Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of its characters, nor do I make any profit of it!

Chapter 26




The next day the Headmaster's office was filled almost to its capacity. Albus Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk with the respective Heads of Gryffindor and Slytherin, Minerva McGonnagal and Severus Snape, standing on either side of him, both looking grim.

Like two enemy camps, the Gryffindor's: Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione stood apart from the Slytherin's: Astoria, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. It was like the two parties had decided to stay as far away from each other as physically possible. Blaise was the only one standing apart from the two groups, trapped somewhere in the middle.

Hermione had been released from the hospital wing that afternoon, not two hours earlier and was still a bit pale, but she wanted to be a part of the meeting with the Headmaster. Harry and Ron had insisted they come too, even though Mcgonnagal had made it clear only Ginny and Hermione were required to come, the later only if she was feeling better.

When Hermione woke that morning, she still wasn't hundred percent, but when Ginny came by, all smiles and cheerful to see her friend awake, and told her she was going to what she dubbed as 'The Execution', Hermione decided she wasn't going to lie in the hospital wing for the rest of the day. Madam Pomfrey insisted on giving her a pain relief potion and sent her down to the Great hall for lunch.

Some part of her – a rather big one – felt a crushing disappointment to still see Draco on the hospital bed, still outside her reach. Even though his body was there, she knew that his mind was somewhere else, trapped, or maybe he was where he wanted to be. It was probably beautiful, whatever he was seeing, or maybe he wasn't seeing anything. As much as she felt bad for even thinking it, she hoped it was the later. Her inner battle was raging on. One side of her was still holding on to hope Draco would wake up soon, but the other side was looking for reasons to give up, no matter how often she told herself these thoughts weren't helping Draco.

At lunch, she ate some, but she still felt weird sitting with her friends at the Gryffindor table, like her run in with Pansy and Astoria hadn't happened. Can someone's life flash right before their eyes, the way they say it happens when they're about to die, but they tehnically don't die? Because that was the only way she could describe her situation.

She had caught a glimpse of the two girls along with their goons, Crabbe and Goyle, as they were leaving the Great hall. Both girls hadn't looked too happy to see her and shot her venomous looks, while Crabbe and Goyle just looked nervous. Both probably feared being tied alongside Pansy and Astoria.

During lunch, Harry and Ron had gotten the idea they had to be a part of the meeting, which McGonnagal hadn't been happy about when their foursome had arrived at the office. If it hadn't been for Dumbledore, McGonnagal would have sent the two out the door and off to Gryffindor tower to do their homework.

Grudgingly, McGonnagal had agreed, but sternly told the two that they'd get extra homework in her class, which the two had whined at. After another withering look, though, the two had shut up. Hermione also had the displeasure of seeing the two Slytherin girls arrive and their two goons. Oh, how she wished she didn't have to be in the same room with the first two. Crabbe and Goyle she could handle.

Blaise had been the last to arrive. His casual swagger kind of reminded her of Draco. If their looks weren't so drastically opposite, she'd think they were related. She tried not to think about Draco at that moment, but he always seemed to be at the forefront of her mind. She sometimes caught herself thinking that when Draco woke from his coma, she'd somehow feel it. But that was wistful thinking and she only hoped she'd be around when it happened.

So, after her fellow Gryffindor's and the Slytherin's had assembled, Snape had arrived like a bat out of hell, giving them all an equally chilling look. He and McGonnagal took their place on either side of Dumbledore and the meeting could begin.

"Is everyone present? Yes?"

When everyone nodded, Dumbledore continued, "Then let's begin."

Pansy scoffed rather loudly and Dumbledore sent the girl an inquisitive look. "Yes, Ms. Parkinson?"

Pansy was a true Slytherin at heart – if she even had one – as she didn't wilt under everyone's stares. It was almost like she was in spot light and basking in everyone's attention. Either bad or good it didn't seem to matter to her. Hermione and Ginny rolled their eyes almost in sync and Harry and Ron both looked disgusted.

"You make this sound like a big deal. Are we sentenced to Azkaban?" she asked scornfully. Her fellow Slytherin's sans Blaise sniggered, while Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione sent them – again sans Blaise –glares. Professor McGonnagal went pink in the face.

"Young lady, watch what you say," she scolded. Snape sent Pansy a withering look.

"Pansy, shut your mouth. You want to make this worse for yourself?" Blaise hissed at her, which Pansy huffed at, but shut her mouth. Hermione was extremely grateful for Blaise being there. Dumbledore's twinkling blue eyes settled upon Blaise.

"Thank you, Mr Zabini. Professor McGonnagal told me that you and Ms Weasley witnessed some of what happened." It was more a statement than a question, but Ginny decided to cut in.

