GAH! I'm soooo sorry it's been so long! But everything's been stressful lately. I'm finally outta school for the summer, so updates galore! Anyways, sorry for the long wait! Review responses at the bottom! Once again, only Japanese phrases I will use are: Moyashi and Bakanda.

*Warning for some swearing xD


*grumble grumble*

"Allen, why the hell is your stomach making such unholy noises?" Lavi whined, causing Allen to flush in embarrassment.

"Shut up! It's not my fault… I have a high metabolism..."

"Alright, I deem it time to raid the fridge!" Lavi shouted, pointing down the stairs. "We sacrifice Tyki!"

"The hell? Why me?"'

"'Cause you're a rapist waiting to happen, and the fangirls want a Laven moment, duh." Lenalee sighed.

"Laven? What the fuck is that?"

"It's the pairing name for Allen and Lavi, the girls at school came up with it… Kanda and Allen is Yullen!"

"What about me and Allen?" Tyki asked.

"Sorry to be the one to break this to you hun, but it's not that popular. You and Lavi however…"

"Omigod, ew." Lavi cried, "I just died a bit on the inside."

"How is Komui okay with this?" Allen asked, "He flips out when your neighbor mows the lawn shirtless, and that guys like 85."

"What he doesn't know can't hurt him. It's not like he checks his credit history either!"

"What does he think you're doing right now?" Tyki asked, still trying to get the shirtless 85 year old out of his head.

"I am volunteering at a convent,"

"Clearly not."

"Like I said, what he doesn't know."


"Christ Allen, it sounds like you've got a demon in there!" Tyki cried.

"Then get me some damn food!"

"Heheh, you sound like a pregnant lady." Lavi giggled.

"Screw it, I'm going down," Allen sighed.

"I'll go too!" Lavi laughed, throwing an arm around the shorter teen.

"Okay so tell me how Allen and I aren't a popular pairing?" Tyki cried.

"I know! Dang you two are sexy together but nooooo, it's all about Allen and Kanda."

"Freaking main characters…" (Fourth wall: Broken.)



"So Moyashi, whatcha want?" Lavi asked as they scanned the kitchen.

"Don't call me that! I don't know what's up with you people making fun of me!"

"It's because you're adorable when you're angry," Lavi laughed, hugging Allen tightly.

"One day I'm gonna be taller than both of you assholes…" Allen muttered darkly.

"Yeah, and one day Tyki won't be creepy." Lavi joked.

"Maybe one day you'll get over your hammer fetish." Allen sighed, still looking through the fridge.

"It's not a fetish! At least I'm not like Tyki who has pet butterflies he calls tease, doesn't that just scream pedobear? Or Kanda who's not a serious sword obsession." Lavi laughed, "Maybe it's to make up for what he doesn't have!"

"I can hear you, Dumbass!" Kanda shouted from the second floor.

Lavi heard a strange noise, it was coming from behind the fridge. Being the badass he is, he checked it out, Allen sat back there, hand covering his mouth to stifle giggles.

"I don't think I've ever heard you laugh before," Lavi grinned, "It's cute."

"Eh?" Allen blushed, covering his mouth, "shut up!"

"Why are you so defensive? We are your friends you know." Allen just looked down.

"When I lived with Cross, I moved around a lot, so I never really had friends. This is the first time I've ever done something like this…"

"Then it's your lucky day! Not many people have the privilege of hanging out with me! I mean I'm just awesome-" Lavi was cut off by a frying pan hitting the back of his head.

"So modest," Allen laughed, putting the pan back into the cabinet.

"You know Allen, I like you," Lavi laughed.

"Thanks, Lavi," Allen sighed hugging the other tightly. Lavi just stood surprised.

"Let's go!" Allen yelled pulling Lavi after him. Food forgotten.


"I mean and I think it's because you look so much older than Allen, so they think it's kinda pedo. But most girls think that's hot, though they won't be as open with it." Lenalee droned on, while Tyki took notes, nodding occasionally. Kanda however looked like he was gonna murder something.

"You guys are still talking about this?"

"Of course, it's informative!"

"Fine, Lenalee, tell me about Laven then!"

"Well that's easy! Laven is like such an adorable pairing, while Yullen's allure is pretty much hotness. Laven is like a friendship…"


This chapter was just a shameless filler lol, I'm sorry but it had to be done! I wanted Allen to open up a bit more, and I think Lavi did a swell job. In my opinion it was Lavi who got Allen to open up in the anime too. Of course Lenalee loves giving lectures about her pairings! Sorry this was so short but there will be more soon! Did anyone else feel Lenalee's rant about Poker pair was true? Cause that's totally how I feel!


Proud2BAzian- Thanks! And I used to hate her too, but then I pictured her as a fangirl and BAM loved her. About the Kanda/lavi thing, that would be hilarious xD. Thanks for being patient!
Darkstar716- Love square made me giggle xD . Thanks for reviewing!
fangirl12232- I know right!
KitsuneDango- I do too, and Poker Pair is love… theres not enough of it!
Cyanide Sunset- That made my day! Hope you like this chappie!
Starwavesnight- Laven is love! And O.o xD
xXblackjackXx- Now you shall survive! XD
Zwnohyun- I loves it! And I love supernatural stuff, so you'll see more soon!
HinLove- I wish… oh how I wish….
starbrigate- Your review made me giggle! Thanks so much! And Yullen's Always cute.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed! There's more on the way!