Thanks so much to Luma Shine for allowing me to use her base idea and turn it into what it is :)

DISCLAIMER: Yeah..I STILL don't own deathnote..."/


The 2nd floor common room was silent, the only exeption being the slight 'chink' of plastic whenever a new addition was added to the, already large, dice castle. As this particular common room contained the least games and technological items, it was general the most secluded, hence why Near was often found residing in it's peacefullness. Although the library held the same stillness, it was looked upon as 'Mello's territory' and although he held no bad feelings towards the blonde, Near preferred not to risk any sort of confrontation with him.

After several hours the large hand-constructed castle was nearing completion. Although he created on at least once a week, the small albino always felt a sense of achievement whenever his newest creation was completed. He doubted that many otehrs would have enough patience to build something so large only to have it knocked down not long after.

Near lifted the final dice in the air looked at it, studying it. Taking in every line, contour and marking. He was just about to put it in it's place when the door to the common room was violently thrown open, a very aggrivated looking Mello then proceeded to storm into the room. Near watched closely as he threw several text books onto the floor and angrily layed next to them. Why was he always so angry?

After observing Mello - who had now opened one of the textbooks and was reading it - for several more minutes Near felt a cold draft and realised that the door had been annoyingly left open. With a sigh he layed the dice he had been holding next to the huge castle and crossed the room in order to close the door. It shut with a soft thud, a noise which unfortunately caught the blonde's attention. Near could feel Mello's eyes on him and as he returned to his usual spot on the floor, he hoped he'd just return to his studying and leave him alone.

Luck was not on his side.

"Oh sheep." Mello called across the room.

Near attempted to ignore him and proceeded to pick up the last dice for the second time that day.

"I said 'Oh Sheep'" Mello attempted to keep his voice calm but it was clear the he was growing agitated.

Near continued to ignore the anger fuelled blond. He was just about to place the final dice on the the castle when Mello was suddenly next to him kicking down the gigantic monument. Although he'd wanted to complete it, it didn't particularly bother Near, he'd expected it afterall. He didn't even look at Mello, he simply began placing the dice neatly into the box in which they belonged.

"WHY THE FUCK DOESN'T THAT BOTHER YOU?" Mello practically creamed his statement. In his peripheral vision Near could see that Mello was clenching his fist, obviously attempting to restrain himself, but Near simply continued packing away his dice.

Mello stood silent for a few minutes, desperately trying to contol himself - Roger had said one more bad move and he would be banned from chocolate. Unfortunately his anger returned full force when Near spoke.

"Mello really should learn to control his emotions."

Before either boy knew what was happening, Near was being pinned against the wall and Mello's arm was poised for a punch.

"Oh believe me, if i wasn't in control of my emotions you'd be fucking dead by now." Mello hissed, his voice was lower then usual but the venom was clear in his words.

Near didn't respond.

"You so fucking annoying." His voice was now barely above a whisper. "No wonder no one likes you. You're such a freak Near, sitting here alone building useless castles. I swear down if i wasn't at threat of losing chocolate you'd be soo messed up right now."

"I honestly don't comprehend what Mello's aversion to me-" Near's sentance was cut short when another pair of lips was crushed to his own. Not even a second after he'd kissed the albino, Mello pulled back. A look of pure shock in his eyes. Near's face mirrored his expression.

Mello lowered his arm but kept the other firmly pinning the small albino to the wall. What had he just done? Why?

They stood frozen for an unknown period of time when eventually Near spoke.

"Mello?" For once his voice was not monotonous, it was laced with shock; inquisitiveness; worry and...Relief?

Suddenly Mello connected his lips to the small boys for the second time that day, they stayed for longer that time. He was just about to retract yet again and apologise profusely when he felt the small albino experimentally and tentatively kissing back. Both pairs of lips wearily opened and their tongues danced together.

Near's kisses grew more fervent and he leaned into Mello, wrapping his arms around the blonde's waist.

The kiss grew deeper still and both became lost in their own little world, until a door hitting a wall brought them crashing down to Earth with a painful bump.

Mello's head immediately whipped round to identify the cause of the interruption and stood in the doorway was a very shocked looking Matt.

Matt opened his mouth to speak but he found himself unable to, why did he feel No..It wasn't was...Jealousy?

Without uttering a word he turned and walked away, closely followed by Mello shouting him and asking him to stop.

Near was the only one to not move. He stayed against the wall, in the exact place he'd been when Matt had entered the room. He'd broken his promise to himself. His promise to never make himself vulnerable, to never reveal his emotions as they could - far too easily - be used against him. He'd broken it and there was no fixing it. Would anyone found out? What would Matt say? Would they simply ignore him?

Near slumped down the wall and pulled his knees close to his chest. Quiet sobs wracked his small frame and, for the first time since his arrival at Wammy's, he let the tears fall. He knew Mello would probably be more hostile toward him then ever, and it absolutely killed him.

Love it? Hate it? Tell me in a review ^_^ Please?