So what happens when Fai finds a kid on the streets?

Read, find out, and tell me what you think!

Warning: I know little to nothing about babies so bare with me. :D

I don't and will never own Tsubasa.

I happen to love the name Reena!

Cold and raining.

Fai peered out of the window of the store he'd just finish shopping in. Just a couple bags of essentials, finding the wheather quite uncomfortable.

Maybe I should get a little more. He thought to himself. It's getting pretty bad out there.

He was just about to turn and start searching for more food, but something caught his eye. A movement. His eyes went to the small baby carrier. He's seen it there when he came in. He didn't bother worry about it. Someone probably forgot it there and planned to return to retrieve it.

But something moved. Curious, Fai stepped outside and around to the spot where he saw the carrier. He gasped. Dried tear streaks ran down her small face and her small hands were balled into fist. Fai peered closer, unbelieving. There was a child inside, probably three months. Left alone. In the rain.

"Who would leave you out here?" He asked the baby, reaching out to pick her up. He found the blanket that covered her soaked with rain. He lifted her into his arms and also found that her clothes were soaked. Basically, everything around her was soaked with water. Something fuzzy brushed against his arm and Fai looked down to see a black tail swishing in slow motions. "What?" He shifted her a little to get a better look. The tail was connected to her. Her clothing was cut out to make room for it. Fai moved the small hat that sat on her head and black ears twitched. "Half cat?" He breathed, not seeing anything like this before. Suddenly the wind blew rain in their faces. Fai turned, hoping to keep anymore rain off of her. He quickly went back inside to store, grabbing the wet carrier. "I guess I will need to buy more." He said, keeping the child in his arms. She shivered and he stopped to tuck her into his coat. Her wet clothing quickly soaked into his, but he tried to ignore it for her sake. He went through the aisles, finding bottles, formula, diapers, and other essentials. Unfortunately toys and strollers weren't common in a grocery store. He quickly paid and rushed to his car.


"If no one's going to take care of you, then I will." Fai sang happily as he stepped into his house. "All right, Reena?" He said, testing out the name he came up with. He set the many bags down in the hall and went to the main room. Carefully, he set the sleeping Reena down on the couch and quickly ran upstairs to get blankets. He ran back down and searched the bags, grabbing, bottles, diapers, and wipes. He turned and hurried back to Reena, who squirmed a little in the cold air.

"Okay, Reena-chan. First, I'll get you out of these cold clothes." He said already peeling away the wet dirty cloth. Reena whined at the discomfort and Fai frowned. "Sorry, sorry Reena-chan, but you have to be patient with me." He hesitated. "I also don't have any clue as to how to change a diaper." He smiled. "Well, there's always a first for everything, right Reena?" He chuckled, pulling off the soaked and soiled pamper.

Fai made a face but decided it was natural and continued on. He managed to clean her up as much as he could and found the box of wipes nearly empty. With a shrug he took a diaper and wrapped it on. Crooked, but on. Fai smiled in his sense of achievement. He took a blanket and wrapped it tightly around Reena's shivering, whimpering form. She soon stopped and looked up at Fai with wide storm gray eyes.

"See, that's better." Fai grinned. He got to his feet and went to the fireplace. "Kuro-myu's better at this than I am, but I guess I can make a fire for you until he comes home." He knelt by the fireplace and started.


A ragged breath escaped Kurogane's lips as he approached the doorway to his house. Five days a week. Five days he worked in construction. Not something he chose, but something he just so happened to be good at. He had to get by somehow with Fai.

Only one day. He thought to himself. Tomorrows Friday. I only have to work one more day.

Kurogane twisted the doorknob and entered, finding the air inside thankfully warm.

"Ah Kuro-pu!" His house mate, as he preferred it, called.

"Shower." He said, almost instinctively. It was part of the usual routine. Wake up, go to work, come home, shower. The last parts of his day all depended on his mood. He went up stairs, straight to their shared room and to the bathroom.


"Don't worry, Reena-chan, he'll come back." Fai told the small child as she sucked hungrily at the bottle he'd just finished preparing.

Thank God for the Internet. He thought to himself.

About twenty minutes passed before Kurogane came back down, most likely in a much better mood now that he's clean. At the last minute Fai decided against shouting, "Look at what I found!" and instead decided to let him find out himself. He was ready to see his expression.

Kurogane came in, his hand on his face as if he had a headache. The fire cracked and he gave it a glance.

Well, there's no way for you to see her like that, Kuro-nya. Fai thought, a pout forming on his lips.

He automatically took a seat next to Fai. "Hm. You're strangely quite toda- what the hell is that?" His eyes had finally turned to him.

"I named her Reena." Fai laughed. Kuro only stared down at her, his face a mix between confusion and annoyance. "You...wha..?"

"I named her." Fai repeated slowly, as if to a three year old. "Reena."

"What the hell is she?" He asked, referring to her ears and her tail that had curled around Fai's arm.

"I'm not sure, but I'm thinking half cat." Kuro groaned and leaned back against the couch. "Well take her back to wherever you found her. Jeez, you're always finding strange things and bringing them here."

Fai huffed. "Cats and dogs aren't strange. They're normal house pets."

Kuro shot him a look. "Raccoon?"

"That was only once, Kurgs!" Fai laughed. "Plus this one doesn't have anywhere to go. I found her besides the store, in the rain. She was wet and starving. And even if we found an orphanage to put her in, who guarantees that they'll take her? And even if they do take her, who says she'll get adopted?" Fai cuddled against Reena's small form. "She's welcome here, tails and all."

"Jeez." Kuro groaned, going over Fai's logic in his head. He growled. "Fine. She'd better not be any trouble."

Fai grinned. "Ah, Kurgy! She won't!" He leaped on him, purposely avoiding to squish Reena. He then backed away and flicked Kuro in the middle of his forehead, earning a growl and a glare. "She's not a dog you know!"

So this idea came to me on thanksgiving, and I was just sitting, thinking, what if Fai and Kurogane had a kid and that kid and that kid spent her life with them?(ofcourse it had to be a girl! XD) then I wondered how exactly, cause none of 'em could bare children...hopefully. Then there was the adoption thing. It had to be different then Fai walks into an adoption center and picks a girl. No! Instead he finds her on a cold, wet, fall day. Outside ofcourse. Then I thought that Kuro would probably make him send her to an orphanage. So I made her have ears. The mother(unknown as to whether she has cat ears or not) just abandoned her because she was different. Other people didn't and wouldn't want her because she was different. Everyone except Fai. ^ ^ so then Reena was born!

Also, I'm considering having Syaoran and Sakura in the fic, but I'm so bad at capturing their personalities and end up making them ooc. I know next to nothing about Kamui and Subaru and any of the other XXXHolic characters, so don't expect them to show up. ^ ^ Sorry...

I'm giving this idea a try in hopes that it will go far. If you like, please review so I can be happy and continue!