Wandering Romance, Unwavering *A Lily and James Fan Fiction*

Both were from completely different worlds. One was from the world of magic and the other from the realm of muggles. But both attended the same school: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Their story is a long one that ends where it also began: Platform 9 ¾.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Harry Potter series or memorabilia. This is purely fictional. Anything that sounds familiar most likely belongs to J. K. Rowling, if not someone else.

Author Note: Okay, so I cannot wait to get this story underway! It has been in my mind for a while now, but I have been putting it off for some time due to NaNoWriMo, which I will be unable to finish due to lack of time to write my story. Believe me, I have been working on this for a little while now and I am so excited that I actually get to post it now. I know I promised readers that I would have this out by the fourteenth, but I will be honest: school makes things difficult. And during finals week? I am sorry I even tried to promise anything! I sincerely hope that you all like my story and will read it through it's run! I pulled out to the end just a few minutes ago - and I did edit it before I posted, so if there are any grammatical errors, etc., I apologize. Happy reading!

Chapter One

James Potter was bored. Not only was he lonely, but he also knew no one around him. Sure, he knew of them. Take Kimberly McLane, for example. Everyone knew her. She was the pretty daughter of the Minister of Magic's sister's best friend. And then there was Kyle Lanchester. His parents were international Quidditch players. He was expected to be just as good as they were. But as much as he knew other people surrounding him, no one, as far as he knew, knew of James Potter, the son of Eric Tristan and Lillian Ambrosia Potter. They knew his parents, knew they had one son in their fairly old age, but they only knew that. They did not know his name or his personality. They did not know that he was heading to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

So to say that James Potter was bored was a major understatement. He was leaning against the wall, not bothering to hide his people watching as he pet the cat happily sitting on his shoulder. He stared at everyone surrounding him, watching them and memorizing their faces. He made small markers in his head such as, she is pretty, her hair is long, he looks sloppy, and that red head does not look to be on good terms with that brunette and so on. He didn't notice his attention continually focus on the pretty red head he would later share a seat with on the train, even if for but a few moments.

"James!" James jumped at the sound of his mum's voice. She gave him a hug, handing him the treats she bought for his new (and first) snowy owl, Seraphina. "James, darling," she said, pushing his trolley away. James watched his mother before following. "You promise to write every week. I want to know what is going on in that little head of yours. I want to hear about all the good friends you make. I want to hear about…"

James nodded to everything his mum said, knowing she probably put a prompt in his belongings next to or within his writing utensils, next to what he does not doubt to be a letter she would have written for him the night before and snuck into his shoulder bag, containing a couple books to read, treats for Seraphina, some money for the trolley, his new wand, and some parchment and a self-inking quill. She even went as far as to put his trunk into the luggage car, as if her eleven year old son was not capable of doing so on his own. He crawled into a different car after his mum and sat on the seat, cuddling his cat as she gave a small kiss on the crown of his head before getting out, walking to stand next to his dad as he chatted with a muggle couple. He continued to stare out the window of his compartment, watching people. The cat crawled out of his hands and onto the seat, laying her furry head onto his leg, using it as an unofficial pillow.

The door of his compartment slammed open and ricocheted back into place, the girl slamming onto the seat, head down on the thin windowsill and cried. It was the same red head he watched earlier, he noted, and he really had no idea what to do. So he sat there, curious, but not going near her. The compartment door opened again, softer this time, and James looked. A small boy, hair messy and black, his robes new and clean, with his hands on his pockets looking at ease, stood in the doorframe.

"May I sit here?" he asked, not seeming troubled by the girl crying her eyes out. James stared for a moment then nodded, giving the boy a small smile. The boy smiled in return, sitting down next to him. "Are you excited about Hogwarts?" he asked, silence of which he was not comfortable with, apparently.

"Yeah, you?" he responded.

"Most definitely! I was practically bouncing off the walls since I got the letter. I heard that there are ghosts and talking staircases! Mum and dad just scoffed at it. But then again, they always scoff… Well, they are the snivelling, snotty heads of the Black Family. Did you know that one of my ancestors was the headmaster of Hogwarts?"

"No… But I don't think any of the staircases talk…and don't all ghosts talk?" James muttered.

"What's your name?" he asked, clearly happy to have someone to talk to.

"James. James Potter. You?" he responded.

"Sirius Black, at your service!" he said, standing to give a short bow.

As the two boys sharing a carriage with her laughed and giggled, Lily continued to cry at the window. Tuney was mad. Lily and Petunia never fought so much before. She really did not understand why Petunia reacted that way to her Hogwarts letter. I mean, it should be cool to have a sister that is a witch, right? I guess Petunia does not see it that way. Lily glanced over at the boys across from her. They were busy chattering and laughing, even though they merely met just ten minutes before. Lily heard steps thumping down the aisle in the car, but didn't bother to look up and see who passed by. The door opened and she heard Severus take a seat across from her. She glanced at him, turning away almost immediately, trying to hide tears. She didn't want to see him and voiced it.

