
"Hey, have you guys been on Splashface today?" Carly asked Sam and Freddie who, were on the Shay's couch, watching T.V. together, their hands entwined.

"No, why?" Sam asked, looking over at her best friend.

"Wendy posted this really cute picture of her dog in a pair of oversized sunglasses," Carly replied. "It's the cutest thing."

"Aw, I'll look at it later," Sam said. "As soon as this show is over. I want to see whether this gorilla was smarter than the senator…"

"Oh, Spencer was watching that episode last night," Carly said. "You'll never see the twist at the end coming."

"Hey…" Freddie said slowly, looking over at Sam. "Speaking of Splashface…"

"What?" Sam said, her eyes still glued to the screen. "Dude, shh! I'm watching this here! I want to see if the-whoa! The gorilla just-"

"I know, right?" Carly chuckled. "But it's over now. So will you let your boyfriend talk to you?"

"Ugh, fine, what?" Sam said, grabbing the remote and turning off the T.V. "Is this about the itching powder I put in your mom's shoes?"

"Um…no," Freddie frowned. "But we'll come back to that."

"Then what is it?"

"Well, it's just, um, we've been dating for five months, right?" Freddie said.

"Yeah," Sam nodded, giving him a questioning look. "And?"

"So you'd say we're pretty serious, right?" Freddie continued.

"Um, yeah, I guess," Sam said. "But what's that got to do with anything?"

"I just…well, um, I was wondering if maybe we could, you know, finally make our relationship official," Freddie said.

"Official?" Sam repeated. "Baby, I thought we already did that. Remember? That weekend my mom was in Canada…"

Carly loudly cleared her throat, reminding the couple that she was still in the room.

"No, I'm not talking about that," Freddie said quickly. "I mean why don't we make our relationship Splashface official? I mean on our profiles it still says we're single."

"Yeah, he's right," Carly nodded.

"So you want to change it so it says we're in a relationship with each other?" Sam frowned. "Why?"

"It's like I said, we're pretty serious and all," Freddie shrugged. "I just don't see any reason why we wouldn't."

"Well is there really any reason why we have to," Sam pointed out. "I mean we know we're serious…so why does it matter whether we're 'Splashface official' or not?"

"I mean it doesn't really matter," Freddie said. "But still, don't you think it's a little weird that our statuses are 'single' when we're clearly not?"

"Not really," Sam said. "Everybody whose opinion matters knows we're dating so, again…what's the point?"

"Um, if I may intervene?" Carly said stepping over into the living room.

"Well you're going to no matter what we say, so…" Sam sighed.

"I just think Freddie has a point," Carly said. "You and him are in a serious relationship now."

"Yeah, and I'm not saying we aren't!" Sam said, staring to get defensive. "So why does it matter if-"

"Okay, okay, let's just drop this," Freddie said quickly. "We don't have to change our statuses if you don't want to. It's no big deal."

"Great," Sam said simply.

"Hey, I've got to go pick up my mom from her doctor," Freddie said, glancing at his watch. "You still cool with me coming by your place tonight, Sam?"

"Yeah, we can order a pizza or something," Sam replied.

"It's a date," Freddie smiled, leaning down to give her a quick kiss. "See you guys later."

Once Freddie left the apartment, Carly turned back to Sam.

"Okay Puckett…what's up?"


"You're seriously not going to change your relationship status?" Carly said, crossing her arms.

"For the millionth time, there's no point!" Sam groaned. "Why does it matter whether my profile has a little line that says 'Sam Puckett is in a relationship with Freddie Benson'?"

"Because it obviously matters to Freddie if he brought it up," Carly said.

"He just said he was fine with us dropping this," Sam said, rolling her eyes.

"Sam…" Carly said. "Seriously, why won't you change your status?"

"Because it's stupid! It's just some lame-"

"Oh please, that's a load of garbage and you know it," Carly scoffed. "Come on, what's the real reason?"

"Are you seriously going to sit here and interrogate me about this?" Sam said.

"Yes," Carly said. "And I've got all day."

"Well then," Sam said, getting to her feet and heading to the front door. "Guess I'm hanging out at home. Good thing my mom remembered to pay the cable bill this month…"


Later that evening Sam heard a knock at her door, and she rushed over and let her boyfriend into her home.

"Hey," she smiled, greeting him with a short peck on the lips. "How was your mom's doctor appointment?"

"Traumatizing, as usual," Freddie replied.

"Aw," Sam said. "Well I just ordered us dinner, so maybe that will cheer you up."

"I was cheered up the second I came in here and saw you," Freddie smiled as he sat down on the couch.

"God, now I have to go vomit…" Sam teased, though her cheeks were flushing crimson.

"So you want to watch a movie tonight?" Freddie asked. "You were saying last night how you wanted to watch that one with the killer starfish; we could watch that."

"Sure," Sam said, sitting down next to him. "But, um…I want to show you something first."

She grabbed her laptop and opened it up, quickly pulling up her Splashface page.

"What's this?" Freddie said, looking at the screen. "Hey! Sam Puckett is in a relationship with Freddie Benson! Sam, you-you changed your status!"

"Yeah," Sam said, giving him a small smile. "I did."

"Wow, Sam, that-that was really sweet of you," Freddie said. "But I don't want you to do it if it makes you uncomfortable. Seriously, if you want to change it back, I won't-"

"No, I-I want us to do this," Sam said. "I want us to be 'Splashface official' or whatever."

"You really mean that?" Freddie asked.

Sam nodded. "Look…I guess the reason I was avoiding doing this was because, I dunno, I was kind of scared."

"Scared?" Freddie frowned. "Of what?"

"Well, I've never been in an official relationship before," Sam explained. "Especially not one that's lasted this long. And, um, it-it's been great…these past five months have been the best five months of my life."

"Same here," Freddie said. "But I still don't see how that's scary…"

Sam looked down at her lap. "I'm just used to good things like this being taken away from me."

Freddie's face faltered. "Sam…"

"I know we're serious and in love and all of that," Sam continued. "But sometimes I still think that I'm just gonna wake up one day and all this is going to be over. I guess that's why I have such a hard time making things official, even with something stupid like our Splashface profiles."

Freddie wrapped his arms around Sam, pulling her onto his lap.

"You don't ever have to worry about that," he said gently, kissing her temple.

"I know," Sam smiled, resting her head on his shoulder.