I know its short but its my first fanfic and i tried my best. So help me out and review plz?

Amanda sat in her car waiting. Listening to Little Razorblade, she was impatient and wanted to get going soon. She'd been waiting for over twenty minutes for Hoffman. He had to pick up something from his office before they could go.

"why is he taking so long?" she thought becoming even more impatient.

Just when she was about to leave him, he knocked on her window. Just as serious as ever. But that was what Amanda loved about Hoffman. She rolled down her window.

"I'll drive" He said calmly to Amanda, taking the keys from her.

"No, I will drive Hoffman." She said pulling the keys away.

Suddenly annoyed Hoffman commanded," Shut up and give me the keys."

"Never!" she shouted. but as his hand wrapped around hers Amanda slipped into Dreamland...

Amanda thoughts slipped from reality to the dream she had the previous night. She sat with Hoffman on top of a quiet hill watching the sun set. They turned to look at each other, staring deeply into each others eyes they leaned closer then-

"Amanda! For the last time give the keys!"

Pulled back into reality, Amanda angrily gave up the keys to Hoffman.

"I like dream Hoffy better." she mumbled.

Hoffman stared at her in confusion as he began to drive the car.

They had been planning for weeks to go to the new amusement park downtown. It had supposedly been around the world and been so much of a hit it was selling out soon to a huge company. The park only had a few more appearances left. Last night they were lucky enough to buy the last pair of tickets for the park.

Perfect time for Adam Stanheight, a photographer, to get few pictures of the park. Adam decided he could make a bit of money for selling a few of the pictures to local news paper. As well as have some fun while he was there. He heard the park had a huge variety of different games, roller coasters, and addicting disgusting food. Tonight is a win win kind of night for him. Fun, food, and getting payed.

"Time to go" he said walking out of his apartment. Camera in hand he had no idea of what to expect from the world renowned park.

This is also the time Doctor Lawrence Gordon decides to take his wife and daughter the park. The couple had been have a few relationship problems, but tonight Lawrence would try his best to make things better between them. He loved his wife Allison very much. He also gets to spend time with his daughter Diana.

Lawrence locked the door to his house before leaving, just as he locked the door he had a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. He shook his head and walked outside to meet his family in the car.

So tonight is the beginning. :)

Welcome to AXE LAND!