Hiya! =D This is my second fanfic ever made so please be mindful if there are any mistakes or…confusions perhaps. My last fanfic was kinda one-shot, it went kinda alright, so writing a full story will be new to me . The first bit will be a bit dramatic but it'll unfold in later chapters, and the next chappie's gonna be bout the nightclub, so yeah x]

Anyways, here's the chappie, enjoy pwease :]

Normal POV

Zero staggered back to his apartment door, wincing at the slight pain that punctured through his body with every step he took. He quietly unlocked the apartment door, carefully avoiding any creaks in the floorboards, cautious not to wake up his sleeping friends; Yuuki, Ichiru and Kaito.

He sighed as he ran his hand through his moon light hair, falling backwards onto the couch. He looked, and smelled, like a mess. His shirt was torn raggedly, his skin stained with level E blood and his own sweat. He titled his head and groaned, on the small table in front of him were bills that needed to be payed 3 days ago.

Honestly, I told Yuuki to pay those ages ago, guess she forgot, as usual… Money wasn't money to him or his friends, they all had reasonable jobs, all which paid reasonable amounts of money. Their apartment was rather spacious and large, it would have had a nice interior if it weren't for the teens lazy nature.

Zero and his friends were sometimes wild and free. They loved to go out on late nights to clubs in the downtown regions, they sometimes partied on their own at local pubs, getting drunk and high. Luckily their jobs didn't require a large amount of their time.

Zero and Kaito worked under the hunter association, they sometimes paired up on missions, but Zero preferred to work alone most of the times. Yuuki worked a maid café, one of those restaurants that made girls serve customers, referring them as masters of madams. Her boss was a very elegant and beautiful lady, Shizuka Hio.

Ichiru, on the other hand, worked as a waiter at rather expensive, European restaurant, although due to the staff being older and more experience then himself, Ichiru had a more vacant schedule, not that he was complaining.

Zero was about to get up before a figure walked up towards him and pinned him downed onto the couch. This figure had moon light hair like Zero, instead it was a little longer than his. His lavender eyes clouded with concern.

"Zero, why did you come home so late? You should of at least bring Kaito with you, I mean, look at yourself, you're a half-dead mess." Complained Ichiru. He disliked the fact that Zero would rather take on large missions on his own than with Kaito, it troubled him that his dear twin brother got heavily harmed, the very thought pained him deeply.

"Get off me, I don't look that bad, stop exaggerating…" Zero attempted to push Ichiru aside, but he was very tired and weak at the moment, therefore his twin brother overpowered him.

"I wish I only were exaggerating Zero, you look worst than shit…you might even smell like it, go take a shower." Ichiru released his brother and gestured towards the bathroom, with a smirk planted across his face. He enjoyed bossing his twin brother around most of the times, it was one of his ways to annoy Zero.

Zero scowled, "Whatever…" Zero got up and walked past Ichiru, shoving his hand onto his brother's face, causing him to stumble over.

"Gross, your hand's covered in blood." Ichiru wiped his face with the end of his sleeve, grimacing at the smell. "Disgusting."

Zero smirked and ran into the bathroom, locking it on his way in. Zero took his shirt off and observed himself in the mirror. His wounds had already healed up, due to his vampire abilities, his skin although, was stained with blood. He quickly pulled of the rest of his clothing and hopped into the shower, allowing the warm water to rinse away the filth that clung onto him.

After 5 minutes or so, Zero got out and wrapped a towel around his waist. He walked into his bedroom, which he shared with his twin brother, Ichiru, who was sleeping soundly on his own bed. He changed into a red top and black boxer, and quickly dropped himself onto his bed, relaxing his aching muscles.

He slowly closed his eyes until a faint knock came to his door. Sighing for the fifth time that night, Zero answered, "Come in Yuuki." She's the only one to pester me and such an hour, besides Ichiru of course.

A petite young girl with chocolate brown hair and crimson red eyes stepped through the door, wearing a light blue gown and matching slippers.

"Zero, are you okay? You came home late tonight…" Honestly, this girl worries too much, I'm surprised she didn't get wrinkles from concern.