"Yes, actually, we didn't see how it happened, but from the way Parkinson and Greengrass were behaving, it wasn't an accident," Ginny explained.

Dumbledore encouraged, "What way were they behaving?"

Blaise took over before Ginny could. "They were arguing about something. Granger was just lying there. If they were going to help her they wouldn't have run away the moment they saw us. Crabbe and Goyle–" 'stupid boneheads', he muttered to himself "–ran away before we got there, so we don't know what their involvement was."

Dumbledore nodded and turned his attention to the guilty party of Slytherin's. "Is this true?" he asked the four. Pansy clenched her teeth, Astoria was staring at the floor and Crabbe and Goyle were looking anywhere but the professor's. McGonnagal looked disgusted, while Dumbledore looked grim. The silence was ended no other than Severus Snape.

"Answer your Headmaster. But then again, I'm sure Ms Granger can answer all these questions," he said off handedly.

"Then let her, I don't care," Pansy said through clenched teeth. Pansy was tempted to say something obscene to the professors, but held back. McGonnagal already looked like she was going to blow a gasket.

"No, Severus. We agreed Ms Granger would be here only if she wished. Ms Parkinson, will you kindly answer the questions. We will not bargain with you," Professor McGonnagal snapped. Her patience was running thin. Pansy Parkinson was lucky Albus Dumbledore was a patient man and tolerated a lot of things.

"Can't you use Veritaserum and get it over with?" Ron asked sick of hearing all the bullshit. If he had to make the choice, he'd throw Pansy and Astoria out and be done with it.

Snape looked amused. "That's not a bad idea, Weasley." This made Ron shudder. He couldn't believe Snape was actually agreeing with his way of thinking.

The four Slytherin's flinched. Astoria was the first to cave. Maybe it was the fact that she was still a fifth year, or maybe she wasn't used to being under duress. Hermione couldn't believe this was the girl Draco's parents had chosen for him.

"Okay, yes, we ran," she blurted, which got her a death glare from Pansy.

"What happened, Ms Greengrass? Is what Mr Zabini and Ms Weasley said true?"

Astoria gulped loudly, but shakily said, "Yes…all of it."

Hermione admitted to herself that this was the third degree. She wouldn't have minded telling the professors what happened and how, but apparently the professors were more interested in a confession from the Slytherin girls themselves.

"But I never thought she'd get hurt. It was only supposed to be a warning–" Astoria was stopped by Pansy's elbow in her ribs.

"A warning?" Snape asked, his stare directed at Pansy. "What did Ms Greengrass mean, Ms Parkinson?"

It was Pansy's turn to gulp. "It was Astoria's idea, I swear," she blurted. Now Astoria glared at Pansy. The two were trying to take each other down at the same level.

"What kind of warning and were Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle involved?" Dumbledore asked. The two goons looked noticeably more nervous. "We had nothing to do with it," they exclaimed.

"But you were there. You ran," Blaise pointed out. The two shut up.

Astoria scowled and sent Pansy another glare. "It was my idea, but Pansy was the one who pushed Granger. Bur it wasn't supposed to end like that. I just wanted to scare her off, so she'd stay away from my Draco," she said.

Hermione was instantly ready to rip Astoria a new one for even suggesting that, but Pansy seemed to have similar thoughts. "Your Draco? He's mine. The only reason I helped you with your bogus idea, was to rid Draco of that Mud-Muggle born," Pansy snapped. Now Hermione wanted to rip a new one to the both of them. Ginny seemed to feel the anger inside her, as she shook her head and rolled her eyes towards the pair.

"His parents have chosen me as his betrothed," Astoria bragged. "I'll be wed to Draco right after his graduation." Now Pansy was ready to blow a gasket. Astoria hadn't told her this.

"Why you little bi–" Pansy said, but McGonnagal cut in.

"Language, Ms Parkinson," Mcgonnagal scolded and frowned at Astoria, "But you are not of age yet."

"I have my parent's permission. It doesn't matter, if I'm of age or not."

Hermione was disgusted at how smug Astoria sounded. She hadn't noticed the Slytherin girl before, but ever since she found out Astoria was to be Draco's wife, she'd started to hate the woman even though she hadn't had a reason to do before. Well, it was safe to say, Hermione now got one reason to resent the younger girl.

As if sensing her thoughts, Astoria gave her a look like she was something black and disgusting stuck under her finger nails. Hermione glared back. If Astoria thought she could scare her away from Draco, she was dead wrong.

"Draco can marry whoever he likes and he won't marry you, Greengrass. A betrothal doesn't matter," Pansy said and the two Slytherin girls glared at each other.

