"Cherry Blossom, Crimson Eyes"

Special Thanks to: Inner Self, kaori and yoshi, Never-Land-4always, Akatsuki's a bang, Sakura-Hime Uchiha, KagomeAngel91, Akatsuki Sakura Uchiha, and xox Unleashed Butterfly xox! Thanks for the feedback, reviews, and wonderful, inspirational comments!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. If I did, all the kunoichi would rule!

Talking/ actions

Thoughts/ words

Inner Sakura


Part 8- "Training, a Mission, and Some Love"

Days went by as Sakura got used to the Akatsuki. She figured out how to get around and out of the base- though she wouldn't escape… well, not yet. It was exactly one week since she joined the Akatsuki when she got her first training session with another member- namely, Kakuzu. Early in the morning, she got up and went to cook breakfast in the 'kitchen'- which was just a room with a large slab of heated iron and various dining settings. Sakura looked around and decided on a simple breakfast- steamed rice with a bowl of miso soup for everyone. When Sakura was done and ready to take the first batch into the dining room, she turned into Kakuzu and almost fell. Sakura thought Oh, crap! Who did I bump into? If it's Hidan, I'll just kick him, but… that height… it must be…Kakuzu! Oh, crap! It is him! Apologize before he goes into a fit! Inner fretted. Sakura nervously looked up, into Kakuzu's blank, green eyes and red sclera and stammered, "K-Kakuzu, I'm s-sorry. I-I didn't see you t-there." Kakuzu said- muffled as always, "It's all right. I was looking for you." Sakura's eyebrows knit together in confusion. Kakuzu explained, "We want to train you, and since I'm the only one who can use all five elements, I'm the most suitable choice. We will begin our training at 10 AM, ok?" Sakura just nodded, dumbfounded.

After breakfast, Sakura walked out of the dining room, rubbing her right hand's knuckles. The reason for that action was because of Hidan…


During breakfast, as everyone was settling in and looking at Sakura's cooking with magnificent awe… if you would call only Deidara and Kisame's mouths hanging open, drooling, while everyone else just sniffed the wonderful aroma of food- expect the Deva Path, Yahiko. Hidan smirked, "Finally someone picked up a cookbook and cooked some real food! Who did it this time?" Sakura put her hand up and smiled. Hidan's smirk fell, and he growled, "Goddamn it, why does the new bitch know how to cook, while the rest of you don't?" Sakura's 'anger mark' (A/N- you know, the one on characters' head when they get angry?) appeared and she retorted, "What about you, you masochist?" Hidan's eye twitched and he barked, "Wanna finish the fight Konan and I started?" Sakura glanced at Konan, who was covered in bandages from the torso and down, and told Hidan, "Never mind, bastard! I'm too mature for this kind of crap anyway! Let's eat breakfast!" Right after breakfast was over, Hidan chuckled, "Well, well, guess little pinky is quite wimpy! Hey, I rhym-" Sakura gathered half of her chakra and sent 1/8th of it towards her legs and feet, to help her soar over the table, and sent the rest to her right fist, which she used to punch Hidan into unconsciousness. Hidan was already unconscious as he sailed out of his chair and went through maybe 7 or 8 of the 5-meters thick walls that the hideout has a lot of. Deidara laughed, Sasori shook his head, Tobi- who hasn't touched his food- giggled …How weird…, Inner thought, Itachi kept his blank expression, Kisame laughed uproariously, Konan smirked, Kakuzu rolled his eyes, and Yahiko frowned. Sakura got out of her seat, rubbing her right hand, and called over her shoulder, "Sorry, everyone! See you at 10'o clock, Kakuzu!" Sakura walked out of the room saying something along the lines of "I should have brought my gloves… No, I should bring my gloves whenever I'll be near Hidan… I'm so going to kill him!" Deidara sweatdropped and Kakuzu muttered, "…And I'm going to be the one training her and trying to evade all these punches…" Konan smiled and said, "That's one of the things I like about her! The bastard deserves it!" She looked at the hole in which Hidan flew through, and saw him in the middle of exactly the 9thwall, smoking and groaning. Konan thought, She will be a powerful ally… and a girl on top of that! Even better! Konan looked at the table and saw that everyone was impressed by Sakura's strength and smiled to no one in particular.

