Chapter 15

"Please may I have your passport Ma'am." Came the gruff voice of the Guard that was on patrol. I gave it to him. "Hathaway? Rose! We've been looking for you for months! You still have a few weeks of service, you couldn't just leave the King like that, it was disrespectful and against your parole, I'll have to arrest you Hathaway."

I was so weak I couldn't argue, I gave my arms willingly and at that moment I lost my balance and tumbled to the floor, hitting my head in the process.

I woke up to screams. Baby screams and in my daze I still thought I was in that apartment and that Strigoi didn't take Sorrel or Flynn. I called out to them to say I was alright and Mommy was here.

"Rose! You're awake!" Came a familiar voice from my past, Lissa. I small body enveloped mine; even though she was light, my body couldn't take it. As fast as she was on me, she was off, "God, did I hurt you?"

"Yep. I'm so weak Lis, the bitch kept me locked up for 9 months with minimal water or food."

"What? You were taken? We all thought you ran away."

"No. I was kidnapped by Strigoi and kept locked up. Lissa! My children are they here. Please tell me that cry was theirs!"

"I need to tell Dimitri, did they treat you alright?" There was a pause. "What did you say? Kids? No you came alone; the cry was my daughter's."

"She took them! Fire took them. I was pregnant with twins when they took me, she kept them. You've got to find them Lissa." I exclaimed, fresh tears came from my eyes. "I need to find them."

As I tried to get up Lissa pushed me down. "No, Rose you need to rest. I'll tell Dimitri and we will find them." Lissa ran out the room. The baby was still crying, against Lissa's wishes I got up but not to find my babies but to see the baby that was here. Shuffling my feet I managed to reach the nursery which was right next to mine. The door was ajar and I pushed it open to fully enter the room.

The room was gorgeous, pink and gold shone around the room. A beautiful cradle was by the wall underneath a picture of Vasilisa and Dimitri. God I hadn't seen his beautiful face in ages. I walked closer to the crib which had pink drapes hanging over the bed. A small pink body lay squirming in its blankets, its small mouth wailing out to be held. Gently I picked up the babe and bought it to my face and smelt the delicate odour that came from her. Alixzandra. She suddenly stopped crying and slowly opened her eyes to show two beautiful brown irises. She hiccupped. Then hiccupped again. My body started shaking, realising I was laughing I stopped; I shouldn't be laughing not with my children taken by that psycho bitch.

"Rose? Rose! Where are you?" Lissa was back again and she soon realised I was in the nursery. "Oh, there you are, you really shouldn't be up."

"Rose. Are you alright?" Came the deep voice of the man I love. I turned round and placed Alix in Lissa's arms. If I didn't I would have crushed her as for the second time that day I sunk to the floor, but not with weakness but with my tears. He rushed over to me and carried me back to my bed. "We will find them Rose." He said out loud before he whispered: "Are they mine?"

My tears over took me, so I just nodded. He quickly left the room after that, Lissa following him. I was so tired I fell asleep.

My bed heaved under someone else's weight, "Dimitri?"

"No, it's me, Rosie, Christian."

"Don't call me Rosie, Christie." I sneered.

"Calm down Rose, I'm only joking." His hand covered my forehead and his thumb gently stroked the bridge of my nose. "I've got some good news about my family Rose."

"What is it?" I mumbled.

"I'm an Uncle." He said proudly.

"I really don't want to hear this Christian."

"Don't you? I'll tell you anyway. My sister has had twins but by a surrogate as Tasha can't have her own children." I sat up suddenly, this was sounding remarkably like my situation but the other way round. "So you are interested then?"

"Just hurry up Christian, what did she have?"

"The surrogate had twins! A boy and a girl: Flynn and Sorrel."

The next thing I knew was that Christian was covered in my last meal and I was screaming.