Author Note: I'm sorry this took so long and I know it's a ridiculously short chapter but it's filled with plenty of interesting stuff. Besides, that's exactly where I wanted to end the chapter. The next chapter will be the start of their "fun".

Disclaimer: I own nothing Sailor Moon.

My Brother's Best Friend

Chapter Five

Jesse quickly jumped up, about the same height as Will, and extended his hand. "I'm sorry; I didn't even notice there was somebody else here. My name's Jesse and I just met Serena today but I guess I just couldn't stay away from her for very long."

"I'm Will, her brother." Will mentioned. Then I saw a smirk as Darien walked up beside him. "And this is my best friend, Darien. He's going to be staying with Serena and me for a little while. I hope you don't mind if we watch the movie with you two."

"No, that's fine." Jesse replied but, at Darien's presence, his body tensed up. I hadn't known Jesse for long, but it was long enough to know he hated Darien already. His body language was screaming that he wanted to punch Darien, badly, and lay his ass on the floor. I was secretly wishing that Jesse would have gone on his emotions and did just that. Had I been able to knock Darien out with a punch, I wouldn't have wasted any time doing so.

"Well I do mind." I spoke up in a bitter tone.

"Too bad sweetheart, don't want you doing something you'll regret later." Darien shrugged and sent me this evil smile. Did he know how much I truly hated his guts? Once again, I was wishing I could knock the damn kid out. Maybe I'd become a bodybuilder someday… Ew. I rolled my eyes and Darien flopped down beside me, at the very end of the couch, as I sat up. I went to move to the other side, but Will sat down. I growled as I got up and put the movie in, starting to play it. Will had managed to make Jesse sit beside him so I'd have to sit between the sweetest guy on earth, and the worst. I took a mental note to break Will's face tomorrow morning.

With the movie, Hills Have Eyes, playing I settled against Jesse and rested my head near his chest while he placed his one arm around my shoulders. I snuggled into him and ignored the fact that part of me was touching Darien. I didn't hate the feeling of his touch, but I hated him. In fact, Darien's touch was kind of comforting. He had warm soft flesh despite his hardened muscles and he sent his aura about him that could make a girl feel protected. It was a devilish trick because he was the thing that women had to be afraid of the most, yet his touch and everything else made you feel so safe, as if nothing could ever bring you down.

After only about halfway through the movie, Jesse's cell phone rang and I inwardly growled. I was comfortable against him. He pulled it out of the pocket of his jeans and excused himself from the couch. I looked over the back of the couch as he paced the length of the kitchen, only hearing bits and pieces of his conversation. "Hey, I'm kindda busy… no, with this amazing girl… can't this wait? What do you mean… try to hold them off, I'll be there."

He ran his hand through his blonde locks and sighed, looking annoyed and self conflicted. I spoke up and everybody turned to pay attention to him. "What's wrong?"

"It's… it's my little brother. The kid just can't seem to stay out of trouble. I thought that for one night, just one fucking night, our mom could take care of him. I figured she could at least push him off on somebody else but no, she leaves the house and let's the kid all by himself. I can't have Jamie thrown towards juvenile courts again. Forgive me, please?" He explained quickly then asked, sounding desperate as he gave me sad eyes.

"No problem." I smiled lightly. "Go take care of your brother."

"You're the best." He smiled.

I crawled off the couch and walked over to hug him. "You are." I whispered as I placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Now get out of here before anything bad happens to him!" I teased and he nodded before slipping out the door. I walked back over to the couch and looked at Will. "Could you please move over so I can sit on the end, away from your boyfriend?"

Will ignored me and I growled as I flopped between the two. At some point, Will got up to use the bathroom. I didn't want to be alone with Darien, but the movie was nearing the end and it was getting intense. I jumped and quickly slipped my arms around the man's waist, burying my face into his chest. The arm that automatically went around me pulled me tight against him. I felt safe, I felt protected. I didn't want to let go.


"Are you up yet, sleeping beauty?" a voice asked from my doorway. I cracked open my tired eyes to see Darien with a towel in his hand. He had obviously just towel-dried his jet black wet messy hair. He had no shirt on, letting me view his God-given physic, and his jeans had the zipper down and button unbuttoned to reveal lime green American Eagle boxers. "Do you like what you see, sex kitten?"

I scrunched my face up and tossed a pillow lazily at him. "What did you come in here for? Do you love harassing me? Does it make you feel that much better inside to make me so miserable that I could kick somebody?"

"I came in here to apologize, not be a jerk. Things just happen. Anyway, I was hoping we could get a fresh start, you and me. It's been years since high school and I've changed a ton Serena. I'm hoping we can be friends. So, I'm going to take you out for a whole day of fun. Don't say no either because it's not exactly something that I can cancel."

"Take Will." I offered.

"It's either you or my well-earned money goes to waste." Darien spoke with a challenge in his voice. His eyes were truthful and serious, the guy wasn't kidding. I sighed as I rolled my body out of bed and hit the floor with a thump. I laid there and groaned. "Didn't that hurt?"

"Yes, very much so." I spoke, my voice muffled from my killer carpet. My blanket had been pulled down on top of me. I didn't purposefully face plant into the floor. I imagined I'd roll off the bed and put my feet down at the last minute like I did every morning. Unfortunately for me, my feet were tangled in covers.

"Oh boy, here we go." Darien commented as he walked over and took the covers off, rolling me over and scooping me up into his arms. I was too tired to even protest. He sat me on the couch, where I snuggled happily as he ran bath water. A steamy hot bubble bath would feel good right now but there was no way in Hell my ass was getting up. Five minutes later, he returned to me and took me into his arms again. "Bath time."

