Disclaimer: I own nothing Sailor Moon, really.

Author Note: Inspiration struck me; sorry guys!

-0-0-0-'s mean time jumps!

My Brother's Best Friend

Chapter One

"Serena, you'll never guess who's coming to visit us." My older brother, by two years, called out to me while he styled his spiked hair in the large mirror of the large penthouse that we were sharing. It took up an entire floor of the hotel but it was a temporary home. Sure, we were using our parents' money but only to keep us away from our parents.

The penthouse was beyond gorgeous and high-tech. It had large bedrooms and open closets that I could sleep in I loved it so much. It was the only apartment in New York City that would actually fit almost all of my clothes. It was huge! I was going to college, to fulfill an elementary school education dream, while Will had already finished his automotive school and was working for a garage not far away. Since it was the beginning of September, school had started not long ago.

I was a proud twenty-one year old while Will was twenty-three. For my birthday, my brother was sweet enough to drag my drunk ass home and shove bread in my mouth, no matter how much I protested, along with pumping water into me to prevent alcohol poisoning. Ah, the sweet things brothers will do for you….

"Paul Walker, Paul Walker, pleeeeaseee let it be Paul Walker!" I mumbled to myself as I crossed my fingers. Hell, we didn't know Paul Walker but it would have been nice to have him coming over for a visit. If he wasn't available I would have settled for Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, or Gavin Rossdale. I had a list of other men but my interest lay only in their younger selves.

Will smiled and crossed his muscular arms over his fit chest as he leaned against the doorway of the bathroom. "It's not Paul Walker, Serena. I can't hear you but I see your fingers crossed and I have a feeling he's on your mind. It's somebody we've actually seen before, somebody we've been really close to in the past."

"Elmo?" I questioned, not thinking of how stupid I sounded. Elmo was the first thing that came to my mind. We had an obsession with him as a child and every single fish that we got, no matter how many times Mom replaced the dead, and they were always named Dorothy. To be quite honest, we almost hurt the Elmo man when we went to Disneyland last year. I saw him first, though.

"No," Will sighed but then got off track, "Shit, did you feed Dorothy yet today?"

I walked over to our little fish tank and curiously tapped on the tank, sending a frantic fish flying every which-way. A big smile crossed my face. "Yay for me! Dorothy isn't floatin' belly-up!" I cheered. "Although pathetic looking, she's still alive! She's aliveeeee!"

"And this is the girl who wants a puppy?" Will raised an eyebrow but seemed relieved about the health of our fish. I raised it's little food bottle and tapped some flakes into it, watching intently as it scurried to the surface to gobble up the flimsy looking slips. "Well, since you gave up trying to figure out who it is, which really isn't your fault since you have an extremely low attention span, I'll just tell you. Darien Shields is coming over."

My face twisted in disgust. Darien and I never got along. We fought like cats and dogs. I was day and he was night. At our own times we're okay but put us together and the stupid nighttime makes an eclipse because it can't stand the sun having any attention. Plus he was a huge playboy, somebody you couldn't trust relationship-wise. He was… just plain wrong.

"Be nice." Will deepened his tone as he looked at me with stone eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows together and pouted. I didn't want that nasty creature in my house but he was best friends with Will, and this was half Will's house too so I really didn't have a choice. I wasn't going to be nice, I wasn't going to be mean. I just wasn't going to bother with him in general.

"Darien is just a horrible person, Will. He uses and loses girls and he doesn't care. He'll make out with one and be making out with another girl the next second. Who wants to be with somebody like that? He probably has a tone of STD's!" I sneered. "That playing party boy is nothing but trouble and even you have to agree with me on that."

"Darien has had a notorious reputation in the past but I think he's straightened himself out now. His last party made him have a run-in with the law and he's been in boot camp. He's finally out and has no place to go since he doesn't want to return to his old life and pick up those bad habits again." Will explained. "He might have changed; we should give him a chance."

"I'll think about it!" I called out to Will as he stood up and went to answer the door, which somebody had knocked on a couple times. I hoped it was my new boots. I had ordered them a week ago and it was killing me not to have them. They were suede and sexy and went up to my knee. They'd look perfect in the right outfit (and I had plenty of clothes!).

"Well you better think fast, Bunny." Will responded.

"Why?" I questioned. I wished I hadn't.

"Because Darien's here."

"Will, do not let him in because –" I started, about to state the fact that I wasn't dressed properly. But Will opened the door and let Darien in as I stood right in front of the door, although a distance away, in black Tapout bootie shorts that scrunched up with strings on either side and had Tapout written in silver foil on the back. Along with that I was in nothing but a skimpy sports bra, since I had been practicing my Tae Bo exercise tapes.