(Flashback ends)

Sakura walked to her room and put on her new outfit, her Akatsuki cloak, and underneath, a black skirt with black thigh-hugging shorts, black silk tank top with a mesh body shirt on top. Sakura picked up her gloves and thought, Well, if Hidan is already conscious, better be prepared to knock him out… again! Heh, I like your thinking! I enjoyed it, too! Sakura smiled and took a breath. She walked out of her room with determination to succeed her plan.

When Sakura finally arrived to the training grounds, Kakuzu was already there, sitting on a rock. Sakura said, "Hey, Kakuzu! What will we be training with today?" Kakuzu replied, "First, I want to know what your Elemental Chakra is. You know how to do this?" Sakura answered, "Well, I've heard about a method, but never tried it…" Kakuzu sighed, "No matter, I will help you discover it." He took out a slip of paper and explained, "This is the paper that comes from a tree that grows and feeds on chakra. It is very sensitive to chakra. Five different things might happen when you try to channel your chakra in it, which will then determine what element your chakra is. If your affinity is fire, the paper will turn to ash; if wind, it will split into two; if lighting, it will wrinkle; if earth, it will turn into dirt and crumble; if water, it will become wet or damp. Are you ready?" Sakura nodded and Kakuzu handed her the slip and Sakura took a deep breath and channeled her chakra. Sakura thought, It would be cool if I had wind or lighting… Sorry, but I don't think that either will be possible… You have a different chakra than wind or lighting wielders… Did you really have to dampen my spirits? Whatever! Then the paper turned brown and crumbled away.

Sakura looked at the lump of dirt on her hand and whispered, "My affinity… its earth…" Kakuzu chuckled, "I had a feeling. After seeing you twice in action and one of them was a close-up. Your punches… they are powerful, like the earth." Sakura replayed what happened during breakfast in her mind and realized, He's right! How could I have not noticed? Kakuzu stood up and said, "Well, I'm sure that you know I possess all five elemental affinities. I will tell you that the element you are weakest to is lighting, but you are at your strongest when you are up against or working with a water user. I will train you with using earth style ninjustus. Don't expect me to go easy with you!" Sakura nodded vigorously and Kakuzu leaped at her, hands outstretched.

Sakura dodged the attack and jumped to her right. Kakuzu growled, "What are you doing? Fight me! Don't run away!" Sakura replied, "Who said that I was running away? I'm analyzing you! And a medic ninja should never get hit!" Kakuzu shouted, "You are not just a medic anymore! You are a medic ninja and an Akatsuki member now! Akatsuki members are considered dangerous! You have to be a threat!" Sakura sighed and glared at Kakuzu. "So, you want me to defeat you? All the training I did under Tsunade was not for nothing!" Sakura dodged again as Kakuzu attacked her, but she delivered a powerful kick as a counterattack to his ribs and he flew upwards. He had a look of shock on his face as Sakura jumped over him. He twisted around, ready to attack her with his detaching limbs, only to receive a chakra punch from her, right in the middle of his face. He could feel the shockwave of her attack as he spiraled downwards and slammed into the ground. When the smoke cleared, He found himself lodged in the ground, with Sakura standing over him. She held out a hand and Kakuzu gruffly took it. Sakura bragged, "That was a move I call Cherry Blossom Impact. Quite powerful, isn't it?" When he stood up, he muttered, "I didn't think that you would be this strong… Guess I should start training you on ninjustu. It seems to be your weakest forte." Sakura frowned and nodded. She added, "I'm weak at genjustu, too… I can dispel them, but not use them." Kakuzu nodded and replied, "I'll teach you some simple Earth Style ninjustu. First of all, can you make shadow clones?" Sakura answered, "I can only make up to three shadow clones… I'm not experienced in that area." Kakuzu nodded slowly and offered, "Well, I will teach you how to make Earth Style: Shadow Clone. This technique creates a clone made of mud of you. Since it's made of mud, it can continue to reform and mold itself back to its original shape. After reverting to mud, it can hold the opponent in place." Sakura's eye gleamed as she thought of what she could do with that power. Sakura and Kakuzu spent all morning training on different Earth Style techniques. By the evening, Sakura had already learned three Earth Styles: Earth Style: Shadow Clone, Earth Style: Rock Staff, and Earth Style: Stone Armor. She wanted to learn Kakuzu's Earth Style: Earth Spear, but he refused, saying that she was exhausted. Sakura asked, "Well, when will we train again?" Kakuzu replied, "Maybe in a week. Try training with the others. Maybe Hidan…?" Sakura's eyebrow twitched as he said that and she growled, "What a wonderful idea! I can beat him up as much as I want and still not kill him! Though, I'll have to be careful to not get cut with his scythe… Just wonderful!" Kakuzu chuckled nervously. Inner interrupted, You're acting insane, you know? Tone it down, okay? All the insanity is reserved for Hidan. Though, I do like Kakuzu's idea! Sakura mentally rolled her eyes and thanked Kakuzu. She ran out of the training area, ready to eat dinner.