"Hmm?" I mumbled into his chest. His arms gently lowered me and I didn't think anything of it. Warm water rushed over my still-clothed body. I smiled lightly at the warmth that had taken over my body. My eyes were still closed and I leaned my head back, taking the peaceful moment in. That's when I felt something brush up against my lips and my spine got tingly. I wiggled in the warm water and couldn't take the light smile from my face.

My thick eyelashes fluttered open to find Darien right in front of my face. That's when the facts hit me: I was wearing my WHITE dress, in WATER. I was shocked and parted my lips to protest but, just as they were slightly parted, he caught my full lips in another electrifying kiss. I moaned lightly, loving the feelings I was getting. His form moved to tower over me and make space in the huge Jacuzzi tub, with a leg on either side of mine.

I loved his body pressing up against mine, while his impossibly soft lips covered my own. His hand slid down to tug the top of the strapless dress down. My breasts practically pushed themselves out, happy to be freed. I felt him groan sexually in the kiss before he trailed down my jaw, neck, and collar bone. This was crazy, this wasn't right. I put my hands on his head, about to push him away when his tongue darted out and flicked over my nipple. I gasped as my hands tangled into his hair and pulled him closer. I wanted to feel more of him on me. His mouth closed around the nipple as he sucked, kissed, licked, and gently nibbled on it.

Then, he pulled himself away and smirked down at me. "I'd love to do this all day Serena, but I made plans and if we don't get going when might not be able to do everything that I planned." Still, his eyes were lustful and kept traveling all over my body, especially at my exposed chest.

"Get the hell out of this room Darien, and don't do anything like this every again!" I commanded. He looked shocked, taken aback, with large eyes. Hell, even I was a little shocked about what came out of my mouth. He stood up in the tub before stepping out, the majority of his jeans soaking wet now, with a large bulge in the front of his pants. That couldn't be his actual hard-on though, it was so big. Maybe there was a reason Darien was so cocky for so many years, after all?

Get your head out of the gutter, Serena!

Still, I knew I couldn't deny the feeling that was brewing in my body. I was probably the only college girl to be a virgin. I didn't know how much longer I could take it though. The pent-up horniness was begging to be released from my body. I wanted to feel all over a sexy body, a perfect body. Like Darien's. I wanted to kiss him until my heart's desire when I couldn't breathe anymore. I wanted to feel his muscle against me, his breath, and the way his hips would thrust into me. I groaned, trying to push away the thoughts and the feelings as I sunk my head under the water. What was I going to do?

Twenty minutes later I walked out of my bedroom. I had on small jean bootie-shorts. Sure, I seemed to wear my clothes skimpy these days but, in all seriousness, there are no decent length shorts out there nowadays. Skimpier clothing was being made to show off our bodies and let pathetic men ogle in what they can't have, or probably get too easily. Girls were losing their self-respect these days. All because of men. To cover my chest, I had a figure-hugging baby blue polo that had the buttons unbuttoned, mostly because my chest stretched the extra-small top out too much. My breasts were pressed against each other and I noticed Darien eye up my cleavage immediately. On my feet I wore plain white sneakers and my hair was tugged up into a high ponytail.

"Ready Serena?" Darien questioned, his eyes only momentarily flickering up to catch my eyes. In that moment I felt my heart stop. I wanted to punch him for doing that to me. I was convinced I hated him so much that my heart just stopped, noticing that he was still alive and standing right in front of me. He pissed me off! But he looked so good when he was doing it…. Didn't my traumatizing childhood experience mean anything right now? It was slipping further and further into the back of my mind. I knew I wouldn't be able to deny it and hold it back forever, and it wouldn't be healthy to, but I guess I wanted to enjoy this day. Just one day.

"Born ready." I shrugged with my quick and cliché comeback. I grabbed a tote bag, which was full of a few things, just in case. Darien also hauled a large backpack around with me. I raised an eyebrow but he provided no answer, only saying something along the lines of 'patience is virtue, young blood'. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Patience was virtue all right, and something I lacked. When his back was turned I stuck my tongue out at him and pushed the front of my sneaker into the back of his one knee. It automatically bent and almost tripped him. He turned a glare at me and I smiled. "Balance is necessary, old man."

He sent me this devilish grin that did unspeakable things to my emotions. Darien Shields had to be the Devil himself, because nobody else could have such a wicked grin. This man would be the death of me, I was sure. His voice was so incredibly sexy it had to be a sin, too. "Touché."

"Can you at least tell me where we're going first?" I questioned.

He pulled a bandana out of the back of his pants pocket and maneuvered behind me. "That's a good question," he reached his hands around me and placed the cloth over my eyes. It was obviously a surprise so I let him continue. If it was a sexual thing, I didn't think he'd be taking me out into public for everybody to witness him tying it before my eyes. Then again, maybe he realized it wouldn't be a rape case. Wait, what was I talking about? Of course it would be rape! There was no part of my mind that wanted to sleep with Darien Shields. Well, maybe there was a LITTLE part, but it was barely existent. He tied the knot at the back of my head, under the ponytail, "we're going someplace fun."

"You're descriptive words are overwhelming, Darien." I spoke sarcastically as I felt him move in front of me. Then, he told me to get on his back. I sighed and agreed, letting the older guy give me, a college student, a piggy back ride. "I'm a little afraid of what your definition of fun is, Darien. We could have two completely different ideas on the topic. Just so you know, strip clubs don't entertain me that much."

"You've been to one?" I heard the curiosity spark.

"Darien, I WORK at one." I responded.

I'm sorry it's so short, again.

Please review? For me?