my grandfather."

"This is just great." suddenly feeling defeated collapsing on the nearest chair.

"Yes and I suggest you lower your tone when addressing my granddaughter."

"And I suggest you do the same when addressing my son."

All eyes suddenly turned to the woman standing on the doorway. The once sun-colored hair, now silver styled in a neat bun on her head. Dressed in fashion. Standing ram rod straight with her head held high, staring intently at Pike.

"Winona." nodding towards the commanding presence by the entry way.

"Christopher." nodding in reply.

A panting Scotty entered the room, grasping his knees for support from the long run from the transporter theatre trying to warn the crew that a fuming Admiral and Winona on their way to interrogate what could be the biggest scandal of the year.

"There here! No one is answering their intercom, I tried to warn you, they're...her-"

As again for the third time all eyes turned to a sweaty Scotty leaning on the doorframe. Inspecting his surroundings, Scotty realized that he was already too late.

"Somewhere you have to be Engineer?" an icy glare to the engineer by the Admiral caused him to stand ram rod straight and clear his throat.

"um, yes Admiral." quickly exiting the room in fear of his life.

"Where is she?" Winona asked, scanning the people that crowded the small conference room.

"Mother just stop. Please." Kirk interjected trying to salvage this horrific turn of events. Who knew! A family reunion

"She's your mother?" Selena whispered, who is only standing beside James.

"Yes, I'm his mother, And you must be the girl who married my son." almost giving at the urge to spit out the last part. Winona gave Selena the coldest glare, hating her almost immediately. The air of confidence around this junior irritated her and the way she addressed her son as if he was not her senior officer.

Cowering under her stare Selena backed away a little, giving Winona the satisfaction that she had certainly scared the wits out of the poor girl.

"I want to know how this happened Kirk. You will not file a single report until this misunderstanding is sorted out. We don't want this getting out. Do I make myself clear? I don't want anyone, besides the people in this room to find out about this marriage until we can find a way around this very untimely predicament." Pike finally voiced out.

"I beg your pardon Christopher, but did you just imply that your granddaughter's marriage to my son is unacceptable. I'll have you know that I hardly think she is the woman to marry my son either. I don't think she is even of enough maturity to bring his name and reputation."

"And what a reputation it is." Pike countered.

"Excuse me? Maybe you forget Christopher that I am still your senior."

"And maybe you forget Madam that I am senior to your son, who is only a captain."

"And my son is senior that your granddaughter-"

"ENOUGH!" both James and Selena turned at each other, shock to find the same expressions on their faces, both of embarrassment and humiliation to find both their families fighting.

"Papa please. It has been a rough day for all of us. I would like to rest. Maybe we can talk about this tomorrow when both of your tempers have simmered down."

"I agree. And no Mother no more argument coming from you. This is day has been exhausting enough as it is."

As both turned towards the door to leave their families and friends left staring at both of them. For the first time both James and Selena had agreed on something.

"Maybe they want to consummate the marriage?" Chekov finally asked, giving Nyota the reason to smack him in the head.

Ignoring the last statement of the helmsman, Pike turned to Spock to find him standing at the corner observing the entire scene that had just happened.

"I trust you may have solution to this Mr. Spock?"

"There is a way Admiral. But we'd have to wait six months before it could be legal to pursue."

"Pursue what?" Pike clarified already knowing what the Vulcan was trying to suggest, it would definitely put a relationship between the Talisan's and the Federation's relationship in a strain. No matter how much the cost he will try, with all his power to keep it a secret, and even if this solution will be put to use, the inevitable nagging behind his brain is always right. Selena, her beloved granddaughter is now already a Kirk.


"Can I walk you to your quarters?" James asked Selena as soon they left the chaos of the conference room.

"What?" stunned to even process what James had said, Selena turned to face the Captain of the starship.

"I know it has quite been a shock for both of us, especially you and with our families both fighting at it to keep the family pride, it's the least I can do. I am already your husband after all."

