Title: White Lies.
Author: Heiwajima Shizuo.
Rating: T.
Warning: AU-ish, swearing, and innuendos. Rating might go up too.
Summary: Izaya has been turned into a girl by Shinra. Shizuo takes an interest in the new girl he met with the strange, fur trimmed coat and piercing red eyes.

… Yes. I know. I have a problem with starting new fics every two weeks. I'm sorry D:

For a picture of Fem!Izaya, go to my profile. There will be a link waiting for you~!

He wasn't quite what exactly happened, but what he did know was he woke up not sure if he was still dreaming. Like any normal day, Orihara Izaya woke up on his couch, the lights coming in from his massive window waking him up and pulling him out of his peaceful slumber.

'That's the last time I let Shinra test on me…' Izaya thought to himself, his red eyes slowly scanning his surroundings. 'I swear, does he think I'm a character in some video game or something? I only have one life damnit.'

Rather tiredly, he stumbled trying to get onto his feet. He had come home from a rough night and all he was able to remember was that he went over to Shinra's to let the brunette experiment on him and Celty dropping him off home after. Although he was faintly able to recall other events of the previous night, Izaya wasn't completely sure if that was just a part of his dream.

The dream Izaya had was a strange one. In it, he saw himself as a girl. He was still able to tell it was him; his eyes, hair color, skin, clothes, and everything was the same. Everything was just slightly changed to show that he was a girl. His face was the same, but his chin and jaw were more feminine; his cheeks a little chubbier and flushed. His body had lost a few inches in terms of height, a few pounds had disappeared, and a pair of breasts.

It was quiet a stupid one once he thought about it.

A little dizzy, the informant stood up and soon, the room began to spin before slowly calming down. To his surprise, Izaya noted how each step he took towards the stair case that lead to the second floor of his loft was light and felt like he was walking on air. Like a huge weight was lifted off of him.

Also, the informant took in the fact that everything seemed a little… higher up.

Oh well, that might've just been his eyes playing tricks on him.

Going up his stairs, each step feeling strangely light despite his heavy eye lids, he yawned loudly. Once he reached the top, he looked down at the bottom floor to see Namie had not come in for work yet. That vapid bitch never really seemed like a morning person anyways… or an afternoon person… or a night person.

As Izaya pondered what made Namie such a bitter person, which he concluded was the fact that her love for her brother was not returned in the same way, he opened the door into his washroom and stepped in.

In his usual dark attire which included his signature jacket, dark longsleeve, and black jeans and shoes, he rubbed one eye with his left hand as the other searched for the light switch.

When he couldn't find it, he removed his hand from his closed eye and began searching for it with both.

'There it is!' He thought triumphantly to himself with a smirk once his hands landed on the switch.

After turning the lights on, he immediately screamed at what he saw staring back at him.

With wide eyes and his mouth opened in a slightly scream, he realized his so called 'dream' of being a girl, not literally, wasn't actually a dream.

Staring intently at him, was himself as a girl. He had a thin body like the one he had as a male but with a slight girlish curve and… boobs. He even lifted a hand to squeeze one just to make sure he was awake.

Instantly, he began to panic. What the fuck could've happened? People don't just randomly switch genders! But suddenly, the thought hit him, 'Shinra!'

Immediately, he searched his jacket pocket; rummaging around for his cell phone.

"Fuck! Where is it!" Izaya yelled frantically. Right after hearing himself speak, he slapped a hand over his mouth shocked at the feminine voice that escaped his lips.

Finally, it fell out of his pocket and he picked it up. Quickly, he began to search through his contacts for Shinra's name. Clicking the green 'call' button, he impatiently waited for the idiot brunette to pick up.

Each time the phone rang in his ears, he swore under his breathe as his heart pounded within his chest.

'Fuck, Shinra. If you do not pick up right now I will–'


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" Izaya screamed into the phone angrily, his voice making his tempr boil as fright began to grow within the pit of his stomach.

"Uhm… Who is this?" Shinra said confused. This only made the informant even angrier.