As she was walking to her room, ready to change into her 'sleep clothes' when she heard a growl, right behind the corner and stopped in her tracks. She then hears two voices, one sounded like Itachi and the other belonged to someone she didn't know. The stranger said, "You don't need to know my plan. It doesn't involve you, only your younger brother, Itachi." So it was Itachi. Then Itachi replied, "Sakura knows of Sasuke's plan. I don't doubt that she will definitely interfere with your plans, Madara." Sakura gasped, Madara? Madara Uchiha? That can't be! He died when he fought against Senju! 'Madara' looked in Sakura's direction and said, "Come out, whoever you are." Sakura thought, Good! He doesn't know that it is me yet! What should I do? Wait! A shadow clone! Sakura made the seal for a shadow clone and poured and molded her earth chakra in it. A clone of Sakura rose from the earth and transformed into a tall, man with a shark-looking appearance. In less than five seconds, there was a perfect duplicate of Kisame Hoshigaki standing in front of her. 'Kisame' walked out of hiding and said, "Hey, Itachi! Hey, Tobi! Sorry for eavesdropping!" Madara/Tobi sighed, "It was just you, Kisame… I thought it would be Deidara or somebody from this foolish organization… I'm leaving." As they were talking, Sakura backed away, farther into the corridor and—started running. She turned the corner just as 'Tobi' disappeared into the shadows, but 'Tobi' looked at her long enough for her to ascertain that she saw a red eye with three tomoes in in out of the hole in his orange swirl mask. She stopped in front of Itachi and said, "Was that Tobi? What are you doing here, Itachi?" Itachi frowned and replied, "None of your business, Sakura. What are you doing here?" 'Kisame' said, "Relax, Itachi. Sakura hasn't done anything." Then 'Kisame' transformed into the real clone. Itachi's eyes widened and he whispered, "I should have known. Kisame would not follow me anywhere if I didn't ask him to. Nice clone, Sakura. How much did you hear of the conversation between Madara and me?" Sakura replied, "Just the last part of it… So, Tobi is Madara? He is planning to attack Kohona with Sasuke, Kabuto, and Taka, isn't he?" Itachi sighed, "What am I going to do with you? I can't let you be alone now that Madara suspects you… Come with me…" Sakura released her clone, which sank into the earth, and followed Itachi.

The following morning, during breakfast, in which Yahiko ordered Sakura and Hidan to sit as far away as possible- at the opposite sides at the end of the dining table. After breakfast, the Human Path walked up behind Sakura and Itachi, who were the last to leave the room, and told them, "We have taken into consideration your offer, Itachi. We agree to your pairing. Kisame will stay here and guard the base. Your first mission will be this: Go to Kohona and do a check on the Nine-Tails jinchūriki." Sakura's eyes widened at the mention of Naruto. When the Human Path left, she turned on Itachi, saying, "What the hell was that? My first mission is with you? Do a check on Naruto? Go to Kohona? What the HELL?" Itachi shook his head and explained, "Madara already suspects you. I cannot leave you alone. Kisame is fine with my decision to pair up with you." Sakura calmed a little, but then she asked, "Naruto? Why are we checking on Naruto?" Itachi sighed, "Naruto was the one who changed Nagato and since all of us survived, naturally, Nagato would want to protect the 'one' the prophecy foretells will save the world. And with him being the leader, his word is absolute." Sakura nodded and said, "Guess I'll go and get ready. I'll meet you in front of the hideout, ok?" Itachi nodded once and left. Sakura walked towards her room with a jumble of thoughts in her head: Madara? Naruto? Itachi and me? What is happening?