"Billy!" Darien acknowledged as he wrapped Will in a bear hug and squeezed him tightly, while lifting him off the ground. I rolled my eyes at the 'bro-mance'. Without wasting a second, Will was placed back down and Darien has his eyes scanning over my form. An evil smirk came over his face. "Serena, why you look like something out a magazine! Maybe you should keep it Seventeen rated instead of Playboy next time though."

My mouth fell open. I was ninety-nine percent sure that my jaw was laying on the floor and that my eyes had expanded to the size of dinner plates while practically popping out of their sockets. Did Darien always have to be a complete dick to me? My eyes blazed with anger and, at that moment, I realized I needed to get away. "I'm going to get a shower and go for some ice cream. Keep your rude and uncalled for friend away from me Will."


I sat in the park in my short shorts and lavender camisole, which was trimmed in lace. I had my bleached blonde hair tugged up into a high ponytail on top of my head and my tongue swirled around the vanilla ice cream cone that I possessed in my hand. A masculine voice spoke up. "Well, don't you look lonely?" I sent the man a glare and turned to look away from him. He slid up next to me on the bench. "Hey, I didn't mean to scare you away earlier."

"Scare me away? You couldn't scare me if you tried, I just didn't want to be anywhere need you and your ridiculous remarks. Go victimize somebody else Darien, we're not kids anymore." I snapped. I felt him lean over close to me, his tall 6'2 frame inches taller than me even sitting next to my 5'6 height.

"I know we're not kids anymore. Kids don't look like we do Serena." He whispered sexily into my ear. "I've never seen a more incredible body in my entire life. Who ever would have guessed you would have a body like that?"

I pulled myself away and stood up to get away from him. "You're a disgusting creep Darien, and you need to leave me alone. I'm sure Will wouldn't like it if he knew you were flirting with his baby sister. Friend or not, he'd be ready to give you a beat down especially since you mentioned about my body. Nice, isn't it? All the other guys appreciate it, too."

"So you finally lost it, huh?" Darien questioned with an amused look in his eyes. "At twenty-one, I'd say it's about damn time. You've always been a late bloomer with everything though. Intelligence, puberty, beauty, sex… at least you're finally catching up with the rest of us!"

"Hey Darien, I have a good suggestion. How about you do something useful with your time, like leaving me alone? I'm sure you could sit alone in bed with only you and your hand and daydream and think of ways to have sex with yourself. Masturbation is key for men who can't get any after all, right?" I asked innocently.

"If I wanted, I could get more than enough thank you." Darien spoke as he slid up against me so that my ample breasts were pressed against his muscular chest. "I don't even have to try and I can have five different girls with their legs wide open and waiting. I'm not that interested in hoe-bags though, I'm looking for a challenge. A person often gets tired of the sluts and whores that flock just because I'm good looking."

"Get over yourself you egotistical pig." I retorted. "You think the women you met are lousy? You should have seen some of the guys that tried to get with me! I'd have everything from pick-up lines to random kissing to even this comment that is so unbelievable I don't know if I can say it with a straight face, although I appreciate him telling me."

"What was it?" Darien asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"He said 'I put a pill in your drink, I hope you don't mind and will still drink with me. It's a date rape drug but you don't have to drink it if you're not comfortable with it'." I repeated, just like the intelligent man had told me as he nervously fidgeted with his hands. I flashed back from the memory. "It wasn't even a date or anything, not really, we were getting together to discuss creating a study group, like a tutoring thing, for struggling students."

"Will didn't kick his ass?" Darien asked, something different in his eyes.

"No, he could barely stop laughing." I shrugged.

"It was still a date-rape drug and he was still using it on you to try to get you into bed with him!" Darien growled.

"Slow down killer, I'm Will's baby sister, not yours, and I can protect myself just fine thank you. I'm training with various martial arts tapes and people. I'm becoming quite the efficient fighter these days so don't try anything smooth." I warned.

"Whatever you say," Darien seemed to go back to his cocky ways and calm down. His eyes changed moods again and he leaned over to whisper in my ear as he patted my ass twice with the last word he spoke, "Tapout."

"Fuck face!"I growled as I slammed the bone of my palm against his jaw, sending his neck jerking up. He let out a string of curses as he stumbled back and grabbed his jaw. He was stunned by my reaction; I was shocked by his expansive vocabulary that was strictly centered around profanity. The one thing I could say about Darien was that he never ceased to amaze me so far and, I had a feeling, he wouldn't in my lifetime.

"What the hell, Serena?" Darien asked.

"Don't touch me, you jerk!" I shot back with fierce eyes.

