Hey guys! I've had this idea for this story for a while now, and I've got plenty of it already written up in my notebook. My friends persuaded me to put up here, so I decided to give it a try. If you guys like it please comment to tell me to continue! I know it isn't much to base off of, in this chapter, but comments would really help! I hope you guys enjoy the story. This chapter is just a prologue.


Disclaimer: In no way do I own any characters already mentioned and created by Author J.R.R Tolkien. I do not own his idea of Middle Earth, nor any elements of the rest of his story. I am just a fanfiction author, including in my characters, whom I own, for the fun of others.

"Strangers from distant lands, you have gathered here today for one reason and one reason only. It is true, yes, that the one ring has been found. The one ring that was once in the hands of the dark lord Sauron. Once in the hands of the most powerful evil being that has haunted our beloved Middle Earth. The once powerful Sauron is now rebuilding is army after learning of the ring, which fortunately and unfortunately has come to us." Lord Elrond paused after his speech, allowing the contender to understand and take in the information they were being fed to the concomitant listeners. He continued, again after a long pause, "Bring forth the ring Frodo." He spoke, kindly but strictly, as everyone watched the young hobbit move forward from his seat, and place the golden band on the center pedestal,

There were many gasps as Frodo returned to his seat, one more prominent than the others, "So it is true." A man of young age spoke, rising from his seat, "Long has my father, Steward of Gondor, worked hard to keep your lands safe. By the blood of our people has—"

"Gondor is not the only land that has been working to keep Middle Earth safe. Rivendell, Mirkwood, and my home of Lothlorien, has done much to keep the power of evil from spreading too far to inner borders. Rohan had done much as well, before their king fell into shadow." He was cut off, by a confident but soft voice.

"What does a simple woman know about the labors of war?" The man retorted, anger escaping. Boromir was his name. Son of the Steward of Gondor.

"I have fought often to keep my land safe. Do not question me about my knowledge of war." She replied, angered.

Boromir disregarded her comment and continued his speech, "Why cannot we wield the ring? Use it against the enemy as a secret weapon? Give the ring to Gondor."

"You cannot wield the ring, no one can. The ring only responds to its one master." A young said, calmly.

"What would a mere ranger know about the one powerful ring?" Boromir asked.

"This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance." A young elf argued, rising from his seat.

"Havo dad, Legolas." Aragorn replied, keeping his voice even. He did as told, but not without glaring at Boromir.

"Aragorn?" Boromir asked, shocked, "This is the heir to Isildur. An heir to the king of Gondor?" He continued. Pausing, he quickly regained his composure, "Gondor has no king…Gondor needs no kind." Boromir said, confidently, sitting back in seat.

"You only believe that because your father is currently Steward of Gondor. When the king of Gondor shall return, only shall the White Tree bloom again." The woman replied, looking straight in his eyes.

Anger flared through Boromir's eyes, has he attempted to argue, "That will enough!" Lord Elrond said, stopping all conversation that had ensued among the listeners. "We have come here to discuss how we much destroy the ring—"

"Then what are we waiting for?" A red haired dwarf shouted gruffly, as he charged forward, raising his axe and slamming it against the ring. The effect was felt by all, as the dwarf stumbled backwards, falling, and the rest of the council shook.

"The ring cannot be destroyed Gimli, son of Gloin, by any power you hereby possess. The ring must be taken back into Mordor, deep into the chasm of Mount Doom, where it was created. Only their can it be unmade." Lord Elrond finished. Silence rung in the council, as all thought deeply about the possibilities of destroying the ring.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor." The familiar voice spoke, as Boromir rose to speak, yet once more, "There are not only orcs and other foul creatures that take host there, but the ever so watchful eye is always watching. Not with 10,000 good men could you do t his." He finished.

"Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The ring must be destroyed!" Legolas shouted, rising once more from his seat.

"And I suppose you think you'll be the one to do it!" Gimili shouted, rising as well.

"And what happens when Sauron gets back what he lost. What will happen then?" Boromir shouted, even louder.

"I will die before I see the ring in the hands of an elf. Never trust one!" Gimli shouted, starting a large argument among the council as almost all rose to defend their opinions. Aragorn sat there shaking his head.

Frodo looked at the shouting men, and then to the woman sitting next to him. "We will not get anywhere by arguing amongst ourselves." She muttered.

"How will we able to destroy the ring?" He asked, anxiously, causing her to look down at him.

She smiled, knowing his fear, for she had it aswell, "We will need the hope and strength to be able to go there. I know it is possible."

He looked down at his lap, thinking about what she had just said. "I know what I have to do. I just don't know how." He decided, looking back up at the woman.

She nodded, understanding what he meant. "It will be alright." She reassured him, before turning to the arguing council, "Excuse me everyone." Everyone paused, looking at her called attention, "I believe Frodo has something to say." She allowed Frodo to continue.

"I will take the ring to Mordor. Though, I do not know the way." He said slowly, rising from his seat.

There was a pause before an old wizard began to speak, "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear." Gandalf stood next to the small hobbit, touching his shoulder reassuringly.

Aragorn stood next, "If by my life or death I can protect you, I will." He walked forward kneeling in front of Frodo, "You have my sword." He continued, taking a place next to Gandalf.

"And you have my bow." Legolas stated, joining the group

"And my axe." Gimli said, gruffly.

There was a silence until Boromir spoke, "You carry the fate of us all little one, if this indeed if the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done." He continued, taking a place behind the hobbit.

"Hey!" A shout came from behind the bushes, as another young hobbit rushed to stand near Frodo, "Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me!" Sam yelled.

"No, it is hardly possible to separate you two, even when he is summoned to a secret council, and you are not." Lord Elrond said, smiling.

"Oi! We're coming too!" Another voice said from behind an open corridor, leading to the council. Lord Elrond turned around to see two hobbits run to join the group. "Yes! Besides you need people of intelligence to on this sort of trip…mission…quest…" The second one said slowly.

"Well that rules you out Pip!" The first one continued.

Elrond looked at the men standing together, "Anyone else?" He asked, looking knowingly as the young girl sitting calmly. All heads turned to her, but she said nothing.

Elrond sighed, "So be it! You shall be the fellowship of the ring."

"Great! Where are we going?" Pippin said, curiously, emerging laughter from the council.

Ok, so please comment! Constructive criticism is highly recommended. I know there's not a lot, but commenting will help decide whether I should continue the story or not.

Also - the story isn't from 3rd person, it is only like this in the prologue.

-cheryll :)