Hey Guys, I'm back! Sorry it's been a while but it's taken me so long to update but I had a wicked case of writers block. This story is still unfinished, I have two or three different copies so I've been pulling things from each two make this one as good as possible! I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

Emily and Spencer were now officially together for three months, if they counted those unofficial months it would be six months. They still hadn't come out to the team about their relationship; they had agreed to come out after they made it past two months but as they passed two months they still weren't ready to come out. They were practically living with each other now; most of Spencer's belongings were over at her brownstone. The only reason he would go to his apartment was to pay rent, he'd gotten a P.O. Box near her brownstone so that he wouldn't have to travel across town to retrieve his mail.

It was a Saturday morning and thankfully they didn't have a case. They always spent their free weekends together because they knew once they had a case it would be an endless hustle and bustle and they would have little time to be together as Emily and Spencer and not Reid and Prentiss.

"What do you want to do today?" Spencer asked.

"You've got your first physical therapy appointment remember?"

"Don't remind me…" He groaned.

Spencer had been shot in the knee a month and a half ago. Emily could remember the day perfectly; when she heard the gunshot over the phone she nearly cried, she tried hard to compartmentalize but a part of her wanted to be by his side and kiss him and hold his hand. She remembered yelling his name through the phone, she was terrified that he was dead but thankfully he wasn't injured to badly.

"You know what we haven't done in a while?" Spencer asked.

She looked at him and saw him waggle his eyebrows.

"No Spencer! You were shot, you need to heal. We're not having sex!" She replied.

"Emily, do you know that because I am somewhat handicapped you'll have to be on top?" He offered.

"Spencer no!" She repeated unconvincingly.

He hobbled over to her and slowly started kissing her neck.

"Spencer please…." She said trying not to succumb to him.

"What's that you're saying Emily?"

"Spen….Oh my god!" She moaned. "In the bed or on the couch?" She asked breathlessly.

"Couch's closer…" Spencer replied.

They quickly moved over to the couch and removed each others clothes. The last time they had sex was the morning before he got shot. Emily was adamant that they shouldn't have sex until he was all healed. At first they were both happy taking it slow but after two and a half weeks it became tougher and tougher. They saw each other every day and were practically living together; they began to miss each others touch.

"Wow!" Emily sighed heavily. "I can see why you're always exhausted after we're done."

"Uh-huh." Spencer breathed out.

"Is Dr. Spencer Reid at a loss for words?" She teased.

"Maybe…" He replied.

"I didn't think I'd ever see the day." She continued.

"You have that effect on me."

"I love you."

"I love you too." He replied.

She stood up and got dressed again.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Getting your crutches, you threw them and they're under the table."

"I don't need my crutches Emily."

"How do you expect to get around for physical therapy?" She said raising one eyebrow. She could see the guilt on his face. "Spencer did you think that letting me have my way with you would make me forget about your physical therapy?"

"Maybe a little." He replied in guilt. "I just wanted to spend my weekend with you."

"Well as sweet as that is I'd much rather have you able to walk because you went to physical therapy than have you handicapped because you didn't." She said giving him a kiss and helping him off the couch.

He dreaded physical therapy. He would've much rather spent his day with Emily. The only thing he looked forward to was being able to walk again; the brace he had been wearing was a pain to deal with, it was so constricting and bulky. He made the best out of his first appointment and tried to learn as quickly as he could so that he could get back to Emily.

"See that wasn't that bad." Emily said as they walked out of the office.

"Okay, you were right. It was perfectly fine." He replied. "Would you like to grab some lunch?"

"Well you said I was right so I guess I'll say yes." She teased. "Where do you want to go?"

"Where ever you want, I don't mind." He replied.

"Let's go to the café by our place." She said absentmindedly.

"Did you say our place?" He immediately noticed.

She thought back and realized she did.

"Yes, I guess I did." She replied. "Spencer, do you want to move in together?"

"I thought we already were, all of my belongings have moved to your brownstone and we spend all of our time there…."

"You make a good point. I guess we already are moved in together." She said happily.

They sat in the café enjoying their lunch until her phone rang.

"Prentiss." She greeted.

"Hey Emily. It's JJ. I'm sorry to interrupt your weekend but we've got another case."

"Alright, that's not a problem. I'll be there in twenty or thirty minutes."

"Thanks, Bye."


"Do we have another case?" Spencer asked as soon as she hung up.

"Yep. Let's go, she's probably going to call you next."

They went back to the brownstone and got ready for the next case. Spencer received JJ's call 5 minutes after they got in.

"Hi Spence." JJ greeted. "We've got another case."

"Okay, I'll see you in 20 minutes."

"Great. Spence, do you need a ride?" She asked.

"No. I'll call Prentiss or Morgan, thanks though."

"No problem, bye Spence."

"Bye." He replied.

As soon as he hung up the phone he finished to get ready. When they were done they grabbed their go bags and left for their next case.

After the briefing it was time to go. The team was going to LA for a case that involved the draining of blood. On the jet JJ said something that bothered Emily.

"So Spence, are you going to call Lila up?" JJ teased.

Emily looked at him questioningly. He had never mentioned a Lila ever; she knew she could trust him always but she was a bit shocked to know he never shared this.

That night at the hotel Emily headed to Spencer's door so that they could talk.

"Hey Em." He greeted.

"Hi." She replied.

"I'm guessing you want to talk about Lila." He concluded.

She nodded.

"One of the cases we had in LA involved an actress Lila Archer being stalked and murders taking place in her name. I was put on security detail ad we ended up kissing but after the case was over we barely spoke to each other."

"Is that all that happened?"

"Yes. We called each other once or twice after but it stopped." He replied. "Are you mad?"

"No. It's just I didn't understand why everyone was making such a big deal over it."

"I think that's because I was very awkward at the time." He chuckled. "Well I'm still awkward but I was way more awkward at the time."

"I love you and your awkwardness. " She said giving him a hug. "Thanks for telling me."

"I'd tell you everything you wanted to know."


"Yes. I love you, if you wanted to know anything about my past I'd tell you."

"Thank you, but I trust you enough to know you would never betray me."

"I would never betray you and I would never trade you for my past."

She gave him a kiss. She was so happy to have a good man like him.

For the rest of the night they laid in bed with their arms around each other. Their rule was no sex during cases; even though their relationship started that way they both felt that they needed to keep a clear head during cases. Also, neither of them wanted the team to find out about their relationship so the rule was a necessity.

That's all for now, I hope you've enjoyed the story. And I have messed around with the time spans and dates because I wanted to change things up so that my story would work better. Next chapter will be up next week after I'm finished with my semester.