"I'm alright Yuuki, stop pestering me all the time, its annoying." Yuuki's face grew from a concerned look to a scowl. She stuck her tongue out like a child at Zero, who was smiling and her behaviour. "Come, sit here." Zero patted his hand on a spot next to him, gesturing her to sit down.

Her face immediately lit up, and she parked herself next to Zero, hugging him tightly. She always admired her older friend, he was always strong and independent, something she always wanted to be, but right now, she stood beside him like he was her older brother.

"Anything good happened without me today, I heard you were going to a party that old man Rido was hosting." Zero never liked Kuran Rido, but he never despised him either, perhaps it was the fact that Rido was actually a Pureblood that ticked him off.

"Yeah, I did actually, it was alright, I met some great people too…oh, and there was this absolutely gorgeous guy, his name was Kuran Kaname, he's actually Rido's nephew." Zero raised an eyebrow, he heard rumours that Rido had a nephew, he just never believed them.

"Really, did you now? What was he like?" questioned Zero, he knew this Kaname guy had to be another pureblood.

"He was perfect, Zero, perfect. She had wavy brown hair like mine, except a little messy…oh, and he dark red wine coloured eyes that were so beautiful!" Yuuki sighed dreamily while Zero pretended to gag, she was falling head over heels over this Kaname guy. Yuuki noticed and threw a pillow at Zero's face. "You're just jealous of him." Yuuki stuck her tongue at him, Zero rolled his eyes.

"No way in hell, bet he's just a stuck up rich kid, like all purebloods." Zero lay down with his arms comfortably rested behind his head.

"Well did you know we owns a nightclub downtown, I think it's called 'Tainted Hearts', pretty cool, don't you reckon?" Zero shrugged, he couldn't care less. He closed his eyes in a relaxed manner, he was entirely worn out and wanted to rest. Yuuki leaned in and rested her head on Zero's chest, snuggling in with the warmth.

There was a groaning sound and Zero titled his head to see Ichiru, burying his head under a pillow, he seemed rather annoyed at the moment.

"Would you guys please stop talking, I'm trying to sleep here, go take your lovey-dovey stuff somewhere else." It was true that Ichiru was very tired, but that didn't make Yuuki reluctant from what she did next.

Yuuki jumped off Zero's bed to tackle Ichiru into a hug. Zero chuckled lowly while Ichiru laid there with a shock. "Y-Yuuki, get off me, you knocked the air out of my lungs, sheesh." Ichiru was even more annoyed but smirked when he started to tickle the brunette.

Yuuki laughed and pulled away from Ichiru, gasping for air while still laughing. The door opened and there stood Kaito Takamiya, with his messy sand-brown hair, staring at the childish teens with coffee-brown eyes.

(A/N: I didn't really know who Kaito was really, I never read the vampire knight manga, so I did a little research, I hope he fits the description…)

He eyed them wearily, "What are you doing so late at night? Oh hey Zero, didn't know you were back…" Kaito yawned as he rubbed his eyes. Sometimes, Kaito looked cute and childish himself, even though it was unintentional.

"Hey Kaito, we were just hanging, that's all." Explained Zero, Kaito raised an eyebrow, obviously he was dumbfounded that they would choose a time like this for hanging.

"Ridiculous, at this time at night, you guys are insane, far beyond normal."

"You're right Kaito, I am far beyond normal, you do know that don't you…" whispered Zero, although everyone heard him clearly.

"Don't take it seriously, it makes you sound like a depressing asshole." It was Ichiru who spoke, he also threw a pillow at his twin. "Honestly, chill out and relax…" Ichiru yawned and rested his arms underneath his head, closing his eyes relaxingly.

"See ya, I'm going back to bed, Yuuki you coming?" Kaito gestured a hand, inviting her to follow him. Kaito and Yuuki were the pair to share a room, they were close friends only, not lovers or siblings or anything else, just friends. It may seem weird to other people, but it was only natural in this household for them two to share a room.

"I'm coming Kaito, just hold on a sec." Yuuki leaned in and kissed both the twin's foreheads, smiling and whispering a good night before she skipped out of the room.

