AN: I had this story sitting on my computer and I though that if I put it out there where other people could read it maybe I'll have the motivation to finish it. This is a retelling of Disney's Aladdin. The characters are not like they are in the movie. From where I stand now there won't be any magic lamp but there still will be 3 wishes and other changes of the sort.

Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I am not Disney. I do not own Aladdin.

Shadows danced over the ground as Ilias crept forward. The small gas lamp illuminated his rough features. He reached for the small bronze handle that would gain him access to his prize. Ilias winced as the door creaked open on its rusty hinges. He only needed a few more seconds and he would safely reside in the palace, he would have successfully avoided the guards in the garden a large feat for even someone with as much experience as Ilias. He swiftly stepped in. A flood of warm air his Ilias removing the bitter night air from his bones as he walked farther in. It was the service entry, a quick exit from the kitchen to the barn out back. He knew no one would be here at this hour; they would all be asleep in the opposite wing unaware of what was happing. The soft light of the torches lining the hall lead the way form him. As he stepped out of the entry way and into the hall he knew there was no going back.

Cold marble floors greeted Ilias. After shivering from its touch on his bare feet Ilias laughed, the palace had mistakenly forgotten to put guards on the inside of the palace. They thought their precious citadel was impenetrable. They won't know what hit them. The silence echoed throughout the corridor, the padding of Ilias' feet was the only noise on this autumn night.

"Creak" Ilias jumped against the stone wall pulling his dagger out of its sheath. A ray of light shone down the hallway from a cracked door. Ilias pulled himself along the wall, his clothing becoming even more tattered from the rough stone.

"Good night Papa" a girl said as she walked out of the room, a swirling dress floating behind her. "Good night my gazelle," so that must be the famous king, thought Ilias. He watched the girls long brown hair flow behind her, her hips swaying in a mesmerizing fashion.

Ilias smirked the sight of his targets put a gleam in his chocolate eyes. Brushing his straggly black hair out of his face, he took a step. He froze, the step had sounded like a crash. If someone discovers him now, it could only end in disaster. Content that no one had heard him Ilias continued, every so often listening for the footsteps that would tell him someone was approaching.

He passed the room from which the girl has come. Its large oak doors were inlayed with gold. A door like that could feed an entire family for a month in the streets. The people here knew nothing about life. How could they be fit to rule if they didn't even know how over half of our population lived? That wasn't what Ilias was here for though, that would be a job for another night. Tonight he was here for the Queen's River. It was an ancient necklace passed through generations of monarchs. Set in the middle of solid gold was a gem that was so pure and brilliantly blue it was said it was made of the gods crystallized tears. That didn't matter to Ilias. It was what the necklace was worth, that mattered to him. With it in his possession he would be set for life, no more days without food and nights spent on cold roofs. Yes, he'll have the good life.

Ilias continued on pass the great door and on to the room of his desire, the princess bedroom. That was where, in a crystal case he would find the Queen's River. He stopped at another set of door, slightly smaller but it was too inlaid with a vast quantity of gold. As carefully as possible, Ilias pushed the door open.

The sound of rushing water could be heard. Perfect Ilias thought, she's bathing. He slipped into the room, the plush carpets tickling his feet. He glanced around the room. Everything in here screamed of a pampered life. Windows 20 feet tall stretched over the back wall, a large canopy bed filled most of the room, and its silken white sheets were embroidered with a golden thread. There it was! Ilias raced over to the windows and there, in the center was the Queen's River. It was more beautiful than anyone could have ever described. The moonlight danced of the surface of the crystal and illuminated the jewelry. The necklace itself was a wonder that was far more spectacular and brilliant in person. The craftsmanship was flawless and the gem was free of impurities. It did indeed look as if it had been crafted by the gods. Ilias brushed his fingers against the crystal and began to search for a way to remove it.

"Who are you?" she screamed. Ilias whipped around. There covered in a silken nightgown was the Princess. She was beautiful. Long tresses of golden brown hair cascaded down her back and to her thighs. Her tanned skin glowed in the lowlight and green eyes shone brightly on her face. "But," Ilias said "You, you were," "Guards!" she screamed again.

Desperate, Ilias lunged at her and tackled her to the ground, clamping his hand over here mouth. Ilias was having a hard time holding her. She was squirming all over the place and her silken nightgown let her slip through his arms. Ilias didn't want to resort to it but he needed to. He swiftly pulled his dagger and placed it a hair lengths away from her neck. She cowered back at the sight of the glinting silver blade.

"Now Princess," Ilias spat "if you scream my hand might just slip." She immediately was silenced. They couldn't stay there like that, if someone had heard the Princess's screams the guards would no doubt come running to see what the commotion was but Ilias was unsure of what to do. If he ran away, the Princess would scream again and there was no chance he was escaping.

Ilias shrugged his head in an attempt to get her hair out of his face. It smelled of exotic spices that Ilias could only imagine tasted like heaven and the palace of the stars. Her flimsy nightgown was soft to Ilias' touch, softer than his dreams of clouds. The pale white stood out against her golden tan skin and her emerald eyes shone brilliantly, although they were currently glaring intensely at him.

AN: Please review! I would love to hear any suggestions or constructive criticism. They keep me writing.