Nariel the Red

Note- it has been a very long time since I last updated these stories, but I am determined to finish.

Tauriel is introduced here, but she is different to Tauriel in the hobbit films. The idea stuck in my head and wouldn't go away. So here she is. I will also be writing another story in this universe called 'Daughter of the Forest' which will tell her story. Again blame Lastirith for the changes, he is a very determined OC.

There are also some corrections to be made in the rest of the story which I have noticed as I read it over this week.

Chapter 88- The Waiting Ends

TA 3019 March 13th

Once again as dawn approached Nariel walked along the battlements looking out towards the horizon. The darkness was so close that she could almost reach out and touch it. She had awoken not long ago knowing that everything would be different soon. They were done waiting. Today everything would change.

Pippin walked down the corridors looking for the sense of his unease. He was restless and couldn't sleep which was unusual for him. But it wasn't unusual for her. Turning the corner he could see Nariel on the battlements looking out towards the horizon.

"Nariel? Are you alright?"

She had been doing that a lot recently. Just standing there. Between the three of them, himself Gandalf and her Uncle Grimbeorn, they had been watching her every move. Her son was due any day and they were all worried about her.

"Pippin, what are you doing up?"

She asked turning to face the hobbit as he walked towards her. But before he could answer everything was suddenly happening at once. Suddenly a horn was sounding, Pippin rushed to the battlements to look out towards the darkness but beside him Nariel doubled over in pain and the hobbit forgot everything else.

"Hold on Nariel. I will get Grimbeorn."

As he ran back towards the citadel Nariel looked out towards the darkness and saw a single horse and rider. The rider was slumped over and unconscious but the horse was heading towards the gates as if it knew the way home. The pain came again and Nariel looked further a field reaching out with her mind to her beloved.

Legolas knew what it was as soon as he felt it. The closer they came to Minas Tirith, the more he could feel Nariel's presence there. Every step he took away from her he had been conscious of how little time she had before the birth of their son. The slight and sudden pain he had felt proved that time was up. Nariel's contractions had started. By the time they finally made it to Minas Tirith, he would have a son.

Knowing that he had felt her presence Nariel pulled her mind back and concentrated on her breathing. It was then that Pippin returned with not only Grimbeorn but Gandalf as well.

"Nariel is it time?"

The elder wizard asked with a hand on her shoulder but she waved him away.

"It is. But you cannot stay with me. The war is starting."

Roaring towards the sky Grimbeorn took his niece in his arms and retreated to the safety of the citadel while Gandalf ran towards the gates, knowing that within the Forest Palace of Mirkwood all the other bears were doing the same.

Radagast jumped awake and rushed to the window in his guest room. The animals were restless and would not settle. He thought he knew why but he wasn't sure until he heard them. There was a great cry as all of the Bears within the palace roared at once. He had heard that sound many times before over the years as the Beornings called for one of their own to enter the world. When he had first heard that noise and realised what it was it had been at the birth of his own daughter. Now the cry struck terror in his heart knowing that she was enduring such pain.

Lastirith jumped when heard the roar knowing at once what it was and what it meant. He had often heard it before but only once had he heard it from within the palace.


Lastirith had been on his way to his rooms when he heard it, the terrifying roar and it was coming from the library. Running towards the sound he burst through the doors and then stopped short. The Prince was standing by the window staring in confusion at the Lady Athriel as she roared out towards the sky. Then just as suddenly as it started she stopped and stepped away from the window.

"What is wrong?"

She asked as she turned seeing the elves staring at her in confusion.

At that time it had been Grimbeorn's first Grandchild that they had been welcoming into the world.

"My brother will soon be a father."

Lastirith spun around hearing the voice behind him and then bowed low realising who it was who had spoken. It was not often that he saw Princess Tauriel. The youngest child of the King and his wife had once trained as a warrior but now she spent most of her time in the library or in trade discussions for her father.

"Your Majesty."

Waving for Lastirith to stop bowing she looked in worry towards Gondor and her elder brother.

"Do you think they are alright Tiri?"

Standing to attention as he always did in her presence Lastirith tried his best to answer his question.

"The Prince is a formidable warrior Your Majesty and the Lady Nariel has the power of the Istari. They will be back with us soon and your nephew will have the strength of them both. You will see."

Smiling a little at the guards formality Tauriel tried to put her trust in his words. There was nothing that she could do for her brother and his intended until they returned. But there was something that she could do to relieve her mind.

"You are right of course Lastirith. Come, I find myself with excess energy this morning. Spar with me."

It was only then that he noticed the sword that the Princess carried and that she was wearing leggings and a tunic rather than her usual robes of state. Realising that he couldn't deny her Lastirith reached for his own sword.

"Of course Your Majesty."