Rachel was practically vibrating as she stood next to Quinn behind the closed doors in the back of the room.

Quinn chuckled, "You're acting like you're the one getting married."

"Oh no," Rachel shook her head, "When I get married I will be a hot mess. I'm just so excited. They're both so happy and this is so romantic."

The blonde nodded, "Yeah, it's pretty romantic."

The music started floating in from under the door. Quinn put her hand on the doorknob, "Ready?"

"To have a room full of people stare at me?" Rachel smirked, "Always."

Quinn playfully rolled her eyes and pulled open the door. All eyes were on them when they stepped into the room. They walked in step up to where the Justice of the Peace was standing and split apart.

Rachel surveyed both sides of the isle. Santana's side of the isle was pretty full. It looked like everyone in Santana's family had shown up. Then she looked to Brittany's side. Brittany's parents and sister were sitting in the front row, her mother and sister bawling. Then behind them sat the former New Directions Show Choir. Puck, Finn, Tina, Artie, Kurt, Mike, Mercedes, Sam, and even Matt were sitting in a row smiling from ear to ear. Next to them sat Mr. Schuester and Ms. Pillsbury. Well, they were now Mr. and Mrs. Schuester. Emma glanced down at the little girl with curly, red hair in her lap and smiled over at Will.

Then the side doors opened and everyone stood up. The quartet behind Rachel's side of the arch started the wedding march. She beamed and looked over at Quinn who looked so happy she was about to laugh.

Santana tried to see Brittany through the mass of her family. However she wasn't able to see past them. Then she spotted her former glee club sitting on Brittany's side of the venue. She smiled. Brittany used to say that they were her family. Apparently they still were.

"She doesn't look like a Marcus," the Justice of the Peace murmured to Rachel and Quinn.

"Oh! She's not! Her name is Brittany Pierce," Rachel explained in a hushed whisper, "Sorry, last minute switch."

"Last minute…?" the JP quirked an eyebrow.

"Just do everything you're supposed to and I'll explain the long sorted mess at the reception," Quinn stated and watched as the brides neared.

When she finally got to the front of the room, she caught sight of Brittany. She paused, at the beauty in front of her. Her mouth went dry and all the air whirled out of her lungs.

Brittany smiled when she saw Santana stutter-step when their eyes met. Her chest swelled with love that threatened to burst her at the seams. The way the sun was setting against the water seemed to make the whole room sparkle.

Santana practically threw her bouquet at Quinn. She wanted to get to Brittany as fast as possible. If there weren't at least fifty people watching, she would have ran to her.

Rachel and Brittany shared a knowing smile as her bouquet was handed off. Brittany stepped up to the JP and Santana with a wide smile on her face.

"So beautiful," Santana whispered to Brittany as they held each other's hands waiting for the JP to start.

"Well," the man smiled at the audience, "Welcome to the joining of Santana Lopez and Brittany Pierce in marriage. They have written their own vows so I'm going to let them get to it. Santana?"

The people in the audience all seemed to move forward in their seats, hoping to hear every word that was uttered in the front.

Santana took a deep breath and looked at Rachel. The diva to a moment to realize what Santana needed. She handed over Brittany's ring and went back to smiling ridiculously wide.

Santana took Brittany's left hand between her shaky hands. She was suddenly really nervous. What if her vows weren't good enough? What if she said the wrong thing?

All of that worry disappeared when Brittany brought up her right hand to Santana's free hand and lovingly stroked Santana's knuckles with her thumb before bringing it up to her lips for a chaste kiss.

"I promise to take care of you when you're sick and not be mean to you when I'm sick," Brittany's laugh calmed Santana enough to continue with confidence through the rest of what she'd composed, "I promise to help you move all the living room furniture and be your guinea pig for your new dance moves." She paused as everyone who was watching chuckled. She held Brittany's eyes and continued, "I promise that I'll love you like I should have been doing for the past ten years. I promise to threaten anyone who hits on you because I want the world to know that you're mine and I'm in love with you. I love how you cried that time we went camping because the stars were so beautiful. You have this huge open amazing heart and you love so much it's... Incredible. You're incredible. I love you. Forever." Santana slid the ring onto Brittany's finger. It fit perfectly.

Brittany took Santana's ring from Rachel and looked down at it before looking at Santana, taking both of her hands. "I promise to make you laugh when you get mad and not to try to cook often. I promise to remember everyone in your family's birthday when you forget," Brittany sniffled as her senses were overcome with emotion. She saw tears start to form in Santana's eyes. "I promise to not tell anyone your secrets. I promise to remind you of all the fun times when your sad and make tents out of sheets so we can camp out in bed when you're being too serious." She gently reached up and wiped away a tear that had escaped. "I've been in love with you since that summer at Cheerio camp when we met. We're best friends, even after all this time and I've never been more in love with you." Brittany slid the ring onto Santana's finger.

