Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. It belongs to its respectful owners.

"Poochyena! Waaaait!" No matter how desperate Sirius' voice seemed to be, the little black dog Pokémon only kept running. Running and running through the empty halls. Classes were still in session, but that didn't influence Sirius, or James, to lower their voices as they call for their chosen Pokémon.

"Zigzagoon! Come here to ole' lovable James!" the glasses boy ran, spreading his arms out just waiting for the Zigzagoon to jump into them.

"I think the reason why he is not coming to you is because he…is a HE, James!" Sirius chuckled, quickly turning a corner.

"Oh, come on! I bet I can even charm that lad!"

"So you are saying even the males can find an attraction to you?"

"I am! Even the Great James Potter can—" he stopped his chase in mid-sentence with a sudden realization. Sirius stopped ahead of him, muffling his laugh with his sweater sleeve. "We shall never bring this up again."

Sirius pressed his sleeve harder against his mouth, nodding.

"The Great James Potter only seduces women!" James yelled, charging after Zigzagoon.

Sirius had to let out a small laugh before rejoining James.

"Zigzagoon! Come baaack!"

"Poochyena, I will not harm you! I shall treasure you like a princess! A princess!"

The sound of something hitting the walls and a loud "Uff" resonated through the empty hall.

"Lizy never mentioned that Poké balls return to you after you throw them….." James groaned as he gripped the area around his gut.

"At least it did not hit your..."



"At least it did not..." James breathed in, picking himself up. "Alright, another try..."

"Zigzig?" Zigzagoon wiped his face with his paw after waking up from a very quick nap.

"Go! Poké ball!"

The round red and white object soared through the air, aiming straight for Zigzagoon. But the spikey Pokémon stayed still in his sit up position. A sleepy expression plastered on his face.

"Good! He is showing no resistance! I got him!"

Unfortunately, James spoke too soon. The Poké ball landed just a few inches from Zigzagoon and bounced right back at James.

"Oh, crud..." Another hit in the gut, and James is down again.

"Zigzagoon..." Zigzagoon fell backwards, relaxing his body on the cold stone floor.

"James," Sirius spoke, moving beside him. "I am disappointed..."

"Be quiet! Like you could do better,"

"I can because..." he ran a hair through his black hair. "I am the irresistable Sirius Black,"

James snorted. "Tell that to your Pokémon...oh, where is your Poochyena?"

"..." Sirius turned his head towards the end of the hall and realized Poochyena wasn't there. Zigzagoon too. "...I would like to ask the same about your Zigzagoon..."

"What? Oh, bugger!" James rushed back onto his feet. "Zigzagooooon! Come baaack!"

"Poochyenaaa! Where did you go?"



"How could I miss him?"

"You have worser aim than I thought, James..."

"I do not! It is the Pokéball! You are doing just as bad as I am!"

"I am no-n-n-n-noo! Bad Poochyena! Do not push thaaaaa-phew...caught it..."

"Nevermind. You are doing worse than I am. Even your Pokémon is trying to sabotage you..."

"...says the one whose Pokémon is scratching one of the paintings..."

"What? Nooo, Zigzagoon! Bad boy! We do not scratch the moving artwork!"

In any other circumstances, Professor McGonagall would be storming out of her current class, see the two hooligans, and proceed with the scolding. But for today, all she could do is sigh. A lot.

"I hope those boys do not cause too much trouble…" she tapped her wand excessively against the frame of the blackboard. "Oh, Elizabeth, I hope you told them not to use magic to catch their Pokémon…."

"Hmm…" Lizy stuck her tongue out with a determined stare directed to the ceiling.

Peter raised his attention from his Pokédex to her. "What is the matter, Lizy?"

She puffed her cheeks out. "I feel as though I forgot to mention something in my instructions…"

"Hold on, Sirius, let us stop for a moment…" James breathed out, staggering to keep up after the still energetic Zigzagoon.

"You….alright?" Sirius also was breathing heavily.

Poochyena's red irises moved toward the two tired boys.

"Poochy?" She stopped her running and kept her stare at them.

Zigzagoon saw his partner in chase stop and he stopped too. "Zigzig?"

"Poochpoo," she said to him.

"Zagoon!" The happy Pokémon attempted to run to his exhausted (future) owner, but Poochyena placed her back paw on his tail.

"Poochyena…" she sighed, holding him back.

"Alright, Sirius, I have a plan!" James held a finger out as he continued panting.

"And that is?" Sirius raised a brow.

James grinned. "We have been going through this the wrong way…"

"And how is that?"

"Lizy said we had to catch our Pokémon in our Poké balls, riiight?"

"Yes…" Sirius still gave him a confused look.

"But…" His grin grew wider. "She did not say we could not use magic."

The two boys both grinned wide.

Poochyena's ears perked up, and she looked at James and Sirius uninterested at first. However, the boys' grins became a sign of danger, and she started to worry. Turning to Zigzagoon, who she was still stepping on, she barked, "Poochy! Poochy poochyena!"

"Zigzag?" he turned his body towards her.

"Poochy poochpoochyena poochyena poochy!" she barked loudly at him.

"I think she knows our plan!" James shouted.

"Then we have to start now!"

Poochyena stepped back, wide eyed as they drew out their wands, and she shouted even louder at Zigzagoon. "Poochyeeena!"


A/N- After horrible writer's block and other distractions, I finally managed to write this chapter. This one I feel good about, so I hope you people enjoy it!