His angered expression dropped to this lop-sided grin, which soon turned into a smirk. His voice came out sexy and smooth. "You look so sexy when you're mad. Mm, what I'd kill to have you look at me like that while you're on top of me riding my –"

"Darien!" I barked. "I will hit you… again."

"If looks could kill…" he whispered.

"If looks could kill you would have been dead over ten years ago and I would also probably be considered the most wanted serial killer in the world." I said, truthfully. Just as I finished there was a loud crack from the sky and a light rain came down. I sighed as my perfect, sunny day was now ruined by thunder and rain (which was freezing cold and just so happened to be picking up by the second). "Fuck my life."

"I actually drove here so I can drive you back." Darien offered. I looked skeptically at him. He did have a ride, and I didn't since I walked, yet I didn't want to leave with him. If he'd make moves on me in public, there was no telling what he might do behind closed doors of his vehicle. The thought of Darien being in control, now that was scary!

"No that's okay, I like the rain." I said quickly.

"You're crazy if you think I'm leaving you here!" he laughed sarcastically, like I was crazy. I crossed my arms and stood my ground as I scoped out the vicinity for any familiar faces that I could catch a ride with. Everybody had scurried away into vehicles or buildings pretty much by now though. I wasn't about to stop looking though.

I felt strong arms scoop me up and throw me over one broad shoulder. I was dumbfounded as I found my face bouncing into Darien's back. Did he seriously just put me in a fireman's carry? Before I knew it, I was placed into a leather car seat and the door was shut, while Darien hopped in the only side. I just looked at him, my mouth wide open.

I felt like my brother and God just made this horrible deal to work against me. Will always said that Darien and I would be good together, since I'd be somebody who would put up a fight and make him listen; he believed I was the one person to put Darien in his place. Although he was right, I didn't want to spend a lifetime dedicated to the idiotic jerk beside me when five minutes felt like a lifetime too long.

And, yet, Darien was gorgeous. His midnight black bangs were sweeping into those midnight blue eyes. He had naturally tanned skin and he was just too incredible to be true. His build was perfect, with broad shoulders and a lean waist. Washboard abs and huge muscular arms made it that much better to look at. It was obvious that he had put a lot of hard work and dedication into his figure to create a form that amazing. He looked great before but boot camp had apparently made him into a Sex God.

"Like what you see?" Darien didn't even take his eyes off the road. Smug bastard.

"If by that you mean you leaving an area, then yes. I hope next time I'll be watching from my window while you leave Will and I's apartment." I retorted bitterly.

"I feel the love." Darien mumbled sarcastically with a smile plastered on his crafted face. He had nice cheek bones and a sexily cut face, with a squared jaw that gave him that athletic bad-boy appearance. And, c'mon, who doesn't want an athletic bad-boy? I felt like I was sitting beside Danny Zukco from the movie Grease (the man John Travolta acted out; and damn did he look good in those tight shirts as he danced with those bright blue eyes…). "So Serena, who are you seeing these days?"

"Paul Walker." I shrugged.

"No shit!" his eyes got big as he looked over towards me. "Seriously?"

"Yes sir, every night in my dreams." I sighed and leaned my head against the window. "It doesn't matter though; I'll have him some day. He's too perfect for me to never get a hold of. He's like this angel from God that was sent here for me. He just doesn't know it yet."

"I don't like the thought of Paul Walker in your life."

"And why not?" I scuffed back.

"Because, that'll mean competition. I'll have to actually try." He replied.

"You wouldn't have to try. I mean, even if you did Darien, you couldn't match up to him. Try not to get yourself so worked up; it's not good for somebody with such a big head full of empty space." I smiled sweetly and patted the top of his head.

"You think he'd even take a second glance at you?" Darien snorted.

My mouth dropped open as he pulled into the garage way of our apartment complex. Did he really just admit that he thought I wasn't that attractive? My eyes blazed into him. "You're such a fucking jerk Darien, just leave me alone. I'm serious."

"Serena, I didn't mean it that way!" he yelled desperately after me. "You hurt my ego so my reaction was to hurt yours. I know you were playing and, although I sounded serious about it, I really was just teasing back."

"I don't care. Leave me the hell alone! You're Will's friend, not mine!" I growled as I stopped inside the building, ignoring the pouring thick rain, and slammed the rotating doors (which only smacked me in the ass and jolted me to the marble flooring of the lobby while people gave me suspicious looks). I blushed and felt strong arms pick me up off the floor.

"Now, you see where that anger gets you?" Darien whispered calmly into my ear. I wanted to punch him. My eyes were narrowed, yet again. "I bet you'll think twice before you slam your little hands onto a revolving door next time."

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