
My tainted existence...
My hands tainted with blood, blood of others I've killed.
My soul that's corrupted with time, loneliness, pain...
My heart turning into a pitch black, empty darkness.

Yet... yet you call yourself "tainted"?
No, you're just a fallen angel,
With it's wings battered and broken,
Seemingly as if it will not be able to heal.

But Zero, why?
Why... why did leave me?
I mended those broken wings,
Taught you to fly with those wings.

I did everything to make you smile, to laugh...
I made you feel yourself, feel loved...

But Zero, why did you fly away from me?
with me?

My heart that loved you,
As time passed,
It started to... hate you.

The memories we made that started to shatter,
The moments we shared that disgusted me,
And the three sinful words that turned to just words.

The smiles I gave you turned bitter and
My laughter that turned... insane.