"I don't want to talk to you." Her voice was constricted.

"Why not?"

"Tuney h-hates me. Because we saw that letter from Dumbledore." She sounded sulky, but Lily couldn't help it. She wanted to get along with Petunia, and it seemed like it wasn't going to happen any time soon. Judging from Severus's expression, he didn't understand it.

"So what?" Lily turned at him, her expression showing disgust and incredilation. I can not believe he just said that! Petunia is my sister. She is my best friend.

"She is my sister!" Severus said something, but Lily paid no mind to it as she only wished to wipe away her tears inconspicuously.

"But we're going! This is it! We're off to Hogwarts!" The excitement was hard to miss. I should have known. I mean, he is already dressed in his school robes. What more could be asked of for someone who can not wait to get away from arguing parents and smock-like clothing? Seriously. A half smile graced her lips as she finished wiping her eyes. "You'd better be in Slytherin." Lily looked up at Severus, not sure how to take the statement. Before she could respond, however, the black haired boy she previously shared with spoke.

James really tried to mind his own business. Really. But after hearing the first words coming out of her mouth, he was curious as to why someone would name their kid Tuney. He himself, though not willing to say so out loud, was partial to the name Harry. He would have named his owl so, but his mum stopped him. Same with his cat. Mums are always so picky… When the bat-like boy said the words 'You'd better be in Slytherin,' James lost his ability to hide his eavesdropping.

"Slytherin?" The incredulity in his voice was unmistakable. He could not believe that anyone could actually wish to be in the house of snakes. It was purely inconceivable in his mind. "Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" James asked Sirius, who was oddly silent with the new subject. He distinctly heard a mumble along the lines of 'And I thought I was the only one listening on greasy-face's conversation here…', though the other two in the compartment did not hear him.

"My whole family have been in Slytherin." Sirius, now sitting across from him, did not smile. James felt sorry for him.

"Blimey. And I thought you were all right!" He gave the boy a smile, trying to cheer him up, just a little. Not everyone goes by family. There is always the odd ball. Take Cousin Bern. He is such a cheese brain! All he cares about is making new potions everyday. I think he was in…wasn't it Ravenclaw?

"Who knows, maybe I will break tradition." Sirius broke into a smile as he spoke. "Where are you heading, if you've got the choice?" James lifted his arm as if he were holding up a sword.

"'Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!' Like my dad." The greasy haired boy made a noise James compared to when one brushed the back of their tongue. "Got a problem with that?" Git? He wanted to add that, but felt it to be a little too rude when in the presence of a girl. The boy had a slight sneer as he spoke.

"No. If you'd rather be brawny than brainy –" The boy never finished his sentence as Sirius interrupted.

"Where're you hoping to go, seeing as you are neither?" James said nothing, though he felt that comment was a little rude. They barely knew the guy. He laughed, however, at the expression on the boy's face. The boy was royally pissed. As the two calmed down, he noticed the girl looking at the two of them with disgust.

Lily stood, unable to handle people teasing Severus any longer.

"Come on, Severus, let's find another compartment."

"Oooooo…." Lily sent daggers at the black haired boy who had been sitting next to her, passing him by with a cool attitude. She opened the compartment door and walked out, not noticing the foot the boy with glasses and hazel eyes stuck out in attempt to trip Severus. Before the door closed, a voice called out to Severus.

"See ya, Snivellus!" She sent a heated glare towards the now slammed shut door as laughter came out of the compartment.

"Gah! Those two are so stupid!" she growled walking along the corridor of the car and into compartments. "Don't let them bother you, Sev," she encouraged, "because they are not worth being on your mind!" Lily did not see Severus looking at her with renewed awe.
She looked into another compartment and found it to have two open seats. Four people already occupied it, though two were leaving, both boys. Lily looked at one, who wore worn clothing and held a book and reading glasses in his hand. He looked tired. She stared briefly before walking up to the door, hesitant.

"May we sit with you?" The two girls who remained looked up at the two and blink.

"Sure," the brown haired one on the right said. Severus and Lily walked in, though Lily noticed Severus on edge. The small group looked at each other uncomfortably before talking all at once.

"I'm Lily-"

"I'm Alice-"

"I'm Mary-"

Severus was the only one not to talk, though Lily couldn't help but laugh at the shock covering his face at the random outburst of names. The two other girls giggled as well.

"You first," Lily said to the mouse brown haired girl next to her.

"I'm Alice. Alice Prewett," the mousy haired girl said, as the girl next to her spoke next.

"Mary Walish, at your service!" the brunette proclaimed cheerfully. Lily gave a small smile before responding herself.