"I did not know you had manners Captain." Selena faced ahead, continuing down the hall towards one of the lifts.

"I do not blame you for thinking that way, and yes I do have them, my Mother insisted by the time I could walk."

"I honestly don't doubt that after meeting her today."

"Yes she can be quite intimidating when she wants to be."

"You mean scary." this earned a laugh from James and a smile to break out lighting up her face.

"Please, I insist." pressing for the button for the lift, James gestured for her to enter the lift, leaving her no choice but to agree to his request.

Pressing the button to her floor, James turned to lean at the wall opposite her to get a better view, "Yes I mean scary." agreeing with Selena's last comment about his mother.

What were only minutes felt like a lifetime as both of them were enveloped in an awkward silence, both trying to contemplate their current position. From this view James, James can clearly see her features quite well. Standing on the other side of the lift, her hands crossed at her back, trying to memorize every feature his wife has that now he only started to see.

His Wife! that thought earned a snicker from him. Who knew that this beautiful woman albeit a little too young for his age, would be his wife. If it were under different circumstances he would've tried to date her first to get to know her before deciding to marry her, But no, it seems fate has something in store for both of them. Dark brown locks falling past her shoulders, framing that heart shaped face with the most beautiful green eyes outlined with the thickest lashes he has ever seen, a button nose and those plump lips, legs that could go for miles, although lacking in curves no doubt she will gain in time. Studying her from this view, he could almost see her resemblance she has with Pike.

His Granddaughter! Who knew! The man James looked up to as a father, and now he is married to his only granddaughter. Pike never talked much about his family on his time on the starship and now James knew why. Piecing together all the few exchanges between this goddess and her grandfather, he knew why Pike never once mentioned her, James would to if he had a daughter this beautiful.

"Stop staring at me." pulling him out of his thoughts to Aphrodite incarnate standing just a few feet away from him.

"What are you thinking?" he countered trying to distract her from catching him ogling her.

"Doesn't it scare you that we both are so calm about this?" she trailed off, not exactly sure how to approach the subject. Just a few minutes ago they were already addressing each other as husband and wife.

"We tried that, it didn't work. Now is actually refreshing." trying to lighten her mood, hating how her brow would furrow when she was in deep thought and how she would always bite that lip when nervous.

"Enlighten me."

"It is actually refreshing that for the first time since I met you, we have not actually tried to kill each other yet again." This line earned a light laugh from Selena sending James a playful glare that sent him suddenly feeling a little hot.

"Don't get too cocky Captain." answering James in much huskier voice than she intended to. Please say that word again... as soon as it came James tried to squash that random thought. Now is not the time to lust over Selena all over again. How does she do that? Go from this sweet innocent protected princess of Pike to this vixen that can rival Helen of Troy.

As soon as the lift stopped, Selena made a bee line for the doors, bidding James a simple thank you. Leaving him whimpering inside the lift begging for another glance or glare from his wife.

Yes, my wife. He may have hated the sudden change in their relationship, binding them legal but the scary part is that he was full on decided that it will remain that way.

Until he decides he doesn't want her anymore.


"A divorce." Vulcan answered Pike, standing a few feet away from him with his hands behind his back. Contemplating on the only legal solution to the problem.

"Of course, it would be easy to file since both were not consenting parties when the ceremony was conducted." added Spock.

"But what?" Winona asked, pointing to the elephant in the room. As much as the solution sounded tempting and circumstances certainly working in their favor, there is one certain element that the group has forgotten, or is trying not to mention. She needed to know everything if they wanted to solve this little misunderstanding, they needed to get their case straightened out, to get the federation court to rule in their favor.

"Consent is the only ace we have on our side, and no it is not enough to win us a divorce." Pike answered, feeling his stomach drop at the realization that they may have to invite the Datu in if they want to win the case.

