This duel between Yusei and Usagi continues. Machine Emperor Gravitel with 7000 ATK, which Usagi controls on her field. Yusei who has Razor the Light Sentinel Knight with 2500 ATK.

Usagi: There's no way you can stop my Gravitel. I activate it's effect. Once per turn, it can absorb your Synchro Monster.

Yusei: Trap Card open! Sub-Space Matter Transfer Device!

Then Razor disappears instantly.

Yusei: It removes my monster from play. My monster will return at the end of this turn. Plus, I activate my another trap card. Dimensional Selector!

Then a vortex appears on Yusei's field.

Yusei: It only activates when my monster is removed from play. I draw a card and it's either magic or trap card, I can activate it, but if it's a monster, I can summon it. Draw! { Deck: 31} I summon Rapid Cheetah! {Rapid Cheetah LV: 1/ Type: Beast/ Attribute: Earth/ ATK: 0/ DEF: 0} By sending it to the graveyard, your Battle Phase is skipped and I can draw for every monster you control.

Usagi: But I have 5 monsters!

Yusei: That means I can draw 5 cards. {Hand: 6 Deck: 26}

Usagi: Tch! My Battle Phase is skipped huh? Turn End! {Hand: 0}

Then Razor, returns to Yusei's field.

Yusei: I draw! { Hand: 7 Deck: 25) I activate a Ritual Magic Card Starlight Ritual!

Then a blue spell circle appears on Yusei's field.

I sacrifice my level 7 Shift Cougar. {Shift Cougar LV: 8/ Type: Beast/ Attribute: Dark/ ATK: 2900/ DEF: 2200} Ritual Summon! Starlight Boundary! {Starlight Boundary LV: 4/ Type: Warrior/ Attribute: Light/ ATK: 0 / DEF:0}

A black colored warrior whose appearance is similar to Starlight Sector, emerges from the spell circle.

Usagi: 0 Attack Points! No, unless, it has an effect!

Then, suddenly, Gravitel loses it's light and becomes weaker.

Usagi: Huh? What's wrong?

Gravitel ATK: 0

Usagi: How? Could it be... [Then she checks her graveyard and sees Shift Cougar] NO!

Yusei: Your Gravitel's effect can only be activated when you only have Gravity Core in your graveyard. Since you have another card in your graveyard, Gravitel loses it's effect. Shift Cougar, when this card is sent to graveyard, I can send it in your graveyard instead. Then I can negate one monster's effect on your field. And I choose your Gravitel Guard.

Rally: Yeah! But isn't it kinda risky? I mean, one of her cards is going to the graveyard, by attacking one of those machine parts.

May: Unless, maybe she can avoid it.

Usagi: Your right! If one of my cards is send to the graveyard, I can remove it from play, by Gravitel Carrier's effect. I can't believe you've manage to discover it.

Yusei: It is your Silent Pain card. I just have a hunch that your Gravity Core has the same requirements. Now it is time to end this. My Starlight Boundary is not only a Ritual Monster, it is also a Tuner.

Usagi: A Tuner?

Yusei: I tune my level 4 Starlight Boundary with my level 6 Razor the Light Sentinel Knight. Clustering stars unlock the doors of myth and show the secrets of one of the 4 saint beasts! Become the light that shines upon! Synchro Summon! Appear! The White Tiger! { White Tiger LV: 10/ Type: Phantom God Beast/ Attribute: God/ ATK: 3000/ DEF: 3000}

Usagi: One of the 4 saint beasts! [With the shocking look on her face]

Even both Rally and May were shocked.

Yusei: Indeed! White Tiger is definitely one of the 4 saint beasts. Now White Tiger! Attack!

White Tiger leaps and uses it's sharp claws and slashes through Gravitel, causing it to explode.

Usagi: AAAAAHHHHH! {LP: 0} [Then faints]

In her sleep, she sees herself, along with her friends matured and with their family. They're welcoming Usagi back.

Usagi: (That's how I wanted the most!)

Then she wakes up and sees that she's in a room. She got and went to the kitchen. Rally is sitting, checking Yusei's cards and duel disk. She notices Usagi.

Rally: Hey, your awake! It's 9:30 P.M.

Usagi: It's night?

Rally: The two robbers were sent to prison and we earn a reward. Now we can pay the house rent.

Usagi: Thought, your heading back to Chicago?

Rally: We decided to stay in Japan for few more months.

Usagi: Where's Yusei and May?

Rally: He's sleeping. And May? I don't know where she is?

Yusei enters the kitchen.

Rally: I see, that your awake too.

Yusei: We need to talk. [As he turns to Usagi.]

Rally: Wait! What about May?

Yusei: Hmph! [As he points to the room, where he was sleeping]

Rally checks the room and sees May tied up, in nude. Not to mention, she was gagged.

Rally: May, did you... [As she was surprised.]

Yusei: She learned her lesson! [With disappointed tone]

Rally unties May, while Yusei takes his deck from the table.

May: Alright! I learned my lesson! I can't believed I lost to Yusei!

Rally: Really! How many times?

May: About 2!

Rally: So, whose better? Ken or Yusei?

May: SHUT UP! [Her face blushed]

Usagi: OK! It's time that you all learn the truth. But this is not the place. Let's go! I think there's someone who can also help!

Key Card: White Tiger. A level 10 Synchro Monster. Phantom God Beast and God. Synchro Materials: Starlight Boundary + Razor the Light Sentinel Knight. Effect: This monster can't be destroyed in battle or by a card effect. This card can only be destroyed in battle by a Light monster.