"Izaya-kun? Is that really you? Why is your voice–"


There was silence on the other line before Shinra continued, a little reluctant and scared. "What else–"

"You know what? I'm coming over there to show you what you did!" And with that, Izaya hung up.



Stepping out of the elevator with his hands in his jacket pockets, Izaya walked into the living room. With a boiling temper, the informant scanned the room looking for the idiot that turned one of Tokyo's smartest, and in Izaya's opinion, 'sexiest' into the opposite gender.

"Shinra!" Izaya yelled once more, the only response was the sound of his voice echoing. It made a chill run down his spine as he angrily glared around looking for the doctor.

Hearing his 'voice' sounded as if another person was in the room calling for Shinra instead.

It had been a pain leaving the apartment and what happened before Izaya hung up on Shinra only aggravated the already fuming informant. That being the fact that he realized he needed a bra.

It only made sense that Izaya didn't have any bras hanging around since he was as flat as a table. But he then remembered the bras Saki had lying in the back of his closet. Immediately after realizing this, he searched and soon enough, he found them in a little box.

For about 10 minutes, Izaya fumbled a little trying to hook the bra up, adjust the straps, and make sure he didn't squish his boobs. He kind of felt sorry for Saki and Namie; he bumped into a wall at least once, chest first, and it hurt like Hell!

"Shinra!" Izaya tried once more.


"Kishitani Shinra!"

Still nothing.

"KISHITANI FUCKING SHINRA!" Izaya screamed at the top of his lungs. He almost felt ashamed at the sound of his voice, he sounded just like Mairu whining!

Soon, there was the sound of something dropping and Shinra came into view. Izaya's heart leapt, finally! "Shinra—!"

"Who are you?" He said back, a blank and confused look on the brunette's features.

The smile that had made its way to Izaya's face dropped immediately. Even if he was turned into a girl, there had to be a resemblance! He had to at least look a little like what he use to!

Plus, couldn't he tell by the jacket?

"I'm Orihara Izaya. Or at least I use to be after you decided 'hey, why not make Izaya a girl? Why not make him grow some boobs and bump into a wall?'" Izaya rambled on, completely pissed off and unable to hold it in.

"Do you know what it's like to have boobs, Shinra? Do you? I've been awake with these for about an hour already, and it's terrible! You know the feeling you get when you get kicked in between the legs? Well at least they're easy to protect! It hurts just as much as bumping into a wall chest first! You can't fucking protect boobs no can you—"

"Izaya! Calm down!" Shinra said waving his hands in front of him awkwardly in hopes of calming the otherdown. Making his way towards Izaya, the newly made female glared at him. "I guess this really is you, hahaha..." He laughed rather awkwardly.

When he finally made his way to Izaya, the informant motioned with a finger for Shinra to move closer as he said, in a shockingly calm and quiet tone, "Hey Shinra, I need to ask you something private."

With a smile Shinra complied, happy to see his friend had calmed down.

Boy was he wrong.

Ear 2 inches away from Izaya's mouth, the raven haired screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?"

"AH!" Shinra screamed a hand on his ear as he jumped back in surprise.

The idiot deserved it.

"Well?" Izaya asked, a hand on both hips as he glared at the glasses wearing male in front of him. But because of the sudden change, he was forced to look up at the doctor. He had lost 2 or 3 inches of height.

With a shaky smile, Shinra moved his hand from his ear away and began to poke his index fingers together nervously.


"Well you see, I didn't really tell you everything I was going to do to you—"

"YOU DID OTHER TESTED OTHER THINGS ON ME WITHOUT TELLING ME FIRST—?" Izaya yelled as Shinra continued talking, both of their voices clashing against one another as one said something while the other screamed angrily.

"Sort of… but when you put it like that—"


"—It sounds really bad—"


And with that, there was the sound of the elevator opening with a certain bloody, 'flea' hating blonde.

I know this chapter doesn't explain a lot, but I will explain stuff in the next one~ :D

But for now, tell me what'cha think? :3