Sadly I don't not own any of the Twilight characters and niether of the charmed characters. Hope you like my story.

"Lexi please don't go, we cant lose you either"

I looked in the eyes of my two sisters. Piper and Phoebe, my third sister Prue just died in a demon attack. There eyes were filled with tears and pain.

"I cant anymore Piper, I just cant I only stayed because we were together but Prue's gone" tears rolled down my eyes.

Piper grabbed me in a hug, I saw Leo orbs him self and look at me sadly.

"Lexi, please don't do this."

I frowned at Leo, his become my older brother through this.

"I'm sorry I'll keep in touch, I just need some time away from this I wont promise that I'll come back but I'll try."

Phoebe sighed exasperated.

"where are you planning on going"

"I'm going to stay with Aunt Renee for a while, ok. I love all of you. We'll see each other again one day, I promise"

With that I closed the door, on the Halliwell Manor and ran to the cab through the rain.

"where should I take you dear"

I looked at the cab driver with tears in my eyes.

"take me to the nearest airport please"

He nodded and started the cab, I took one look at the house and saw the curtains slide close, the black cat staring at the cab. I sighed and lean back closing my eyes, letting salty tears trail down my cheeks like gushing streams.

I opened my eyes and starred at the ceiling of Uncle Charlie's two floor house. Its been 3 years since I seen my sisters. My name is Lexi Isabelle Halliwell, its been a year that I became Isabella Marie Swan daughter of Charlie Swan the police chief of the small town of forks.

Renee is a witch who made a mistake and married a demon Charlie. They did love each other but it never worked. We made the cover story of me being his daughter so I can fit better in forks.

I'm a charmed one, I have every power, since Prue gone, I became the most powerful witch known to mankind, I didn't want that to happened.

I left Renee to start a different life so I became Bella, the shy clumsy girl who has no confidence, a complete opposite of who I am.

I'm madly in love with an Edward Cullen, vampire. He doesn't know who I am and I play my lie really good, even when I'm playing a terrible liar. Edward would have a dead heart attack if he knew I used to fight evil since I was 12.

I got up and passed my hand through me hair the door of my room creaked opened slowly.

"Lexi sweetie, you ok"

I nodded and looked at the date, June 30 . The date Prue died, and I left that life forever.

"Never been better Charlie"

He sighed and stood at the door. "your not going to the Cullen's house are you."

I shook my head now and got up putting my shoes on.

"don't take to long at the cemetery Bella, Edward might pop up any time."

I nodded, Charlie know the Cullen's where vampires, but an advantage of being a demon, he can block curtains parts of his mind and it looks like his a normal human.

I nodded at him. He sighed and left the room, I looked at my self in the mirror then orbs my self to, L.A's cemetery. I looked around make sure no human was there and walked slowly to where we buried Prue, I got there and read the tomb stone.

Here lies loving daughter and sister,

Prudence Marie Halliwell


I closed my eyes and let tears fall, no matter how many years pass it hurts like hell to know she's gone. I kneel down and touch the ground.

"if I could do anything Prue, I'll get you back. I miss you so much"

Tears fell and I stayed silent for a while, I looked at my watch. It was time to go. Phoebe and Piper usually would come around this time, I cant risk them seeing me. They would insist on my staying, an I just cant.

I walked back to my spot looked around and then orbed back home,

I got undress and back in the bed right when Edward went through the window.

"hello, love"

His voice was concerned, I smiled at him.

"hello Edward." he smiled and kissed my forehead,

"you seem a little hot to me bells, maybe I should call Carlisle so he can come see you."

I blushed. "its not that big of a deal Edward, I got a little cold."

I have nothing wrong with me, but that I can produce balls of fire I can make my body temperature up. He touched my forehead and shook his head.

I coughed and it sounded like I was congest, love being a witch.

