A/N: So its what you've been waiting for the sequel to Alejandro: Boy next door. Staring Courtney! -applause- So read and enjoy!

It's been about two months now since I had last seen Alejandro. Two months since I had been rapped and stabbed. Two months since I had vowed to find him so he could be put behind bars where he belonged. Lately I had been getting more and more frustrated because I seemed to have lost any lead I might have had on him. "Oh...I'm getting a head ache." I muttered, closing my eyes and put my face in my hands. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and looked up to see Duncan watching me with concern.
"Court, you've been working yourself to death for the past few days. Have you even moved from your computer since yesterday?" He asked, grabbing a chair and sat next to me.
"Yes...I think," Truthfully I couldn't remember anything but sitting at my computer and looking over the files that I had made and all the information I had gathered about Alejandro from his family and police reports. There really wasn't much either one could tell me. From what his family described he was a perfect student with a myriad of different skills. He always helped around the house and never said a bad word about anyone. He was pretty much the perfect son. As for the police well they were useless. Alejandro had no previous criminal record. It was spotless and there was absolutely nothing I could work off of.

I groaned and put a hand to my stomach that was slowly growing bigger each day. It was a tough decision and after much debating with my parents and myself I had decided to keep my baby. There were plenty of moral reasons why I would want to keep it but the only real reason was if I had decided to abort it it would never get the chance to live. Simple as that.
"Alright, you're taking a break." Duncan suddenly said shutting off my computer screen.
"Hey," I complained rubbing my eyes.
"No complaints. Sitting in front of that thing all day can't be good for you or that kid." He told me, grabbing my hand and hauled me up. "You're going outside to get some fresh air. No buts." I sighed but didn't complain again as he dragged me out my room and down the stairs. Duncan cared in his own way and I loved him for that. He's stuck with me through the whole ordeal and I was glad I had him by my side. Without him I most likely wouldn't leave my room or remember to eat for that matter.

"Alright, now sit here." Duncan said grabbing a chair and situated it on the porch. I shook my head at him but sat down anyways just to please him. "Better?" he asked and I nodded. I really was feeling better, my head ache was already going away.
"Much better. I'm sorry I'm becoming kind of...obsessed with this thing." I apologized as he sat down next to me.
"It's fine. I know why you're like this and I want to see him locked up as badly as you do-as long as I get to kick his ass first of course." He said and smiled. "No one does this to my girl and gets away with it."
"You'll get your chance, don't worry." I told him. "And you know you should smile more often. It suits you a lot better than your normal scowl." I added.
"Hey, one thing at a time, babe. And right now we're focusing on you not me." He said, cupping my face gently and kissed me. Duncan tried to act tough but I knew underneath that he was actually very sweet-not that he'd ever admit it of course.

"Um, excuse me. Not to ruin your moment or anything but I'm looking for Courtney." I sighed and looked at the person who spoke and was immediately struck by his resemblance to Alejandro. He was obviously a few years older than Alejandro, at least in his mid twenties and was a few inches taller but his hair was a darker color and not as long. Like all of the Burromuerto son's his eyes were green but...more gentler than Alejandro or José's. He must have been Alejandro's oldest brother Carlos.
"That would be me," I said, standing up and shook his hand.
"My name is Carlos Burromuerto. I know it's a bit late but I want to say sorry for what my brother has done to you, if you'll accept my apology for him." He said so sincerely I felt myself tearing up a bit. Of course Alejandro's parents had apologized also but they merely did it because they felt they were obliged to. With Carlos it seemed he apologized because he felt like he needed to.
"Thank you," I said and he nodded. "So is there anything I can help you with?" I asked, sitting back down and took Duncan's hand.
"Well I was looking through Alejandro's room and found these," He reached into his pocket and pulled out two pictures, each with Alejandro and a different girl. In the first picture was a girl with blond hair and green eyes sitting on a surfboard in a wetsuit with Alejandro sitting next to her with no shirt on. On the back it had a 'B'. In the second picture was a black girl with black hair and brown eyes standing back to back with Alejandro and a 'L' on the back. "I don't know if they're important or not but I showed them to my parents and they said they haven't seen the girls before. " he gave me the pictures and I studied each. "José said that he saw this one once though," he pointed to the blond girl. "He said he saw Alejandro and her talking once but that was all. He never saw her again afterward."

