
A/N: A whole lot of 'THANKS' to those who reviewed in this story =)… So, for everyone, another chapter is on the net! P.S. Natsume and Mikan are childhood friends. I forgot to mention that. :p (Sorry)



Everything is over. That's what I thought at first. I was down. Not to mention my heart being torn to pieces. A while ago, I was at the park, hoping to see Echiro. Yeah. I saw him alright. We had met yesterday at school and since the principal declared that there would be no classes today, we agreed that we should go out. You know, like a date.

And that's it. We dated. We've been to different places like going to movies, playing golf even though I don't know how to play that and even going to our secret romantic place. That's when until he excused himself, saying that he is going to buy something, somewhere and he let me wait there.

"It's gonna be a jiffy." He said as he waved bye. I sighed. I kinda understand him. Not all of the times it's only girlfriend-boyfriend time. You got to balance time, right?

I waited there, waited for more than 30 minutes. What's up with that guy? I had lost my patience back there so I decided to follow him, not knowing where he's running off to. As I was walking, I saw this beautiful Cherry tree. It's in full bloom. No wonder it's spring today. I went closer to the tree, till I saw this familiar guy and girl. They were talking about something. I was about to go to them, but I stopped there and then when I saw Kazuma kiss the permy girl.

My eyes widened. He's cheating on me. My patience almost bursting out. That guy is really a stupid hag and that girl is a shameless bitch.

And that's what happened so I broke up with Echiro. I was surprised too, to call him his last name. Maybe my emotions caught me off guard. That's my first time too calling people by their last name. But I couldn't help it.

Now, Natsume and I were heading home. He's silent and so am I like nothing happened. His physical features we're perfect like that of Echiro's. I think they're twins because they are almost alike.

I have known them since like childhood years in kindergarten. Natsume, Ruka, Hotaru, Echiro and I were best of friends. But still, Hotaru is the one I consider most special. She's my best friend. Natsume is close with Ruka. Echiro just popped out somewhere. Neh. Just kidding. They're family moved to Tokyo due to business affairs. They're pretty rich, like Natsume. But the only problem in him is his attitude.

Since then, he always teases me calling me polka and to think that he has a bad side only. I was wrong. I should not have judge people easily. When there's a bad side, there is definitely a good side. And when there's a good side, there's probably a bad side.

Some people I know, they only take advantage of somebody who considers them special. What had happened to me is a mere example. Echiro is a hag, a piece of crap and a despicable guy. Everything turned topsy turvy.

"What are you thinking?" I heard a voice speak in my head. I just ignored it. "Hey… Earth to polka, come in." Ok. So, its not my imagination after all. "Are you still thinking about what just happened back there?" He raised one perfect brow.

"Uh…" My mind was somewhere else, he predicted it. "Sort of." I laughed a little.

"Baka." He smirked at me as he put his hand at the back of his head. "Get that out of your head. That doesn't matter anymore." He sighed. "They are both cheaters and that's the thing I hate. Two timers."

"Uh… yeah." I sighed. Then I heard him speak again.

"Tomorrow's gonna be another day." He said flatly as he gazed up on me. I don't know what I have seen but I think I saw him smile for a mere second. Talk about being out of character. "And if I saw him lay one finger on you, I'll knock him out again." He continued as he kissed my forehead. Oh, right. He's way taller than me.

"Thanks." I said to him with a smile.

"Bye." He waved goodbye and walked away. I can't help myself but to ask silly questions and statements in my mind again. He's really out of character. I'm not used to him this way. I'm not comfortable. But still, I guess it's alright.


"WHAT? For REAL?" I heard a loud voice squeak. And from that, I believe it's permy's. Her voice was yelling loud because I'm only at the corridor halfway our classroom.

I was right. It was permy. "Oi, oi. It's early in the morning, bitch. Why are you so noisy?" That's it Mikan, go girl. Make words that can make you're enemies mad.

That's when I notice that Natsume was in there too. He glances up at me and smiled. Weirdness crept up my body again.

"Yeah. For real. Haven't you heard me?" He stood up and walked to my direction. He put a hand on my hips and smirked. "… Or shall I repeat that again?"

"No, No…" Sumire was pasted back in her area. "This is not right. I know you broke up with me but… But I don't like her to be you're girlfriend! She's a bitch!" A vein popped out in my head. Alright, that's it!

"Excuse me? The only bitch here is you!" I don't care if everybody else here in the room is aware of our current affairs. All I know now is that I'm mad. Badly mad!

"I am not!"

"Oh yes, you are!" I yelled once more. I couldn't control my anger anymore.

"Stop it." I heard a feminine voice speak behind from me. It's Hotaru. "Classes are about to start. Better get to you're seat. Settle things later."

I sighed. I'm so thankful that she had stopped us. Who knows what scandals we can bring if we hadn't stop.


'THUD' someone stamped a hand on my desk. It's permy.

"Alright, it's the end of class." She exclaimed. "You stupid little girl, and you think that you would easily take Natsume away from me. That's wrong!"

I sighed. Count to ten Mikan, or else you won't control yourself again. "First of all, I want to ask you of what affairs you had with Echiro."

I saw her eyes widened. "What?"

I shrugged. They really have an affair with each other. I stood up after I finished packing my things. I wandered my eyes around the room, Natsume isn't around and so is Kazuma Echiro. "Don't deny." I said as I walked out of the room.

"He-hey! Don't walk back to me! I'm not finished yet!" I saw her grabbed her things as well as she followed me.

"But I'm done talking to you." I said simply giving her a sarcastic smile.

"NO, we're not done talking yet!" She yelled.

I'm at the stairs. I felt something tugged me down. I felt a hand pushed me down. Oh no! I'm falling. Am I going to die? No please! I have some dreams to be done yet! I just closed my eyes in fear. Oh please, somebody, anyone, please help me! Natsume where are you?


"I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead" I kept repeating those words. Am I really dead, for real?

"Shut up baka. You're not dead yet!" I heard a familiar masculine voice speak. I opened my eyes a little. He's right. I'm not dead yet. Natsume caught me. He caught me! Thank goodness for out of character-ness. "It's a good thing that I caught you before it's too late." He said flatly. His eyes were darker this time. And there is something in his voice that is not very nice anymore - anger.

He caught me bridal style and after a while he put me down. "Are you ok?" He asked. This time his voice was in genuine concern.

I nodded and smiled.

"Good." Oh man. Talk about being over protective.

I looked up the stairs and saw Sumire panicking.

"What you have done is non-forgivable." He said to Shouda with fiery eyes.

"No-No. Na-Natsume-kun, I'm sorry." She said panicking as she bowed to us. "Promise, I'll never bother you again." She said as she ran with the speed of light.

She's afraid now. It's funny to think of it that way.

"Natsume." I called.


"Thanks… You know, for saving me." I said with a smile.

"Whatever, freak. I just can't afford to loose you." He said flatly.

"Have you seen Echiro?" I asked.

"I have taken care of that stupid piece of rug." He smiled. For the second time I saw him smile.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked childishly.

"Stupid child." He played on my hair again. "Trust me, you don't wanna know." He smirked at me as he hugged me.

"Oi." I heard a voice again. "Would you mind?" It's Hotaru. And I saw Ruka with her too.

"Do you guys want to hang out?" Ruka spoke with a sunny smile.

"As double date?" Natsume smirked "Sure." He ruffled my hair again.

I think everything now is perfect. I have no problems with my love life anymore but what about Echiro? Oh, Never mind.