When she walked outside, she saw Itachi waiting for her, sitting on a rock. Sakura shouted, "I'm ready, Itachi! Let's go!" Itachi stood up as Sakura caught up with him and started walking. Sakura asked him, "You know that the village still thinks of the Akatsuki as enemies. Only a few know what really happened…" Itachi replied, "I know. It's quite typical for the Hokage to retain information from the citizens. The current Hokage doesn't want confusion and panic on her hands." Sakura figured that Itachi's reasoning was right and nodded. Itachi informed, "This will be a long journey. We will have to go past the outer edges of Sunakagure and through the forests of Kohonakagure. It'll take two days… Are you ready?" Sakura nodded and said, "Let's go!"

Two days later, two figures in black cloaks with red clouds and conical straw hats sped through the forests of Kohona. Itachi said, "Stop here. This is where the barrier starts." Sakura stopped and looked at Itachi quizzically. Itachi explained, "Kohona has a barrier in which sensor-type ninja will inform the Hokage if someone intrudes. Since I was once an ANBU, I have the password to pass through the barrier unseen. You will have to keep in contact with my body as we pass through." Sakura blushed as she imagined Itachi carrying her in his arms, but Itachi held out his hand instead. Sakura thought, He's going to let me hold his hand? Sakura took it and Itachi muttered something under his breath. The air in front of them shimmered and Itachi pulled Sakura with him through the shimmering part. Sakura didn't feel anything as she passed the barrier, but she was disappointed when Itachi took his perfect hand out of hers. Itachi said, "We will have to be quick. It is very likely that someone will see us and try and warn the Hokage and Jonins. You cannot make any form of communication with anyone here. Do you understand?" Sakura frowned and nodded. They sped through the forest, stopping right outside the village's great walls. Itachi asked, "Are you ready? This will have to be quick." Sakura nodded. They jumped over the wall. Unknowingly, an ANBU was standing in a tree nearby and jumped towards the Hokage's office.

Sakura and Itachi ran around the edges of town, Sakura was searching for Naruto's chakra signature. She stopped and pointed to her right, "Naruto is straight ahead. We can go and check up on him and then go out the other side." Itachi nodded and set off, with Sakura trailing behind him.

Sakura used her Chakra Enhanced Strength to overcome Itachi and jumped in an alley. Itachi jumped in after her and asked, "Is he nearby?" Sakura replied, "Yeah, but he's not alone. We will have to just wait until he —wait a minute? Are those signatures… Ino, Hinata, and Sai? Yes, it is them!" Itachi said, "Your friends? We cannot make any kind of contact with anyone else besides the jinchūriki." Sakura pleaded, "But they know! We can trust them! Please, Itachi?" Itachi sighed, "Fine. Only because I believe you. But at the first sight of danger, we are out of here. Do you understand?" Sakura exclaimed, "Thank you! I owe you one!" Sakura jumped into the rooftop and went towards Ino's house. Itachi followed, muttering "Yes, you owe me one…" with a dreading feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Sakura picked the lock on Ino's living room window and sat on Ino's couch, next to Itachi, waiting for her friends to arrive. Itachi wondered, "Will they even show up?" Sakura answered, "They always do. Just wait." Then, as if on cue, the front door opened and Ino was saying, "Welcome to my beautiful, incredible, perfect home!" Naruto asked, "You mean your boring, too-sweet smelling, and bare home?" Sakura heard a thwack and a groan from Naruto and giggled. Hinata scolded, "See, you need to stop ruining moments, Naruto!" Sai added, "How typical of you, Naruto." Naruto moaned, "No need to gang up on me, everyone!" Sakura stood up and said, "Yeah. How have you been, Naruto?" Naruto said, "Just fine, Sakura. Wait? Sakura? You're back?" Ino exclaimed, "Yeah it was her voice! It came from the living room!" Ino rushed to put the lights on. When they did, she gasped and squeaked, "S-Sakura? Why are you…?" The others filed in the room and each of them gave identical gasps of horror. Sakura asked, "What's wrong, guys?" Inner shouted, You IDIOT! You have been gone for over two weeks and you show up in an Akatsuki cloak and Itachi- who is supposed to be dead- standing behind you, to boot! Sakura bit her lip as she realized how stupid she was. Hinata recovered first and stepped forward, "Sakura? Why are you in an Akatsuki cloak? Why is Itachi Uchiha behind you? What's going on?" Sakura bowed her head and explained, "I had to leave… I'm sorry, but it was the only choice. Itachi is my, umm, mentor in the Akatsuki. I'll tell you more, only if you decide to not freak out or attack me." Hinata, always the calm one, nodded and replied, "I'm sure we won't do either of those things. Right, everyone?" The others recovered and nodded. Naruto asked, "One thing… Could you tell Itachi to turn off his Sharingan? It's freaking me out."

