Camo made it a point to find the other two challengers before the others even started. A girl named Kuroyuki was not an easy find or an easy catch. She had put up quite the fight for the stagiest but he had tricked her into lowering her blade by play acting his own defeat. He had disarmed and restrained her, but he wasn't as rough with it as he was with the boy he captured…meh the girl was beautiful and he was a bit of a gentlemen to all women. But his mission was far from complete; he had locked her in a green capsule so she didn't escape. The boy, Tent was with his friends and lover on Destiny Islands when Camo had appeared holding out his crossbows. (Yes plural. He uses two they reload by themselves)


"Wh-"Trent started but he was cut off when Camo shot Brick and Drake in the neck. The arrows weren't fatally wounding, but they had effectively put the boys to sleep, "What the hell?" Sylvia said starting to draw a weapon, but like the other two Spirit Walker, Camo was faster. He flashed forward and tapped a pressure point in her neck. Sylvia passed out in Camo's arms; he laid her down on the dock gently as Trent was steaming in pure rage. That Rage was his downfall. The boy charged to punch Camo's teeth down his throat, the blonde haired assassin side stepped the punch in seconds but put down the crossbows. Trent growled swinging wildly at Camo, the smaller boy dodged each one but as they danced Trent didn't see Camo's palms started to shimmer and spark with light. The warrior had swung again but instead of sidestepping or blocking, Camo gripped the larger boys fist and flicked his wrist slightly. An explosion of light and blue energy had come down on Trent like a ton of cinderblocks…fused with 40 tons of steel and 1000 pound weights. Trent was hit directly but didn't die but he was blown away and knocking him out. Camo strolled over lazily and tied him up and dragged him into the Dark Corridor forming in front of them

Flashback over

"So the teams are?" A chilly male voice asked from above, Camo looked up to a boy, the leader to be exact. A Black jacket with a Skull and cross bones design on the back, Black jeans, an ear ring (just one), Black sneakers, and a Solid black shirt, He has Sea green eyes, and dark spiky hair. It was the Spiritual remnant of Leo or as he calls himself Xeno. "We have yet to decide sir. But not all the slots are full so we must wait." Another voice said from the shadows. The newcomer had short black hair, olive skin, a black jacket, black jeans, a gray shirt, and a chain for a belt. His name was Leander. "Understood Leander, Release the girl and the boy into the forest separately, they will be paired with two of the contestants, Rexson and Terra." Xeno said waving his palm.

In the forest

Rexson was just awakening from his rather short nap to find he was separated from Lance and had a girl lying on his chest. He didn't move a muscle because he didn't want to wake her and because…well she was kind of hot in a savoir of the worlds way. He just closed his eyes again and tried to return to his dreams.

In another part of the forest

Terra had woken up in a tree, not only that but he had noticed directly next to his head was a hornets nest. Then before he could've reacted a boy had appeared unconious and heavy all ready and broke the hive. "Fu-"but Terra never got to finish his swear. Sadly (for him I'm laughing right now) the nest had rose up, the whole entire PO'd hive came down on them. Terra grabbed the new boy and leapt out the tree and ran like hell avoiding the 400 little hornets that could sting him to death.

Back at the SWHQ

"All done sir" Camo said as Xeno watched Terra run for their lives. "You do that on purpose?" the leader said as Leander disappeared to get more fighters. "Maybe…" Camo replied with a hidden smirk.

End of chapter 3