"By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you married. You may kiss the bride," the JP smiled.

Santana put her hands on Brittany's hips, pulling her as closer as possible feeling Brittany wrap her arms around her neck. She paused before her lips touched Brittany's. The blonde laughed and moved the rest of the way forward and brushed her lips against Santana's.

The entire crowd stood up, applauding at the beautiful sight as the sun sank below the horizon. The boats lit up in the water were the perfect backdrop to the perfect wedding.

"It's snowing!" Emma and Will's daughter called.

Brittany and Santana laughed out of their kiss as the adorable interruption. However, that was when Brittany noticed it was in fact snowing. It was snowing inside.

Everyone looked up in wonder as snowflakes started to fall from the ceiling. Santana smiled as the fake snow came gently to rest in Brittany's hair and on her cheeks as she looked up. She pulled Brittany into another kiss and Brittany happily acquiesced.

The music started playing and Santana and Brittany made their way out of the room as fake snow was still fluttering down from the ceiling.

Rachel stepped to the middle of the arch, "The reception will take place in the adjoining banquet hall. Thank you all for coming."

Before they changed into their reception dresses, Brittany and Santana stood in the hallway right outside where they just got married. Santana stepped out of the door, stepped to the right and pressed her back against the wall, pulling Brittany against her body. Their lips crashed together and Brittany slid her arms around Santana's waist.

"You broke off your engagement two days ago," Brittany mumbled against Santana's lips, "and you married me. Why me?"

"I've loved you since I've met you," Santana grinned, "and I've been in love with you for years, sending PIs to see where you were and thinking about you all the time. I never stopped loving you Brittany. You're my one and only."

The door opened and they heard people start to come out of the room. Brittany took Santana's hand and they both ran off to the dressing room together.

It took fifteen minutes for everyone to transplant themselves into the banquet room. The band had been sent up in the front of the room and had already started playing. The caterers were bustling around the buffet, making sure everything was set up perfectly so they could disappear.

Once Brittany and Santana had said hello to everyone they sat down at their places and looked at the band where Quinn had moved to the front of. She stood in front of a microphone. "Hey everyone." When she had everyone's attention she continued. "Most of you know that there was a huge change in the wedding plans like forty-eight hours ago, so there wasn't an official selection for their first dance song. I hope they don't mind, but Rachel and I have taken it upon ourselves to put a little something together."

Brittany stood up and offered her hand to Santana. Santana paused before she took it. She whispered to Brittany as they walked to the dance floor, "We never did actually get to the actual dance lessons."

"Don't worry," Brittany smiled, "I'll lead."

They stood in the middle of the floor and watched the house band vacate their instruments as a new band moved in. Finn sat behind the drums, Puck and Sam picked up the guitars, and Artie adjusted the bass to fit his wheelchair. Tina, Mercedes, Mike, Matt, and Kurt all stood behind Quinn and Rachel, who both had microphones.

"We all got together yesterday and decided to resurrect an old song that means a lot to all of us," Rachel explained to the crowd. She looked at the brides and smiled, "And we think that this will mean more to you two." She put her hand to her chest, "We love you two."

Puck started playing the guitar and started playing. Brittany took Santana's hands and placed one on her shoulder and took the other one in her hand. She smiled as she started to lead Santana around the floor.

Quinn was the first one to start singing.

Highway run into the midnight sun
Wheels go round and round
You're on my mind
Restless hearts sleep alone tonight
Sending all my love along the wire
They say that the road

ain't no place to start a family
Right down the line it's been you and me
And loving a music man
ain't always what it's supposed to be

The entire glee club joined in with Quinn as Brittany spun Santana effortlessly around the dance floor.

You stand by me
I'm forever yours


Rachel stepped forward and raised the microphone to her mouth.

Circus life under the big top world
We all need the clowns to make us laugh
Through space and time
Always another show
Wondering where I am lost without you
And being a part ain't easy on this love affair

Quinn smiled over at Rachel and joined her in the next part of the verse.

Two strangers learn to fall in love again
I get the joy of rediscovering you

Santana smiled at Brittany and started singing along with the rest of the glee club. She took Brittany's hand that was on her waist and moved it to her shoulder then rested her hand on Brittany's waist. She took over leading and smiled when Brittany giggled.

Oh girl
You stand by me
I'm forever yours
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh
I'm still yours
I'm forever yours
Ever yours

When the song was over, everyone applauded, even Brittany and Santana. They walked over to their friends and hugged them all, thanking them for the song.

Quinn guided the girls back to their seats and sat down on a stool in front of the band. "So, Santana asked me to sing a song for her to Brittany. And so I don't embarrass myself I'm going to count it as my maid of honor speech." The crowd laughed and Quinn smiled. She looked to Brittany, "This is for you B. I love you both."