I looked at the pictures for a little while then handed them back. "Keep them, they might help you." he said.
"Thank you. Maybe the pictures are important. If Alejandro had pictures of the girls there has to be something significant about them." Finally, after these few days of getting no where I at least had something!
"Hey, Court. Let me see these." Duncan suddenly said taking the pictures from my hand.
"What is it?" I asked as he examined the blond girl for a moment.
"I know this girl. Or at least I've seen a picture of her." He said, brow furrowed in concentration. "Yeah, my friend Gwen has a picture of her. I remembering seeing it last time I was there." he added.
"Seriously?" I said, eyes wide. "Are you sure it's her?" If it was I had new lead!
"Positive," He said nodding.
"Ohmygod! Duncan! Where is she? We have to go see her! She might know something!" I was probably getting a head of myself but I was too excited to think of anything else. There was no doubt in my mind that this girl was important.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down. We don't even know how old that picture is or if Gwen still talks to her." Duncan said, strangely being the rational one in this. He did have a point but I had to try anything I could.
"Please, Duncan." I said looking at him wide eyes, sticking my lip out. "You know as much as I do that this could get us closer to catching him."
"Don't look at me like that," Duncan said, turning away from me. "I hate when you do this me." He glanced at me once more then sighed. "Fine! Just stop with the face! It's killing me!" I stopped and smiled at him.
"Thank you," I said and couldn't help but smirk at the face he made.
"You play dirty," He said, narrowing his eyes.
"I learned from the best." I said, leaning in and gave him a kiss. I then pulled away as I heard Carlos clear his throat. "Sorry," I stood up and shook his hand once more. "But thank you for the pictures. I'm sure they'll be really helpful."
"It was my pleasure, really." He said looking downward. "I'm ashamed at what my brother has done and if there is any other way I can help please tell me."
"You've helped enough already. But If ever need to contact you," I took my phone and typed on the keys. "I've got your information and you've got mine." He looked to his phone as it beeped then smiled at me.
"I'll be in town for the next two weeks so don't be afraid to call." He said. "It was nice to meet you, Courtney, though I wish it could have been under different circumstances. And it was nice to meet you as well, Duncan. Like I said, if there is anyway I can help-"
"Actually, there is." Duncan suddenly said, standing up. "By court of law I'm not allowed to drive until I'm twenty one. Courtney's parents aren't here and Gwen lives about half an hour away by car." he explained.
"I understand. I'll take you there." Carlos said, reaching into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. "And I'll get you there in half the time. Promeso."

A/N2: So what do you think? First chapter I'm a bit iffy about. I don't think I got the personalities of Courtney and Duncan right. I don't like it but I'll try to be a little better with the next chapters. I'm very happy about how Carlos came out though. I've noticed in a lot of the stories I've read that Carlos is always the nice brother. My twisted mind is telling me I should change that, maybe not in this story because he is extremely helpful but in another one possibly. But yeah, tell me your ideas, anything you think should happen. I love input and also I'm starting to blank on what to write for this. If you haven't figured it out by now I write all my stuff in advanced but this might not be the case with this one. I've only written up to chapter four and am not sure how long I want it to be. This won't update everyday like all my other stories. Possibly only two or three times a week so I can give myself time to write up the chapters and take in any idea you guys throw at me. Thank you for reading and I hope you do enjoy this sequel to Boy Next Door. Oh, and if you're wondering No Mas translates to no more. I couldn't think of a better title. Don't forget to comment-as I always say. Now ends my long author's note.