With a smile plastered across his face, Zero fell into a deep sleep…


A light blue morning atmosphere filled the room as Zero tiredly blinked around. He was a not only a night person, but a surprisingly good morning person too. He turned his head to the digital clock, it was 6am, enough time to make breakfast and pay those bills.

Zero kicked off his blanket and sat up to stretch and yawn. He looked over to where Ichiru was; he was sound asleep. Quietly, Zero sneaked out of the room, closing the door slowly as he walked out.

He made his way to the kitchen, he hadn't had anything to eat since lunch yesterday and he was getting really hungry from the lack of food. He opened the pantry and took out some bread and eggs. He decided to make himself toast and scrambled eggs.

When he had finished preparing his meal, he poured himself a drink of juice and sat down to his breakfast. Standing at the door was Kaito, arms crossed against his chest with a tired expression.

"How was your mission last night? Heard you took on a hoard of level E's…" Kaito walked and sat down opposite of Zero. "…on your own."

"It was nothing Kaito, stop acting jealous." Zero smirked wile Kaito widened his eyes at the comment. Zero knew Kaito was only worrying about his well-being, but Zero did not wanted to be bugged on that sort of matter either way.

"Jealous? Me? Please, don't flatter yourself too much, I can take on double what you can't handle." Smirked Kaito, he stood up and decided to make himself a cup of coffee.

"Is that a challenge, Kaito?" questioned Zero, it was now his turn to smirk. "I can take you on any day, any time…"

"Whatever, Zero-" Kaito grabbed his friend and started to rub his head, like a little kid.

"He you jackass stop that-" Zero struggled and pulled out and turned to see and a laughing Kaito, hands clutched to his stomach while the other was leaning against the kitchen counter. Zero glared at him dangerously, but smiled and chuckled at the sight.

He sat down and returned to his seat and continue his meal, jus then Yuuki walked in, rubbing her eyes, she stared at the two, with her dark-brown hair messy from waking up and her deep-wine coloured eyes cloudy from sleep.

"Something smells nice…can I have some Zero?" she skipped over to sit close to Zero and lean in on him. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Sure Yuuki, here…" he scooped up a spoon of eggs and was about to feed it to Yuuki, when Kaito bent in and ate the food in one mouthful. Zero laughed while Yuuki looked angrily at Kaito.

"Needs more salt." Kaito grinned and went back to making his cup of coffee, humming as if nothing happened.

"Kaito! You're such an ass sometime." Pouted Yuuki, she crossed her arms across her chest and huffed. Zero stopped laughing and just sat there grinning, one elbow leaning on the table as he rested his head on it, eyeing Yuuki with a concerning look.

"Yuuki, I noticed yesterday that you haven't paid the bills yet, it was supposed to be paid three days ago." Zero spoke in a stern voice as Yuuki smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Err…well the funny thing is Zero, it's not that I forgot or anything, it's just that I was busy." Yuuki lied, she did forget, but she just didn't want to admit her fault, unfortunately, Zero and Kaito saw right through her façade.

"I'm not falling for it, I know you forgot, so now I have to go pay for them myself." Zero sighed wearily as he pushed his plate aside. Yuuki apologized but then beamed up and asked if she could eat his leftovers. Zero mumbled a 'whatever' before grabbing his jacket and a piece of toast before leaving the apartment.

With the bills in his pocket and a slice of toast hanging from his mouth, Zero hopped into his car and started the engine. He went over the amounts that needed to be paid and calculated how much everybody would pay him.

The four teens usually share pay, but they would have one person pay the bills whole before redeeming the rest of the amounts from each other, it was like a system. Zero rode down to the nearest bank and paid the bills.

He was about to step into his car but was stopped mid-air by the smell of blood that invaded the air. It wasn't just anyone's blood, but Kaito Takamiya's that loomed the atmosphere. Fear running through his head, Zero slammed the car door and ran towards where the scent was strongest.

He stopped down at a deserted alley, and saw Yuuki, stained with blood, and Kaito, resting his head on her lap. He sprinted to where they were and kneels down. "What the fuck happened!" Zero spat through gritted teeth.

