BOOM. A rolled up letter suddenly collided into Dawn's head, nearly causing her to almost collaspe to the floor losing her balance. It literally appeared out of thin air.

"What the heck?" Dawn mumbled outloud to herself as she undid the red ribbon that had constricted the letter together.

All the boy's wide eyes were glued to her as her sapphire eyes scanned the letter.

She read the letter aloud in her head.

'Dearest Dawn,

If you wish to escape this place, then make haste, to allow one of these boys to steal your heart. Do fear if you fall in love with the wrong one, you all will be trapped in this place, for eternity with much haste... Choose wisely. Only one boy is the correct key out of this place, my Dearest Dawn... One kiss is all it takes, to get out of here or to stay... Don't kiss the wrong one. You've been warned.

- Love, your biggest fan, my Dearest Dawn'

Dawn gulped at reading the very last part and was hesitant to show any of the guys the letter. Just who was this crazy person keeping them all here?! And why are they forcing her to fall in love with one of the guys? And if she kisses the wrong one that's not meant for her, they are all stuck in here forever?! WHAT! But who could be the right guy for her...?

Dawn scanned the guys across the room.

'Well, it's definitely not Conway... There's no way he's our way out of here. Then who could be the right guy for me? ...Wait!-'

Dawn suddenly glared at Conway. "You didn't write this did you, Conway?! Are you just trying to get a kiss out of me? You creep! It even sounds like it would be your writing style too!'

Conway let out a creepy chuckle. "I gaurnetee that I did no so much thing, Dawn. But if you ever want a kiss, all you need to do is ask-"

"Move aside!" Paul hissed marching toward Dawn as he knocked Conway to the floor in the process and he forcibly snatched the letter out of Dawn's hands.

"Let me see that," Paul coldly demanded under his breath as his eyes began scanning the note.

Both Barry and Kenny were looking over Paul's shoulder with wide eyes, reading the note as well. Dawn felt her cheeks redden in embarrassment as she looked at the boys and nervousness began to swirl within her.

"So Dawn has to fall in love with one of us and kiss the right guy?! And if she kisses the wrong guy we are ALL STUCK IN HERE FOREVER?!" Barry obnoxiously shouted putting his hands onto his hand in panic.

"But how do we know which one is the right guy for her?" Kenny asked puzzled.

"Well, OBVIOUSLY it would be ME! I'm the right guy to pick!" Barry pompously insisted while confidently placing a hand onto his chest.

Kenny chuckled in disbelief and smirked. "Well, I've known her the longest so I have the advantage here. I think I'm the right pick."

Dawn felt her cheeks turn as red as ketchup at hearing Kenny's words when she then heard Paul huff in disgust and began to walk toward the wall with his hands in his pockets while harshly saying, "You fools don't actually believe that stupid letter? Someone is obviously just toying with us. There has to be another way..."

Without warning, Conway appeared behind Dawn and seductively but ominously said over her shoulder, "According to my calculations Dawn, I would argue that I'm the best pick for you...the best pick to fall in love with and then kiss..."

Dawn immediately squealed and almost fell backwards but caught herself; however, someone then grabbed onto her shoulders and that someone was Ash.

"FOOD!" Ash roared as he began to shake her back and fourth.

"AHHH!" Dawn screamed in a mixture of fear and frustration as she pushed Ash away from her. Ash in response began to crawl on the floor and went back to scratching the fridge like a zombie, him repeatedly saying "food food food" over and over again.

Dawn felt her eyes grow watery as she put her clenched hand over her heart, feeling defeated and beyond emotional. "Why is Ash acting like this in here? He always makes me feel so safe...but now I'm actually starting to feel a little scared...and I miss my Pokemon..."

A tear then slid down Dawn's face and that made all of the guys flinch in worry, even Paul.

Barry then whispered in Kenny's ear, "Dawn seems pretty emotional when it comes to Ash... Maybe he's the right one for her. Maybe, we have to find him some food and return him to normal, and-"

"BARRY!" Dawn angrily exclaimed mortified and she wasn't crying anymore as she continued on with sternly talking. "Yes, I do want Ash to return to normal, but falling in love with anyone in general takes TIME. It could take months! At least, that's what my Mom has told me... Anyway, and if this letter is the real deal, I have to be careful with who I pick or else we will all be trapped in here forever! This also puts so much pressure on me..."

Dawn looked at thank floor feeling depressed when she abruptly looked back up once hearing Paul starting to speak.

"You losers. This letter is unrealistic. We have no food in this place, it would be impossible for Dawn to genuinely develop feelings for someone over time when in reality we would all starve waiting for her to. It's foolish to believe. There has to be another way..." Paul coldly urged.

"If this letter is so bizarre then how can you explain all the other bizarre stuff that is going on in here?! It has to be true!" Barry argued while stomping his foot and then suddenly smirked while looking at Dawn. "We will just have to make her fall in love with one of us fast..."

In a flash, Barry abruptly went up to Dawn and intertwined his fingers with hers, holding their hands up into the air and said, "Dawn, let's get this started and go on a date before I fine all these other idiots..."

Dawn blushed furiously in shock and before she could respond, Kenny knocked Barry out of the way and gently took her hand.

"What do you say, Deedee... We've known each other for a long time now and there is obviously something between us, I think...I-I think we should explore that," Kenny declared somewhat boldly yet shyly, and he was blushing outrageously while smiling.

Dawn suddenly felt herself being forcibly pulled back by the waist from behind and she realized that it was Paul who was the one protectively holding onto her.

"You losers. Leave her alone. I told you this isn't going to work. You can't force anyone to fall for you fast."

Dawn blushed at hearing Paul's words, especially since Paul's arm still lingered around her waist. 'Wow, Paul is kind of acting mature... Kind of.'

Out of nowhere, all sorts of food appeared in thin air and fell all over Ash.

"FOOD!" Ash screamed in victory.

Dawn's eyes widened in shock.

'Ash... Will he return to normal now?'

Author Note: Hi... It's been...years? XD sorry! I reread this story last night and was like omg I never updated it! I have a whole plan hehe. Who do you think Dawn will end up with? I know;) hehe. Review and please tell your thoughts and favorite parts! Sorry I wrote this kind of effortlessly without worrying for the writing to be perfect, so sorry about that, but I am writing this for fun! Hope you guys have a good day!