AN: Song Fic based off of The Breath You Take by George Strait. Mainly about Tony and Gibbs. Will include minor Tiva and maybe McAbby. Probably going to be three chapters & Possible Major Character death in last chapter. Will gives head up during last chapter so you will be aware. This is my first story so I hope you enjoy

I do not own The breathe you take by George Strait or Anything pertaing to NCIS...I'm just borrowing

He looks up from second base dads up in the stands

He saw the hit, the run, the slide there aint no bigger fan

In the parking lot after the game he said

"Dad I thought you had a plane to catch"

He smiled and said "Yeah son I did"

Tony decided he needed to find away to stay active and in shape, so he signed up for an adult baseball league. Today was his first game, he was nervous, but he wouldn't admit it. Standing in the dugout he looks out into the stands. He sees his team out there waiting to cheer him on. Abby, Ziva, McGee, Jimmy and Ducky were all sitting together at the top of the bleachers. Abby wanted to sit up there so she can see everything. As Tony looked out at is team, his friends, he couldn't help but feel upset that Gibbs was nowhere to be found. When Tony had told everyone about the game Gibbs said he had a meeting with Vance and the other Team Leaders. Tony couldn't help but wonder if Gibbs was just making up and excuse or if he really did have a meeting. The team was never much to do anything all together outside of work, unless Abby planned something and talked everyone into coming. Tony figured if Gibbs wanted to come to the game he would have, and he was just happy that the rest of his team came out to watch the game.

As Tony walks up to the plate he can hear Abby cheering for him. The first pitch "Strike 1" the umpire shouted from behind Tony. "Come on Tony you got this" McGee yelled from the stands. The second pitch "Ball 1". Tony steps out of the batter's box, takes a few swings, and steps back in. "1 ball, 1 strike" the umpire informed everyone. As the pitcher wound up, Tony gripped tighter on the bat, waited and swung the bat with all his might.

CLINK! Tony drops the bat and takes off for first base. He glances over and sees he hit a nice line drive to center field, and the fielder missed the ball and it continued to roll to the fence. Tony rounded first and sprinted to second. Tony slides into the base and he hears everyone yelling "Slide" and "Down".

"Safe" The umpire shouted. Tony stands up and starts to brush all the clay off of him the best he can. He can hear the team shouting and cheering for him from the stands, and of course Abby is the loudest of them all. As Tony is brushing the clay off and waiting for the next batter, he suddenly hears a very familiar whistle. One that he normally hears when he is goofing off or he is bickering with Ziva or McGee. Tony starts to scan the ground in search of who is whistling, and then his eyes fall on him. There was Gibbs leaning against the fence by first base. Tony couldn't help but feel that much more excited about the hit he just had.

Gibbs saw it all, the hit, the run, the slide. He couldn't have been prouder of his Senior Field Agent. Seeing Tony's hit made Gibbs feel that much better after walking out on his meeting with Vance and the other Team Leaders. After sitting in the meeting for an hour and still not understanding the need for the meeting, Gibbs walked out. As he got up and headed for the door he could hear Vance questioning where he was going and informing him how the meeting was important and he needed to be there. Gibbs never answered Vance; He knew what was important and where he needed to be. During his drive to the baseball field, Vance called him several time. Gibbs finally shut his phone off and threw it in the back seat. As Gibbs was walking toward the field he saw Tony stepping into the batter's box. Since he didn't want to miss a second more, He found a spot against the fence, and then Tony hit. Gibbs could tell the minute Tony spotted him. Gibbs nodded at Tony and took a seat next to Abby. Abby gave Gibbs a quick hug; she knew how much it meant to Tony to have Gibbs there.

Tony's team won the game 13-11. Tony finished the game with 3 hits and 2 RBI's. After the game, everyone was walking to their cars. Tony was walking with an arm around Abby and Ziva's waist, While McGee, Jimmy, Ducky and Gibbs followed behind.

"You were amazing Tony, I'm so proud of you" Abby said as she snuggled closer to Tony

"Thank you Abby" Tony replied as he kissed the top of Abby's head

When they finally reached the cars Tony gave Abby a hug and said his goodbyes to Abby, Tim, Jimmy and Ducky.

"You played a tuff game" Gibbs said as he shook Tony's hand

"Thanks Boss" Tony replied "I thought you had a meeting with Vance so you weren't going to be able to make come"

"Yeah Dinozzo, I did, but it wasn't important" Gibbs said

"You stood Vance up didn't you?" Tony said with a huge smile

"Some things are more important than a meeting Dinozzo…this was one of em'" Gibbs stated with a smirk once he noticed the look of shock on Tony's face. Gibbs then continued "The meeting was not important so I left and came here. I really wanted to see your first game. Vance will get over it, especially once he realizes that if he schedules anymore meetings during one of your games I won't be at the meeting."

Tony was shocked. He didn't think Gibbs really cared that much to walk out on a meeting with the director just to watch him play. Let alone skip out on any other meeting that would occur at the same time.

Gibbs could tell by the look on Tony's face that no one had said anything like that to him before. His father was always too busy to acknowledge anything Tony did, But Gibbs wanted to show Tony that not everyone is like that. Gibbs then did something that Tony never thought would happen.

"I'm proud of you Tony" Gibbs said while pulling him into a hug

Tony could feel his emotions take over. He turned his head into the hug only so Ziva would not notice his emotions run wild, as a single tear slide down his cheek. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think Gibbs or anyone cared that much. After a few minutes they pulled away and Gibbs looked at Ziva

"You guys drive together?" Gibbs asked Ziva

Ziva nodded her head – "Yeah"

"Take him home then" Gibbs stated

They said their goodbyes and turned to go separate ways

"One more thing you two" Gibbs turned to say. Both Ziva and Tony stopped to look at him.

"Keep it out of the office" Gibbs stated and turned right back around, but not before noticing the look of shock on his agents faces. He had noticed for a while that there was something between these two but always set it aside. Until he finally figured why prevent the inevitable and just let it go.

Tony and Ziva looked at each other

"How did he….?" Tony spoke

"I do not know...He is Gibbs he just knows these things" Ziva replied

"Well at least now it's out in the open" Tony said with a smile as he leaned in and gave Ziva a kiss

"Me too" Ziva replied after they separated.

Life's not the breaths you take

The breathing in and out

That gets you through the day

Aint what it's all about

Ya just might miss the point

Tryin' to win the race

Life's not the breath you take

But the moments that take you breath away