"Me and Kaito decided that we could go for some breakfast that opens early in the morning, b-but we ran into these group of m-men-they w-were pointing swords an knives at us a-a-and-" Zero embraced Yuuki to sooth her panic. Who could possibly do this to them?-I swear they have the fucken guts to do this…

"They were also threatening us t-to tell them w-w-where you were…they were trying to look for you Zero…" sobbed Yuuki. Looking for me? Who could possible want me? Why did they do this to try and find me…?

"It's alright, what's important now is that we get Kaito some medical attention, but we can't drag him in public, so right now I'll contact Ichiru…" Zero inspected Kaito's wound, he noticed that he was stabbed a few times in the chest, but it didn't look like he had damaged any internal organs…at least that's what Zero had hoped for.

Zero took out his phone and quickly dialled Ichiru's number. He growled under his breath as he waited for his lazy twin to pick up the phone.

"Hello Zero, what can I do for my brother today? Did ya forget something at home?"

"Hey jackass, I need you to drive down to where I am and pick us up, its seem like Kaito got hurt from a group of asshole's looking for me." Zero quickly told Ichiru there location and without a second though Ichiru hung up and mumbled a quick response of 'I'll be there'.

Zero sighed and observed Kaito more intensely, eyeing every little detail that might concern issues. Luckily, all he got was a few stabs, nothing Kaito can't handle at least.

"What did they want from me?" Zero tilted his head and stared at a teary-eyed Yuuki.

"They wanted to know where you were, Kaito asked why, and then t-t-they attacked him because we refused…one had fangs…they were vampires Zero, but Kaito forgot his gun at home s-s-so he w-w-was-" Yuuki bowed her head as if ashamed, Zero leaned down to cup her cheek.

"It wasn't your fault…" In a flash, a black car skidded towards them, it was Ichiru and his dangerous driving. He hopped out of the car and ran to the three.

"What the fuck happened? Are you guys hurt as well-"

"Ichiru, we'll explain later, just get in the car and drive." Zero flung Kaito over his shoulder and carried him into the car. He placed him on the seat while Yuuki climbed in and sat next to Kaito, making sure he didn't bleed to death.

"I'm going home by my car, I parked it outside the bank, so see ya at home 'kay." Zero waved them off as Ichiru nodded and drove off. Zero almost ran as fast as he could and sped like a maniac on the way home.

As we walked into the apartment, he saw Kaito bandaged and sleeping wearily on the couch. Yuuki was sitting next to him, his head on her lap, while Ichiru was leaning on the wall, hands crossed over his chest and eyes furrowed. "What took you so long? Yuuki already told me everything."

Zero didn't answer that instead he said, "Is he alright?"

"He's gonna live, don't worry, he's a fighter, what we do need to worry is what those men want from you, Zero…" Ichiru's eyes now showed deep concern and at the same time anger. He wanted to know what those men, or women, wanted from them, and especially, Zero.

"I don't know who they are, but what they want from me is pretty serious, enough to even harm someone close to me… this is serious guys, I think its gonna be dangerous for me to hang around…"

"Zero…those men that threatened us, they all had a tattoo of some sort on the back of their arms, it looked like weird eye with a scar running along the pupil…" Zero widened his eyes in realisation…I know that from somewhere…

Then it hit him, Zero had seen those group of people before…or better yet, vampires… He had attacked a clan of level C and E vampires that preyed on a large amount of humans for the fun of it. He was sent on that assignment alone, where he exterminated half the clan in an abandoned warehouse, which seemed to be controlled by a pureblood, luckily Zero made it out alive-just barely though-and everyone in that clan seemed to have the exact same tattoo imprinted on the back of their hands.

"Hey guys, this is definitely serious, remember the mission I took on 2 months ago, the one down at the abandoned warehouse…well those men that attacked Kaito and Yuuki were the same ones I hunted back then…they weren't human, but vampires." Zero spat out the last word with disgust.

The thought of these vampires feverishly murdering the lives of innocent humans relentlessly chilled him to the bone…to him, they didn't deserve the air the breath let alone a drop of human blood.

