The day my daughter was born was the best day of my life. As soon as, the nurse placed her in my arms she stopped crying. When she opened up her eyes and stared at me with those gorgeous brown eyes I knew I was in major trouble. This beautiful angel was gonna break hearts and I wasn't looking forward to it.

The first couple months of Bella's life were hard, but still wonderful. Renee was depressed. I don't understand how you could be sad while looking at my 'baby bells', but she was. The doc said it was postpartum depression and it wasn't uncommon.

I was the one that got up in the middle of the night to feed her. Hell, I'm the one that fed her during the day too. Renee spent most of the time in bed.

Renee finally started getting better after baby bells four month check up. Bella ended up with RSV. That shit is not fun. It scared Renee enough she seemed to snap out of it over night. (I know it wasn't that easy, but she at least spent a lot more time with baby bells.)

When my baby bells turned one, Renee insisted on throwing a huge party. Made no sense to me. I don't think a one year old is gonna remember any of that shit, but I knew better than to say that to Renee. I may be a man, but I'm not that stupid.

The party was going great until Mike Newton, Linda & John's kid who was a few months older than Bella, tried to kiss my baby girl. He ended up knocking her over and she started crying. Now I know my little girl is gonna have boys trying to kiss her during her life (I already have my shotgun ready), but hell she's only one. I thought I had several more years before I had to worry about any of that. I was happy that Bella didn't seem to like the little shit after that. Every time he came near her she would cry and crawl away.

The year Bella turned three was the worst year of my life. Renee told me she was leaving. She said she'd always love me, but she couldn't stay in Forks. She said 'Forks is too fucking small. She was bored out of her fucking skull and she was so damn tired of all the nosy gossiping bitches in this fucking town.' – her words not mine. I don't understand how you can say I love you, but still up and leave. And another thing if she loved me she could have ask me to go with her, but she didn't.

Anyway, I'm getting of track. It was the worst year of my life because she took my baby bells and moved to Phoenix. Phoenix is a long ass way from Forks, let me tell you. May not take a long time by plane, but when it's the distance between you and your little girl it seems like a million miles.

The first six months she was gone was hell. I think I lost twenty pounds. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I worked as much as I could then came home and drank until I passed out.

After the seventh month of drinking myself into an early grave, my best friend Billy stepped in. He drug me out of the house and made me go fishing with him. When I say he drug me, I literally mean he drug me. He took the beer out of my hands, grabbed my collar and pulled. I fell on my ass and he kept pulling. Wasn't so bad. I got a few splinters in my ass from a loose board on my porch, but the fishing was fun. Turned into an obsession though. I started fishing every weekend. Anything to keep my mind off my empty house.

Renee was good about sending me pictures of Bella. First day of preschool.
First day of Kindergarten. First ballet recital. First 'boyfriend' in Kindergarten – now that I wasn't happy about.

I had flown down at least a couple times a year to see my baby bells, but she never came to forks. Each visit seemed to end with Renee and me at each others throats which would upset Bella.

The summer after Kindergarten, Renee finally let Bella come to Forks. She got to spend a whole month with me. I had several vacation weeks saved up so I took the whole month off. I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could.

Billy and I took Bella and his son Jacob fishing a lot. Jacob was a couple years younger than Bella, but they seemed to get along great. That is until Jacob put a frog down Bella's dress. She chased him across the beach. When she caught him she punched him. Then as soon as he started crying she said, "I'm sorry baby boy. Don't cry. Bella make it all better." Then she kissed him. ON THE MOUTH! Hell, that kid wore a smile for the rest of Bella's visit.

When we weren't fishing that summer, we were at Billys'. Jacob and Bella were glued to each other. They cried when Bella and I would leave each night.

My favorite part of the summer though, was when it was just Bella and me at night. We'd eat supper at Billy's most nights. Then we could come home, curl up in the recliner together and either watch a movie or read together.

