Chapter one

To change things.

How had this happened? One minute she had been sitting in her potions classroom the next she was in the same chair but standing all around her she saw her best friends parents, godfather, second godfather and across from her were two smirking slytherin. One had long platinum blonde hair and silver eyes while the other had black hair that hung around his shoulders and onyx colored eyes. She stared. It was professor Snape she was in the past.

She collapsed against the chair with her mind running a million questions through her head, had an explosion sent her back or her time-turner? What would happen to her now? Would she ever get home? Her eyes closed she didn't notice the blond slytherin head toward her.

"Who do we have here?" said a smooth yet confused voice. "Is it another mud blood Potter?"

"Oh shut it Malfoy!" She shouted opening her eyes. All of the room's occupants turned stunned eyes toward her.

"How do you know my name?" The blonde asked arrogantly his silver blue eyes showing both anger and amazement.

"I know many of your names." she said turning to the potters. "You're James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew."

They all stared at her and she just laughed slightly. " The boy behind you Malfoy is Severus Snape, I don't see him but there is a Frank Longbottom in Gryffindor as well." she stopped "I am a seer that is how I know all these things, now if you'll excuse me I need to go talk to the head master, anyone willing to show me the way?"

"I'll take her there." She heard Snape say as she stood up couldn't help but smiles slightly; maybe she was here to change things.

"This way." he said leading her. She played the part well, asking questions about things she saw getting him to talk until they reached the statue and he gave the password. "Do you think you'll be able to find your way back?" he asked his onyx eyes boring into her chocolate ones.

"Yes thank you Severus." she stepped on the first step then smiled at him before continuing up.

Severus stood there slightly confused, he knew seers, none of them had known his name before he told them; accept Narcissa and she had learned it no doubt over the years, this girl with curly brown hair and deep chocolate eyes had a look about her that said she had seen more than her share of death. She acted a lot like "her" but she hadn't flinched when he touched her hand or when he had watched her.

A few minutes later he walked back to the potions class room and found that all the work had been set aside, even the teacher was talking about the girl who shown up out of nowhere and claimed to be a seer. He ignored any questions thrown his way or replied that all she had said on their walk was questions about Hogwarts.

Lucius had to admit at least to himself that the girl had been pretty and that when she had stood up to him, he had liked it. In fact he would like to press her against him and run his hands down her curves. But he had to be faithful he was engaged to one Narcissa Black and if he ever did anything like that the Black family could come after him. He knew that Regulus and Bellatrix Black would curse him into infinity if he did and he didn't doubt that even the black sheep of the family Sirius would too.

~Headmaster office~

Hermione knocked on the door and opened it when she heard the headmaster tell her to come in. She sat in one of the chairs across from the younger Albus Dumbledore.

"May I ask who you are dear?" he said running a hand through his beard. "

"My name is Hermione sir, I'm from the future." she said close to tears again thinking about her old friends, would she ever see them again?

"Tell me about this future you're from." he asked his blue eyes sparkling.

"In my time we were at war most my life, with a man named Voldmort, my best friends and I just led the final battle two months ago. It was here at Hogwarts. Harry was prophesied to be the one to defeat the dark lord and he did almost dying in the process himself. My other friend Ginny gave her life to protect him" By this time tears were cascading down her cheeks some into her mouth as she talked and she told him everything. She told him that Harry was the son of James Potter and Lilly Evans, how Ginny and Ron were both Weasley and that she was Hermione Jean Granger -muggleborn who had served in what they had called the DA.

"Alright Miss Granger, I believe you, now you need to calm down, we have to resort you." he said

She nodded and tried to pull herself together as he placed the sorting hat on her head.

Hmm you have been sorted before I see but I do not recognize your thoughts the hat said in her mind your muggleborn but I see that you wish to help those who have been given little chance. I could put you in slytherin but you would be in danger there so Gryffindor it is. He said the last part out loud.

"Ah Gryffindor I figured you would end up there again." the headmaster said "Now miss Granger you may go to Hogsmead today to get new robes and anything else you might need. You may take anyone you wish with you. Might I suggest whoever brought you here?"

"In that case sir you should call Severus Snape out of class." she said wiping away what was left of her tears.

"Ah, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin?" he questioned "You are sure?"

"Yes sir" she replied

He charmed a letter to find Severus Snape and they waited. Twenty minutes later they both looked up as the door opened.

Hermione's breath caught, he had spelled his clothes into a pair of jeans and a dark green shirt which showed off his slender but muscled body. His hair fell into his dark eyes in front though the rest was pulled back.

"Severus, Miss Granger would like your company and escort to Hogsmead today so she may go get new clothes and robes, as well as the school books." Dumbledore said

"Yes sir" He said thinking Granger huh? I wonder what her first name is.

"Thank you Severus, I know you would probably rather be hanging out with Malfoy." She said standing. "And thank you professor."

She and Severus walked half way to Hogsmead before he asked her a question.

"May I know your first name?" He asked looking at her, she had spelled her outfit into a pair a black pants and a gold shirt. She looked pretty he admitted.

"It's Hermione." she said with a smile.

After that they lapsed into talking about classes and he asked her what her favorite had been at her old school.

"Oh easy Charms, I love charms, though I'm good at Potions to." she said with a smile. "I had the best teacher in potions."

They talked for a bit about the other classes she had taken and she told him how she had hated her teacher in divination. This he found interesting since she claimed to be a seer.

"Are you really a seer?" He asked as they stepped up to the door Madame Milliken's robe shop.

She turned to meet his eyes. "No but I can't explain how I know things I do without causing trouble."

He let it go as she ordered seven new robes with the Gryffindor emblem on them and then watched her pick out some clothes in the end they left the store with two bags. they bought her books and headed back to the school. When they got back Hermione leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." Then she ran off the stairs and he stood with his hand on his cheek still feeling the tingle she caused. Lucius found Severus standing outside of the hall with his hand on his cheek still staring at the stairs.

"Severus?" He said breaking the spell on his friend.

"She kissed my cheek." he whispered

"Who did?" Lucius said "Lilly?"

"No, Hermione." His friend said walking into the hall leaving a confused Lucius behind.

The blonde stared after his friend wondering who Hermione was and why it seemed to make his friend happy that she had kissed his cheek. He turned to head back to the hall and found that the new girl was standing in the door. Her long hair fell almost to her round bottom and her eyes were shinning with unshed tears. Was this Hermione? A look at Severus proved that thought correct as he was smiling at her.

Lucius walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned around meeting her Chocolate colored eyes to his.

"We got off on the wrong foot, I'm Lucius Malfoy." He said

Hermione stared for a minute and then said "I'm Hermione."

"It's nice that you have started a friendship with Severus, he is loyal to a fault." Lucius said

She smiled slightly. "I had a friend just like that where I come from his name was Harry." Her eyes misted over before she whipped them with her sleeve. "I doubt I'll see him again."

Was this the same girl who had stood up to him, the same girl that from look on Severus might replace Lilly Evans? She seemed to be on an emotional roller-coaster.

"What do you know about the ways of the wizarding high classes?" Lucius asked

"That many of them do not like muggleborn's, are betrothed at birth or by age nine, that they have parties for every occasion" Hermione repeated

The silver blond boy stared at her. "That's quit impressive."

"My friends Ron and Ginny were Purebloods although not up as high in Rank so I learned from them." she said "Now I'm going to eat."

He watched her walk over to the Gryffindor table and sit down close to the end. He walked back to his own table and sat down next to a quiet and still smiling Severus Snape.