A/N: This was originally part of my planned sequel to Watashi no Oniisan, Watashi no Yami. However, I felt the sequel had degenerated into way too much angst and bad melodrama, so I scrapped it. The original ended on just the right note and I felt like I was trying to force a sequel. However, since I already wrote this I felt I might as well post it.

Itachi has just died in his fight with Sasuke, and the medical prodigy Sakura used Chiyo's life-force transferring jutsu to resurrect him at the cost of her own life. When he wakes up, he finds this letter…

Sakura's Letter

My dearest Itachi,

If you are reading this letter then my plan was a success. I used elder Chiyo's life force-transferring jutsu to bring you back from the dead at the cost of my own life. You're terribly angry with me, aren't you? Luckily, I won't have to face your wrath, since I'm already dead. Gomen, you probably didn't think that was funny. Nor do I, really. This situation is just so unbearable that inappropriate humor is my only recourse.

You didn't even say goodbye to me the morning after we made love. That was cruel, although I should have expected it. It was just like you. Selfish to the end. I know you only meant to spare me pain, but you didn't consider my feelings. Didn't you know that no matter how painful our parting, I wanted to see you alive one last time more than anything in the world?

You see, I can be selfish too. My stubbornness surpasses even yours, Itachi. Granted, you had no idea that I had this jutsu up my sleeve, but you should have known better than to underestimate me after all this time.

One last thing: you'd better not commit suicide after you read this. I will be furious with you. If we end up in the same place, be it heaven or hell, I swear I will never speak to you throughout eternity. Instead, I want you to find Sasuke and apologize to him, then go back to Konoha and say "hello" to everyone for me. I want you to find a beautiful woman to bear your children and live out your days with her in happiness. Most of all, I want you to forget about me. I realize that this will be difficult for you, but it's said that time heals all wounds. May time be gentle with you, lover, and may your future be filled with the bliss you have long been denied.

Love always,


If you have happened to come upon this without first reading my fic "Watashi no Oniisan" do read and review that please! It's relatively short for a multi-chapter fic, so it won't take up too much of your time.