The room went silent…until a small groan came from Kaito, he was sweating bullets. Ichiru swiftly made his way towards Kaito and leaned down, inspecting the wounds from Kaito, it seems that the stabs were quite intense. He quickly gave Kaito some pain killers and medicine for the wound.

"He's gonna be fine…he's quite the fighter, thank god." Ichiru stood up to rest on an armchair while sighing, he was having a migraine from all this commotion.

"Zero, there's a slight possibility that they might want revenge…we need to extra careful from now on, we also have to contact Toga Yagari on this matter, he'll help notify the association on these people." Zero nodded an agreement, he'll have to notify his teacher on this, since he had good connections to association.

"First of all, no one , on any circumstances, leave this area unarmed at all cost, Yuuki, you can borrow some anti-vampire weapons from Kaito or myself, and Ichiru, you can too, is that clear?" Everyone in the room nodded their heads, except for Kaito, who was soundly sleeping on Yuuki's lap.

"And also, we need to be careful on our way to work and we must at all times be aware of the people around us and never wonder around the secluded areas of city…" stated Zero, he had to ensure everyone's safety at all cost, since they had to deal with the dangers due to himself being targeted.

I have to be careful, who knows what they're capable of…

Three Days later…

It has been a couple of days since the 'incident' had occurred; things have been more precautious and hectic, Kaito has also healed up to the point he can continue minor assignments.

Zero had contacted Yagari the day after Kaito had been attacked, he told him the details on the case and how they were going to handle it.

It was a quiet afternoon, Kaito was lying on the couch while finishing some paperwork, Yuuki was preparing lunch, and Ichiru was reading a book while Zero was pacing back and forth in the living room. He was waiting for Yagari to call me and fill him in on the details.

Yuuki was completely fed up, she could not stand any more of Zero's impatience and concern, and it was literally driving her nuts! She slammed the bowl in her hands down onto the kitchen counter, immediately grabbing everyone's attention. With a deep breath, she furrowed her brows and spoke.

"Zero, you're killing me here! How long are you going to carry on this…frustration! Honestly, you have to loosen up! I've seen you stressed before, but this just scary…" Zero stared at his petite friend with wide eyes, it was true that he was a little over-reactive, but Yuuki got to the better of him.


"She's right Zero, I think we've been in worse situations, like the time when Yuuki nearly got involved with a mafia boss, and we just barely excaped with our lives, but it was kinda fun, dressing up and 'infiltrating' the place, I gotta say, that was one hell of a night…" Ichiru sighed, he missed when the four teens got up to mischief, but since they were a little preoccupied with their jobs, it left them ample amount of time for fun.

"That was one of the best experiences I've had so far in my life, but I enjoyed the time when Ichiru got kidnapped by that gay rapist…that was an event I enjoyed." Kaito smirked, while Ichiru clenched his teeth.

"Luckily that guy got what he deserved after I was done with him, I hope he perished it hell for all I care." Ichiru remembered the time when he went out to one of the exclusive bars downtown, he got kidnapped by a rapist that was gay, but luckily his friend Kaito was there at the scene, or he would have been taken there and then. Ichiru shuddered at the thought while Kaito chuckled lowly.

"I see, so you guys think that even though we've been through similar situations, that we can just let this slide, you do understand that your lives are being endangered because of me…" growled Zero, he didn't understand why his friends could take this so lightly, they were in trouble for god's sake.

"It's not your fault, but you're too blinded to notice…" whispered Yuuki, she needed the old, dangerous Zero back, the one she always enjoyed drinking with and enjoyed to party late into the night.

Then an idea hit her, she quickly ran to her room, leaving her friends in the room startled, and dug through her clothes to find her mobile phone. She quickly grabbed a scrap of paper out of her coat's pocket, which sort of took longer to find then expected.

On the scrape of paper there was a phone number, she quickly dialled the number and waited until a male's voice answered. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Cross Yuuki."

"Oh…you're the one from the party I let the other day, am I correct?" Yuuki sighed, thankfully he didn't forget her.