Now my daughter has always been smart. She may have only been five at the time, but she was reading on the level of a nine year old. I have to say I'm a proud papa. Always have been, always will be.

Bella would pick up a book, curl up in my lap and read to me. When she would get too sleepy to keep reading she would hand the book to me for me to finish reading it to her.

The last week she was with me, Sarah, Billy's wife, threw a birthday party for Bella since she would be back with her mom on her birthday. Bella was not happy. She hated being the center of attention. She definitely got that from me. Renee thrives on attention.

Bella was a good sport though. She blew out the candles, ate some cake, opened her presents and went to each person with a thank you and a hug. She then played some games with Jacob and all the other little kids from the Rez.

After the party we loaded everything up and went home. When baby bells crawled up in the recliner with me that night she was crying. When I asked her what was wrong she told me she didn't want to leave me. Seeing her crying and her telling me that broke my heart. I didn't want her to leave either.

The next two days were spent just me and Bella at home reading together. We had a Disney movie marathon and ate popcorn. It was great.

The day I had to take Bella home almost killed me. Renee picked us up at the airport with her new boyfriend. I admit it hurt a little seeing her with another man, but I could deal. What I couldn't handle though was that Bella seemed to know him. She yelled, 'Andy' and ran and hugged him. That hurt like hell. Seeing another man in my place with my daughter was something I had never prepared myself for.

Bella, the observant and caring child she's always been noticed my reaction. She jumped down, grabbed Andy's hand and drug him over to me. She proudly told him, "This is the best daddy in the whole wide word and he's mine." That made my day.

I spent one night with them then had to go home. After spending a whole month with Bella it was hard to say goodbye and go back to an empty home. We both cried when I walked away at the airport.

The first month after I got back home was hell. It was like Renee left all over again. I went back to working as much over time as possible. I would call Bella once a week. Her mom sent me pictures of her every month. It wasn't the same as having her with me, but it had to do.

For the next few years my life was the same. I worked as much as possible, spoke to Bella once a week, visited her for a few days the week before Christmas, and she spent a month with me every summer. I couldn't take a whole month off every summer, but I did take at least two weeks and Sarah watched her while I worked the other two. It always killed me when I had to take her home.

Bright side was 'Andy' didn't stick around. Renee had a different boyfriend every summer I made the trip. It didn't hurt so much to see Renee with another man anymore. Bella seemed to realize they wouldn't be around for long either and quit trying to get to know any of them.

The summer before Bella turned fourteen she came as always and things were going great. The third week she was with me we went to the beach with Billy and Jake. Jake and Bella were running along the beach playing when Bella fell. She hit her head and was unconscious when I picked her up. I ran to my car and sped to the hospital. Doc said she had a concussion and a broken arm.

When Renee flew in she was pissed. She told me I was a terrible father and there was no way in hell her daughter was coming back to Forks. When Bella was released the next day Renee took her and left. Bella and I both cried as Renee pulled her away from me at the airport.

That was the last summer Bella came to stay in Forks. I still went to see her every year the week before Christmas and spent two weeks in a Phoenix hotel every summer. Things weren't really the same with us though. When we got together we weren't as affectionate with each other. We still loved each other, but didn't really know how to express it anymore. I miss how it was when she was little.

When Bella was Seventeen she called and told me she wanted to move in with me. She told me that Renee and her latest boy toy had gotten hitched and were traveling with his MINOR league baseball team. She didn't want to travel so she was hoping she could live with me and finish high school in Forks. I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait to have my baby bells home.

(Next Chapter will be starting Twilight still in Charlie's POV. This story will not go as slow as the books and will not go exactly like the books. I don't like Edward so the story will not end Bella/Edward. For anyone who has suffered from postpartum I don't mean to offend. I am a woman and have battled depression so I'm not trying to belittle it. This story is from Charlies POV and I don't think he would really understand what Renee was going through. I also know a lot of the writing isn't grammatically correct, but it is writen how I think Charlie's mind would work.)