In the morning, it comes
Heaven sent a hurricane
Not a trace of the sun
But I don't even run from rain
Beating out of my chest
My heart is holding onto you
From the moment I knew
From the moment I knew

You're the air in my breath
Filling up my lungs
You're such a beautiful mess
Intertwined and overrun
Nothing better than this
No, I'll let the storm come
You feel just like the sun
Just like the sun

You say
I'll be all right
I'm gonna trust you, babe
Gonna look in your eyes
Yeah, you say
I'll be all right
I'll follow you
Into the light

Never mind what I knew
Nothing seems to matter now
Oh, who I was without you
I can do without

No one knows where is
How I came tumbling down
But I'm here with you now
I'm with you now

Come rushing
Come down hard, come crushing
All I need
Is right here, beside me
Again the whole crowd applauded for the performance. All eyes went to Brittany and Santana who were in a passionate lip lock. Quinn cleaned her throat into the microphone and the two ripped away from each other with bashful smiles.

I'm not enough, I swear it
Take my love and wear it
And if you say
I'll be all right
I'm gonna trust you, babe
Gonna look in your eyes

"Our resident diva now has a song Brittany asked her to sing," Quinn teased as Rachel walked up to the microphone.

Rachel smirked and playfully nudged Quinn with her elbow. Rachel took her place on the stool. "I, unlike Quinn, am not afraid to embarrass myself so I'm going to squeeze in my maid of honor speech in now." She walked over to a table and picked up her glass of champagne. "I think from the moment I saw Brittany and Santana, I knew there was something special between them. I think everyone who knew them in high school saw that. The way they had a special way of communicating without having to say anything or the way they linked pinkies. They just seemed to fit. I've heard that it's best to marry your best friend and Brittany and Santana are lucky enough to marry their best friend and the love of their life. Cheers."

Everyone raised their glasses in a toast and drank their champagne.

Then the guitarist started to play while Rachel sang an acoustic version of the song that everyone in the glee club knew brought Brittany out of her singing shell.

I know I may be young, but I've got feelings too.
And I need to do what I feel like doing.
So let me go and just listen.

All you people look at me like I'm a little girl.
Well did you ever think it be okay for me to step into this world.

Always saying little girl don't step into the club.
Well I'm just tryin' to find out why cause dancing's what I love.

When the song was over, Brittany drug Santana to the dance floor again, this time joined by other couples on the dance floor.

"So," Brittany played with the bottom of Santana's hair, "I have a question."

"Go for it," Santana smiled.

"What do you do for a living?" Brittany asked.

Santana chuckled. "I'm a public affairs consultant."

"Oh," Brittany looked a little confused, but shrugged it off.

The brunette smiled, "I tell companies and people how to make themselves look good."

"Oh cool," Brittany smiled back.

"You know the best part of my job?" Santana asked.


"I can do it from anywhere," the brunette spun Brittany around, "So I can meet up with you while you're on tour and be your number one fan, wearing a t-shirt with you face on it screaming from the front row."

Brittany laughed. "Sounds perfect."

A tap on Santana's shoulder interrupted their moment. She looked over her shoulder and saw Brittany's dad standing next to her dad. Her dad let out a loving smile, "May we cut in?"

Brittany giggled, "Of course."

However instead of dancing with their own daughters, Santana's dad took Brittany's hand and Brittany's dad led Santana.

"You're a really great dancer," Santana smiled at Brittany's dad.

He chuckled, "Well she had to get it from somewhere."

Santana laughed and looked over at Brittany who was trying to teach her dad how to dance. She laughed harder and turned back to Brittany's dad.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," he stated and Santana sort of knew where he was going to go with this. "We didn't really get to speak before the wedding because…well we didn't know she was getting married until yesterday, but…we're really pleased with her choice in a spouse. We know that you'll take care of her and we know you're a great person. I just wanted to affirm that what happened four years ago won't happen again. Brittany was heartbroken and it killed us to see her like that."

Santana's heart hurt at the statement. She set her jaw, "I was so stupid then. I know that Brittany is the one. And I will take care of her. I love her."

He let out a fatherly smile and hugged her, "That's all I needed to know."

When the dance was over, it didn't take long for Santana and Brittany to find their way back to each other.

"Where are we going for our honeymoon?" Brittany asked playfully.

Santana grinned. "It's a surprise."

"How will I know what to pack?" the blonde asked, leaning forward, but pausing before she kissed Santana.

"Pack warm clothes," Santana tried to kiss Brittany, but the blonde pulled away.

"Do I need a passport?" Brittany quirked an eyebrow.


"How do you know I already have one?"

Santana chuckled, "Because your dance troupe traveled around the world last year."

"Oh yeah," Brittany bit her lip, "Please San?"

"You play dirty," Santana finally kissed Brittany, "We're going to Rome."

"Are you serious?" Brittany squealed, "I love it there!"

Santana grinned. "See? This was so meant to be."