Edward frowned. "that's it I'm calling Carlisle"

I tried to protest but Edward gave me a look, I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Carlisle, yes I'm not at home, Bella has a cold and I would like for you to check her."

He was quiet.

"thank you dad."

He looked at me and smiled crookedly, it made my heart accelerate. Edward smiled bigger.

"he should be here soon"

I sighed.

"he didn't really need to come, Edward its embarrassing I'm not that sick."

Edward ignored me, he saw one of the postcard that Phoebe no matter if I answer back keep sending me. I tensed.

"who's Phoebe, Piper and Paige" he said curiously.

Paige is a step sister, they found her a couple of month after I left, I remember them orbing into my room in Arizona. It was the biggest shock in my life.

"cousins from California, we're really close."

He smiled and nodded

There was a knock at the door, and Carlisle came in. I smiled at him.

"well Bella lets check your temperature."

He got his scan and passed it on my forehead. The object beeped.

"hmm, looks like you have a slight fever, of 101"

"I fell fine" they both gave me a look and I rolled my eyes.

Carlisle checked my heart and eye sight, then he check if I had strep, which I knew I didn't have.

"well dear you have a simple cough."

I sighed "I could have told you that and save you all that trouble."

He chucked and kissed my forehead.

"its ok Bella, I don't mind checking on my daughter."

I smiled at him.

"I have to get back at the Hospital son, I'll leave you 2 alone"

We nodded and Carlisle was gone, Edward came and slide into the covers with me. He massaged back in soothing circles.

I cuddled into his chest. I heard a growl come from his chest and I looked up to see him smiling warmly at me, deep love and care in his eyes.

4 hours later I woke up in Edwards arms again.

"what time is it." I said dozily.

"1:36 pm, you should keep on resting." I shook my head no and sat, he helped me.

I looked at him and he looked at me concerned.

"what is it Edward?"

He sighed "who's Prue?"

I gasped "why are you asking?"

He looked at me "Bella you were crying in your sleep, yelling out to Prue"

I can see he was worried for me his voice was filled with only concern. I sat on the bed, and held his hand.

"Prue is one of my cousins, she's sisters of Piper, Phoebe and Paige. Three days after I left there house with Renee, since we go to visit them over the summer. We got a phone call saying that Prue was killed in a car accident. Me and Prue had a fight the day we left. Till this day I blame my self for her death."

Edward looked at me wide eyed. He quickly grabbed me in a tight hug and pulled me onto his lap.

"I haven't seen my cousins in 3 years, thinking if I go back they tell me it was my fault she died."

Edward frowned.

"that's not true you know it wasn't your fault."

I smiled sadly at Edward. "its ok Edward, I'm fine there's no need in all of this. I was just maybe replying everything in my head."

He chuckled.

"what I would do to be in your head."

No you really shouldn't be in my head. I smiled and went into my into my closet, pulling out skinny jeans and a black flannel shirt, along with a panty and bra that I hid under my other clothes.

"I'm going to go take a shower"

He nodded smiling crookedly , see if I was Lexi I would have invited him to take a shower with me, Bella in the other hand would blush and walk away.

And that's exactly what I did. I walked to the shower and turn it on to warm, I stripped my clothes and stepped in, the water made the joints of my back relaxes and I sighed.

I do blame my self for Prue's death, I could have saved her. I let tears fall silently down my face. I turned of the water, an stepped out of the steaming bath.

I dried my self and got dress then I walked back to my room, Edward was the same way I left him. I he looked at me and smiled, then I he had his arms around my waist kissing my neck.

"you smell divine when you come out of the shower."

I blushed and put my clothes in the hamper.

"you think you fell ok to come home with me today"

I smiled and nodded.

I put on some socks then my converse and he throw me onto his back, gently and jumped out of the window. We raced through the woods until we made it to his beautiful house.

(this is just a rough draft I'll decide on how much reviews I'll get and see if I'll put on the second chapter, its my first cross over have patience with me. Hope you and please REVIEW)