"Yes I am. I was just wondering, you see that nightclub you own downtown in the city, remembered how you promised me and some pals of mine a special V.I.P pass, I was wondering if it wasn't too late if we were to reserve for tomorrow night, around 10pm…" Yuuki twirled her fingers in her hair nervously, even for a teen, she was acting very childish at t he moment-a nervous one for that.

"That will most certainly not be a problem, let me just register you in for knight, might I know the names of your friends?"

"Thank you so much Kuran-kun, it's Kaito Takamiya, Ichiru Kiyruu and Zero Kiyruu."

"Understood, I hope to see you tomorrow night Yuuki-chan."

"Thank you so very much Kuran-kun, I'm very grateful for this generous submission."

"The pleasure's all mine Yuuki-chan and I hope to see you tomorrow evening."

"Okay-bye!" And with that the line hung up, leaving Yuuki squealing with delight, she was ready to bring old Zero back, just with a little persuasion, she could accomplish and pull it off.

Zero was leaning against the panel of the door with arms crossed and brows furrowed, he had heard the whole conversation-well, at least Yuuki's that is. He stepped towards Yuuki, he gave a loud ahem before she spun around, surprised by the figure standing behind her.

But a grin was immediately pinned on her face. "Zero! It seems like we'll be having fun tomorrow night."

"Yuuki…" said Zero in a threatening tone, he had no obliged to this.

"Come on, Zero! Just one night wouldn't hurt, even if you don't wanna, then I'll get Kaito and Ichiru to drag you out kicking and screaming." Yuuki smirked and skipped out of the room, with a Zero tailing right behind her.

Damn it Yuuki, why do you always have to be so fucking difficult in crucial moments in life! Zero sighed and ran his fingers through his silver hair, he was reasoning to her that he will definitely not go, but he was uncertain if he should refuse the offer, I mean, it was a V.I.P pass to one of the most exclusive clubs in town. Sighing once more he followed the brunette to the living room where Kaito and Ichiru were.

"Hey guys, tomorrow night we're gonna finally have some fun! I booked us four V.I.P passes to one of the most exclusive clubs downtown, it's called 'Tainted Beats'…so you guys in? or are you gonna chicken out?" There was a slight pause before Ichiru shot up.

"That's what I'm talking about! Four passes? How did you get your hands on something like that?" Ichiru was obviously in, that leaves Kaito to agree then Zero will have no choice.

"Sounds like fun to me, I'm in, so what time we going?" asked Kaito as he sat up from his paperwork and smiled. Zero cursed under his breath while Yuuki was clapping her hands in delight-and in victory.

"10pm, that means all of us are going, right Zero? If you're not there then something bad might happen…" Yuuki quirked up an eyebrow and stared at a befuddled Zero.

Zero gritted his teeth in defeat, even though his heart told him it was bad idea, his mind was going crazy after stress and needed the rest it deserved, so in the end, he went along with Yuuki.

"I'll go…" Yuuki embraced her friend in a squeeze and squealed happily.

"Thanks Zero, I promise you that you'll love tomorrow night…" Yuuki let go of Zero and returned to the kitchen to finish preparing the food she left. Zero's brow knitted together as he flung himself onto the couch.

"Relax Zero, everything's gonna be just fine."

Somewhere downtown…

Two female twins were comfortably sitting down at a table, enjoying their drinks as they chatted. They looked identical and wore the same outfit, except one had red hair while the other had blue, both at lengths that reached to their elbows. Their outfits matched the colour of their hair, tank tops with shorts.

"I hope we get him, if it's the last thing we'll do, isn't that right sis?" said the red-head. The blue-head sister reached out to grasp her sister's hand.

"Understood, we'll get him for sure."

Both twins had the same aim, the same looks and the same drinks. They also had the same tattoo that imprinted the back of their hands…

So…how did it go, that was like my first kinda dramatic fanfic, next chappie will focus on their time at the club, the twins are first OCs that I ever created myself ^_^ I hope you enjoyed this chappie and hope that you'll review! Please review! I'm extremely eager to find out how I did!

Once again, Review please! Reviewers will be thanked deeply next chappie ;)