Chapter 2- The Tiger's Charge

Starlyn POV

"I can't believe that you've got Malfoy falling for you," Hermione Granger chortled, "I didn't even know he had a heart to love with."

"Hermione, could you please, please try to be nice about this. I'm going to call everyone out for class this coming Monday; he can try to talk to me then." Starlyn's patience was starting to wear thin from Harry, Hermione, and Ron's constant teasing about Malfoy's crush.

"Starlyn…why would you even want to talk to him after what we've told you?" Ron was the least likable when it came to talking about Draco.

"Because, I believe that people can change for the ones they love, if that is how Mr. Malfoy feels about me, then I'll give him a chance."

"Mr. Malfoy?" Harry chortled.

"Yes, Harry. Mr. Malfoy. I am still a professor; therefore I will still address the students like the other teachers do."

"Alright, already. No need to bite my head off, I just thought it was funny hearing called that by another teenager. If I had a choice, I'd just completely ignore him, but Malfoy's kind of hard to forget about."

"I know you would, Harry, and that is why I put all four of you in the same class," Starlyn suddenly busied herself collecting papers.

"You did what?!" the three Gryffindors said at once.

"I just thought you should all learn to get along."

"By putting us all in the same Co-operation and Survival class?" Ron gapped, "I'd rather kiss one of Hagrid's Blast-ended Skrewts than have to stay with Malfoy in the Forbidden Forest somewhere."

"But you already did, remember. Your first year here, you got sent to the Forest because you were caught out of bed after hours?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. And he almost got Harry killed. If that centaur hadn't come along, he would have died because of You-Know-Who."

"Yes, but I'm willing to give him another chance. And you really should get over the whole 'You-Know-Who' thing."

"You try being frightened something fierce by him," Hermione chided.

"I am frightened by Voldemort, but you said yourself, Hermione, 'Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.'"

"Well it's alright for you; you've got a ti-"

"Shut up, Ron. No one is supposed to know about her until I get the classes started. So if you know what's good for you, you'll shut that ghastly hole you call a mouth."

"Fine, sorry. Jeez, girls can be so touchy." But everyone heard the statement, and every girl turned to look at him.

She giggled and leaned over to Hermione, "Yes, and guys can be such idiots." They both laughed.