"Enlighten me." Winona fixated the entire group with her stare, urging them to explain, she like Pike, wanted nothing more than to get her son out of this marriage and go on with his life. Sure she may have fantasized and hinted at her son a few in fact, about marriage, but he was free spirited always acting upon instinct just like his father. Marriage will certainly tie him down and bore the life out of him. She knew about his reputation when it came to women and she ignores it. As long as no gold digging whore would come to there home and claim the father of her child, James was free to do his will so long as he face his responsibilities when running their estates and his duties as captain of a starship then she was fine by it.

"Both may not be consenting parties to the ceremony but nonetheless it was conducted and presented as a gift by Habagat. If we attempt filing for divorce even after six months for the case to be legal, think of the political strain it would definitely put between the Talis and the Federation. Considering the fact that this case can only be heard in a federation court," Spock explained.

"The court may have to rule in keeping the marriage intact, to save the political relationship we have with the Talis." Pike finished.

"This is not just between the Captain and the Ambassadress now, it concerns the federation." Spock finished.

"Is there no other way?" Winona clarified staring both intently at Spock and Pike,

"I'm afraid; madam at this point there is none."

"There is. if we could find a loophole on the federation books, there has to be a way. My granddaughter cannot be married. She is too young. She is not prepared for this. I'd take a Klingon attack than this." Pike finished, collapsing on the nearest seat.

"Oh God." Winona too, taking a seat contemplating on their possible course of action.


"James you can't be serious?" stunned McCoy seating on a medical bed.

"I am." staring intently at the Chief Medical Doctor, James had just informed his friend of his decision.

"You don't even like her." pointing out reasons hoping to change James mind.

"What difference does it make, she's my wife." James answered back smiling.

"There is really something wrong with you mentally." McCoy said, shaking his head in defeat.

"When the time comes that we bore each other, then we'll file for divorce."

"Why not file one now?" McCoy asked, confused as to why his friend would want to go thru with the marriage.

"Federation code 2349 section 25 of the inter Federation Crew Marriage Act."

"I did not even know we had such an act." McCoy interjected looking at the ground in contemplation. Of course, there is some crew who had met and married while in the service at the federation. It was only legal to form such law to protect their crew as well as their interests.

"It states and I quote ' The federation nor its abiding legal officers may not forbid any of its crew members from the sacrament of matrimony, although legal requirement of six months is demanded incase said marriage should be wished to be void by both parties before the due process of divorce may be approached.' end quote." turning to his senior medical officer with a smile.

"So what your saying is, you have to wait six months before you can file for divorce? What if you lose interest in her in less than six months, have you thought about that?" McCoy is already starting to feel bad for the young ambassadress.

"True, but then I can always send her off in one of the family estates, wait it out until the divorce is legal to pursue. She won't even have to lift a finger, papers will be ready and all she needs to do is sign." feeling quite contended with the plan James formulated.

"All of a sudden I don't really like you anymore. This, what your planning will definitely back fire on you James. The Admiral will have your head and title served to him in a silver platter." McCoy suddenly turning serious, he knew his friend had the sweet tooth for the antics but this is just too far. "And what about her work her on the enterprise?"

"The Admiral wanted us separated, believe me if he had the power to make this marriage null and void, he would've already done it. Mother can pull strings sure, but the federation will want a legal council to deal with this since this is of partly of political nature and with the issue of her work, I'm her captain and her husband, I can send in 'until further notice' leave and when everything has been settled she can always come back like nothing happened."

"Whatever you say Captain." McCoy turning his back to return to his already interrupted work. This is spiraling down fast and McCoy is already worried if his long time friend may not come out of this on top and to think of the poor girl who got tangled in this mess just because of James' charms. Everyone knew the young ensign is already harboring admiration for the Captain and if James would decide to entertain it with no intention of keeping it, he may not want to be around to see the young girl in pieces.


So far so good. Everything is going according to plan.

"Everything is set Captain; we're waiting for your signal."

Giving a quick glance towards one his stewards, "Activate the distress call."

We'll see again soon Kirk.