"I'm Lily Evans, and this is my friend, Severus Snape." Severus's attention was immediately diverted to the girls again at the mention of his name. "He lives down the street from me. He is also the one who told me I am a witch. He is so smart!" Severus blushed as all the girls looked at him. He looked down and away again, this time, Lily noticed, with a small smile on his face. Now that is better. You should smile more, Severus. It suits you. Lily looked back at the girls, who started giggling about something in the magazine. Lily, curious, tried to peak over the edge.

"Do you want to look?" Alice asked, Mary nodding enthusiastically.

"Yeah, you can look! They are showing a picture of the Potters. It is the first time anyone has seen their son, James. He is our age. Apparently his parents didn't want him to get more attention than he already has for being born when they are at such an old age!"

Lily contained her excitement as she sat in between the two girls, happy to have made new acquaintances. She glanced over at Severus, noticing he pulled out the book she gave him for their little "Heading to Hogwarts" exchange. A smile graced her small mouth as she thought about the way he would love that book.

James stared at the door the red head just walked out of the compartment through, unsure of how she managed to stun him like she did. He was barely able to comprehend the fact that she went from crying to flushingly angry within a time period of four minutes and one second. Sirius, however, was laughing his tail end off, reminding James of an overactive puppy – particularly the one one of his muggle neighbours owned that tried to chase him down the street when he happened to pass by their gate on his way back from the park that mysteriously became empty when he entered it. The incident terrified him so much he was now permanently terrified of the creatures. Sirius's laughter soon died when James asked him a question concerning animals:

"What is your favourite animal?" Sirius Black looked at James as if the boy lost his mind.

"…Dogs…why?" he answered and asked suspiciously. James didn't have to see his face to know it visibly showed his dismay of his answer. "What's with that face?" Sirius asked defensively. "I'll have you know that I am the proud supporter of the dog race. Dogs are brilliant creatures. Have you ever been lost?" Sirius didn't give James time to answer the strange with a mystified no before he charged on in his monologue. "Dogs can help you find your way in a heartbeat!" Sirius continued on, but James began to tune the boy out: he was speaking in a general circle of dog facts that even James knew. Their sense of smell is extraordinary, their hearing is almost unstoppable, and they are loyal. James knew that Sirius was correct, however James knew the boy was failing to mention (or therefore, didn't even know) that dogs have sharp teeth, are loud, and know how to make a two year old boy pee in his pants with fear when he headed home from the park. "What is your favourite animal?"

James blinked before he continued thinking on it.

"Good question…" Sirius did not hear the comment.

"I bet it is a lion!" James frowned. Lions have sharp teeth, are loud, and can probably make me pee my pants at age eleven. So James shook his head. "What is it then?" Sirius asked, confused.

"Deer." James was quite satisfied with the answer himself. But Sirius laughed. The compartment door opened a while later, after Sirius teased James enough about his "girly" response.

"May I sit with you two?" They both looked up, James hopeful and Sirius crying with laughter written in his eyes.

"Sure," James said, and the sandy haired boy with a book in his hands gave a grateful, almost relieved smile. A small, mousy boy stood behind him and seemed to request the same and Sirius okayed him.

Both boys stared at the newcomers and James decided to ask them the million dollar question he just asked Sirius and answered himself.

"What is your favourite animal?" the boys asked at the same time, and the newcomers stared at them with uncertainty.

"Rabbits," the sandy haired bookworm said cautiously, uncertain of how to answer.

"Alligators!" the second boy answered and all three looked at him blankly. Did he just say alligators? The awkwardness was slow to disappear when the conductor announced that they would be at the school in ten minutes. Three of the boys jumped to put on their school uniforms. The sandy haired boy was the only one not to. He changed at the station.

"So…uh…what are your names?" James asked, feeling that it should be known.

"Remus Lupin," said the sandy haired boy.

"As in the Roman tale? Where twin boys, fathered by some roman deity, raised by a Lupa then by a shepherd and his wife?" James questioned, unknowingly making Remus admire him. Most people would not see this in his name. "And wasn't Remus the one to die, killed by Romulus?" Remus, though happy to find someone who knew something that came from a book, was not so happy about the connection to a wolf and the mention of the manner of death.

"First of, that is myth, and secondly, did you research Roman myth? I looked it up on the computer…" Remus trailed off, unsure of the blank expressions he received.

"I'm James Potter," he said, not sure what computers were and wishing not to talk about them.

"Sirius Black," Sirius said. James completely forgot the fourth boy in the compartment who, though getting his name out in the open, managed to get his self trapped in his robes. Sirius laughed. "That reminds me of a time when Reg got trapped in the curtains. Mother charmed them so intruders wouldn't get past the windows. She soon discovered that they make a great punishment. What is your name again?" he asked sheepishly.

"It's Peter," the boy said quietly. "Peter Pettigrew." All the boys smiled as the train stopped, climbing of, clearly not concerned at all that the war would be defined in this very moment: on the Hogwarts Express, Platform 9 ¾.