After everyone settled, Itachi with his deactivated Sharingan, Ino and Hinata with tear-filled eyes, Sai watching Itachi warily, and Naruto beaming at Sakura. Sakura explained everything instantly and when she was done, Naruto whispered, "Sasuke couldn't have- He wouldn't- Not after he came back willingly… It can't be true, Sakura!" Itachi finally spoke, "It is true. Madara has said that much." Hinata stammered, "B-But Madara Uchiha is d-dead. It can't be." Sakura shook her head. "Madara is still very much alive," Sakura whispered. Ino asked, "Can't you just come back? You're already here… The Akatsuki will have to go through the village to get to you." Sakura groaned, "I would if I could, but the village has already branded me a traitor. The Akatsuki is the only place left for me." A crow dove through the walls and entered Itachi. He warned, "ANBU are coming here. We must leave now!" Sakura got up and said, "Keep this meeting a secret, please! I don't know when I can ever communicate with you guys again. I hope I haven't dragged you into anything dangerous. Good-bye…" Ino hastily stood up and spoke, "Please use the back door. We will keep this a secret. Good luck and good-bye…" "Be safe and good-bye," Hinata repeated. Naruto frowned, "I hope you'll stay safe, Sakura…" Sai nodded and gave a little smile. Sakura smiled at them and ran out of the house, with Itachi by her side.

As they ran over rooftops with ANBU chasing them from left, right, and behind, Itachi sighed, "I should have made it short and knocked them out, giving us time to escape." Sakura growled, "Don't you talk about my friends like that! Focus on getting out first, then you can pester me all you want!" Itachi quieted and ignored Sakura. An ANBU jumped up from the alley in front of the roof The two Akatsuki members were planning to cross. Sakura kept going and used Cherry Blossom Impact on the ANBU, directly in his face, making him lose his mask and spiral into a building- most likely with a major fracture on his skull and a broken jaw. Sakura sighed, "Thank goodness I brought my fighting gloves." Itachi informed, "You'll be using that move more than you will expect. There are more ANBU ahead." Sakura cursed, picked up a few hunks of debris from Pain's invasion of Kohona on the roof, and shouted, "Earth Style: Rock Staff!" and threw the rock- recently-turned-rock staff in front of her. The staff went over three houses and then down the third house's alleyway, in which a scream and thud sounded. Sakura looked behind her and saw shurikens flying towards Itachi. Inner shouted,Earth Style: Stone Armor! Sakura hardened her back side and jumped behind Itachi. The shurikens deflected and she did a back flip. As she was twisting in the air, she summoned seven Rock Staffs and threw them at the ANBU chasing them. The ANBU behind spread out and Itachi used Fire Style: Great Fireball Justu on the ANBU in front, causing them to disperse, too. Sakura and Itachi jumped in the smoke and Itachi took Sakura's hand, pulling her along with him. When they emerged, they were right in front of the great wall. Sakura didn't have time to jump, so she used her Cherry Blossom Impact and made a hole in the great wall. She bit her lip and thought, Sorry, Kohona. Itachi jumped ahead of her and she followed him away from Kohona.

The next morning, Sakura and Itachi were closing in to the border between Amekagure and Sunakagure after an all-night escapade across Sunakagure. Itachi asked, "Did you get enough sleep last night?" Sakura hissed, "If you call waking up being half buried in the sand a good night's sleep, then yes!" Itachi sighed, "What a sense of humor you hav-" Suddenly, Sakura stopped and pushed Itachi with some of her chakra enhanced strength. As Itachi flew through the air, confused, Sakura did a powerful jump and then did a backwards somersault through the air. A second later, a very familiar puppet launched out of the sand where they were standing a moment ago, only to find no one nearby. Two more rose and from the first puppet, a man with a black outfit consisting of a long top and trousers with a red tie around his waist and face paint came out. A woman in a short-sleeved black one that reached down to her legs, with slits along the side, a very revealing neckline, with black gloves came out of the second puppet. Sakura landed softly in the sand and called, "Kankuro! Temari! How have you two been?" Then the sand started to wrap around Sakura's legs, making her do another backwards somersault, landing around fifteen feet away from the body emerging from the sand. The body turned out to be the fifth Kazekage- Gaara. Temari's eyes widened as she heard Sakura's voice and she said, "It can't be… Is that you, Sakura Haruno of Kohonakagure?" Sakura replied, "Yep! You just changed your outfit again? I like it!" Temari stammered, "Y-You changed y-your ou-outfit, too…" Kankuro asked, "Sakura, did you join the Akatsuki?" Sakura smiled sweetly and said, "Yes! I've improved greatly!" Kankuro frowned, "I-I don't understand… Why would you…"

