Blair's eyes fluttered open to see her unfamiliar surroundings; she was lying on a bed she'd never seen before. She heard someone walk in the room.


"No Chloe," the girl stretched out her hand to shake.

"Oh you're the one from last night right?"

"The one and only, Here," she said handing Blair some coffee and a tablet.

Blair drank the coffee and looked at the tablet hesitantly.

"You can trust me, it's just valium, and I can show you the packet if you like..." Chloe suggested. "I'm guessing you have to go home or something right? Chloe asked slightly disappointed.

"Ummm... I don't really want to," Blair moaned falling back onto the bed.

"Great! Have a shower, meet me down stairs in 10, we'll go grab some breaky!" she grinned. "You can wear anything you want out of my closet!"

GG * GG * GG

Blair walked down to the lobby to meet Chloe; she was wearing some blue skinny leg jeans, a white strapless top, a black blazer and black ballet flats. Her hair was loosely tied up into a bun, curls were coming out everywhere, it wasn't her normal style but it looked ok.

She looked around the lobby, she clearly wasn't on the Upper East Side, it kind of looked like... like... Brooklyn, for someone reason she really didn't care. She walked down the stair to meet Chloe who wore black skinny leg jeans and a grey jumper. Her hair was jet black and straight, it went half way down her back.

"Hey! You look great Blair, Come on!" She said dragging Blair by the hand down the street.

"Where are we going?" Blair asked.


They stopped at a dinner that Blair had seen before, yes, she was defiantly in Brooklyn.

"Hey Nerida! Two coffees and crumpets! Thank you!" Chloe smiled at the waitress while they sat down at the table.

"So Blair, tell me about you, all I know is that your obviously from the Upper East Side and you have Bulimia."

"I don't have Bulimia," Blair lied. "I just had to much to drink,"

"Look, when I was younger I felt the pressure to be skinny, I would starve me self, I would eat nothing for days, then I realised, who am I out to prove? I don't need to impress them by being a size 0, it's my body not theirs, I really hope one day you'll see that Blair, like you'll see how much of a stick you are naturally." Chloe explained.

Blair smiled uncomfortably.

"SO let's start with, who is Serena?" Chloe beamed.

"Oh, she was my best friend, you know we did everything together," Blair explained hesitantly.

She was trying to block it out by partying and drinking all night, though she did realise it was inventible she would talk about it soon. It may as well be to a complete stranger instead of a shrink.

"Was, ey? Did you guy's fight or something?"

"Ummm... no she died."

"...oh... that sucks."

"Yer," Blair nodded.

The waitress brought over their food; Blair eyed the fatty crumpet cautiously, but then took a bite. Chloe smiled and started to eat hers.

"So, ummm, what about you? Do you go to school or what?"

"I'm taking a gap year, just doing my own thing, I work at a cute department store down the road and saved enough money to rent a flat out here," she explained.

Blair felt somewhat jealous of how free she was.

"And you?"

"Well I have an apartment I used to share with Serena, and I go to Columbia, but I haven't really been attending lately," Blair sighed.

"I noticed you've been at the club a lot, escaping? Or what?"

"I can't really go back to the apartment, there's too many memories there... look I'm sorry, I hardly even know you..."

"S'ok, don't worry, I'm a good listener, and you seem nice enough," Chloe grinned.

"Ummm, Thanks."

"Hey, you like shopping? I know some great vintage stores around here, wanna check em out?"

Blair smiled for the first time in weeks, "sure, sounds great"

A/N: ok, so I know I haven't updated in a while, sorry, I will start to update my other storied too. So what does everyone think about the whole DAIR thing in season 4?LET ME KNOW UR OPINION. I know this chapter was pretty crap, but I have some great plans for this story please review