Gaara said, "No, You can't be deceived by her looks! We haven't seen Sakura for a while, for all we know, this might not be Sakura!" Sakura moaned, "Come on, guys! It is me! I just need to get home, which is right across your border. Hope to see you all soon!" Sakura ran towards Itachi, only to be stopped by a wall of sand that sprouted up. Gaara whispered, "Sorry, but we can't let you pass. You see, you are in the Akatsuki… I wish it didn't have to come down to this…" Gaara used Sand Binding Technique and immediately, huge claws of sand surrounded Sakura. She cursed and used chakra to jump out of the top hole, which wasn't closed yet. Then, to Gaara's surprise, she twisted in the air and used her Cherry Blossom Impact on Temari, who was sneaking up from behind. Temari caught the full blow of the justu in her stomach. She flew downwards, crashing into the sand and making an incredible shockwave, blowing Kankuro, Itachi, and Gaara into sand dunes. Kankuro used his Crow to catch him and Gaara used the sand to soften his fall, however, Itachi went crashing into the sand dunes. Sakura thought, Oh, crap! I'll never hear the end of it from Itachi! Sakura recounted the encounter with Fuen, a woman who attacked Kohona. She vaguely remembered the seals Fuen made for Poison Moth Genjustu. No time to think about it! Temari is still disoriented and won't be able to use her iron fan to blow the poison away! Try it out now! Sakura made several hand seals and discharged chakra from her fingertips. Purple dust flew towards Gaara and Kankuro, Gaara shielded himself with sand and Kankuro leaped in his puppet as the poison reached them. Sakura giggled, "You know, those don't do anything… well, except poison you!" Sakura could see Gaara's eyes widen and hear Kankuro's gasp as seeing that while they were under the effects of the poison, they didn't see her walk beside them. Sakura remembered Konohamaru's Sexy: Boy on Boy Technique and sent it into the minds of Gaara and Kankuro, who both suffered a massive nosebleed and fainted. Temari was unlucky, as she got caught in that justu and fainted at the image.

Sakura giggled at their reactions and walked over to find Itachi, only to find him lying on the ground, with a pool of blood trickling from his nose. Sakura frowned and thought, How sad. He got caught in the genjustu. Maybe seeing his brother with Sai could have been too much of a shock to him. How terrible! What if he is… umm, u know? Sakura's eyes widened and she thought, Too graphic! How disgusting! But I'm sure that he is straight. Right? If, at that moment one looked into Inner Sakura's world, one world see her scratching the back of his neck nervously and making an mind bubble that says, Please, Please let him be straight! But telling Sakura, I'm sure that he is! He must be your destined partner! Sakura sighed, comforted to hear reassurance from Inner and gently shook Itachi awake. Itachi's eyelids fluttered and Sakura watched the waking Itachi, who had a very vulnerable look on his face. She imagined that perfect face kissing her with those perfect lips and sighed. Itachi took in Sakura's close proximity and stared at her tenderly. Sakura looked into Itachi's nearing eyes and lips and thought, There will be no one to stop us like last time. Itachi took her face in his hands and stroked her lips with his thumb. Then Itachi kissed her.

Me: SO SORRY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER! High School sucks! So does homework! That and I had a Writers' Block!

Hinata: Aww... It'll be alright!

Ino: I'll say! Finally, we minor characters get a part in the story!

Me: You all have always been important characters in the story!

Sakura: Aww, Thanks!

Itachi: You are the main character, honey.

Sakura: That's right! *giggles* Love you, Itachi-kun!

Itachi: *Kisses Sakura*

Hinata: So beautiful!

Ino: I want Sai to kiss me like that!

Me: Wait a bit later! Don't forget to REVIEW!