"Interesting choice of words," Hermione commented off handedly. This amused Dumbledore as his eyes twinkled at Hermione.

"Shut up, Granger!" both Pansy and Astoria snapped. "No one asked for your opinion," Pansy added rudely. Harry, Ron and Ginny looked ready to wring their necks. Blaise sighed in exasperation. Pansy and Astoria had turned this interrogation into a circus.

"Quit! Both of you!" Snape bellowed and Pansy and Astoria quieted immediately. Dumbledore decided that enough was enough. He had heard enough.

"Everyone, except Ms Parkinson, Ms Greengrass, Mr Goyle and Mr Crabbe can leave," Dumbledore said kindly. Hermione and her fellow Gryffindor were ready to leave and were heading towards the door when Dumbledore said, "Ms Granger, you can stay if you wish." Hermione hesitated, but then nodded to Ginny to go on without her. She wanted to know what the professor's would decide and Dumbledore had also decided she deserved to hear it.

Pansy and Astoria ignored her, while she stood apart from them and their goons, too busy looking at each other with death glares. Pansy looked like she wanted to tear off Astoria's head and Astoria looked excessively smug. Hermione rolled her eyes a millionth time that day it seemed.

"Ms Parkinson and Ms Greengrass, if it was only up to me, I'd expel you both, but since Severus is your Head of house, I'll let him decide your punishment," Dumbledore said with all seriousness. The two girls looked relieved.

"I am not opposed to the idea," Snape said. Pansy and Astoria looked like two deer's caught in headlights. "However, it wouldn't be good for either of you, so I have decided three weeks suspension will suffice. Think of it as probation. You will go to your dorms and pack up your trunk and with the next train both of you will be out of here. Everything you miss in class, you will have to catch up to when you come back. Is that clear?"

Both girls nodded, rather accepting of their fate. Hermione didn't think they were that lucky, but it would have been worse if they were expelled. She wasn't afraid to admit to herself that the later option was more appealing to her.

"And," Snape continued, "Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle, I'll be seeing you two in detention tonight. Now off with you lot." The girls looked relieved to be leaving, but Crabbe and Goyle didn't look so happy. A detention with Snape. Even Hermione shuddered.

"Ms Granger, how are you feeling?" her Head of house asked kindly.

"I'm good professor, thank you." And just like that the meeting was over. She stayed for a few minutes longer to talk to the professors. McGonnagal was very happy she was feeling good so soon after the incident and so was Dumbledore. Snape didn't show much interest in her health, but he wasn't unkind either. Hermione left feeling a tad bit better.


"So what did the harpy's get? A detention? Expulsion?" Ginny asked as soon as Hermione had stepped outside Dumbledore's office.

"Yeah, they took off like two Dementors out of Azkaban," Harry joked. Hermione grinned, but when she saw the look Ron sent her, her grin disappeared.

"So, Malfoy's gonna marry the Greengrass." It was statement Hermione really didn't care much for.

"What's your point, Ron?" Ginny was immediately on the offensive. Hermione had taken enough shit lately; she didn't want Ron to constantly remind Hermione something that her friend probably dreaded constantly. She'd seen the look on Hermione's face when Astoria told the news. There hadn't been a shred of surprise or even shock, which only meant, she'd already known about it. Pansy hadn't known by her reaction.

Hermione chose to ignore Ron entirely. She'd done the same at lunch whenever Ron made a snide or cutting remark towards her relationship with Draco. Now he had even more ammunition, but Hermione didn't want to get into any arguments with him. It seemed where Draco was concerned, Ron's buttons were pushed the wrong way.

"Parkinson and Greengrass are suspended from Hogwarts for three weeks. Their leaving with the next train. Crabbe and Goyle got detention with Snape tonight," Hermione explained. Ginny grinned. "Ha, serves them right!" Hermione couldn't agree more.

"So, what are you going to do when Malfoy marries that Greengrass?" Ron asked, like he hadn't gotten the hint from Ginny before. Ginny was ready to kill her own brother. She was sure her mom could have more children if she wanted to. Hermione said nothing, but Ginny could see that she was holding herself back.

"Ron, I swear to God, if you don't shut up, I'll castrate you personally," she snapped. "C'mon 'Mione." She grabbed Hermione's hand and led her away, giving Harry a look over her shoulder.

"Sorry, mate." Harry chuckled at Ron's horrified look to his sister's threat.

"But what did I say wrong?" Ron scowled. Harry shrugged. The two followed after Hermione and Ginny, who already had a good head start on them. Ron's mood, which had been quite good before when he heard that Malfoy was getting married and soon and not to one Hermione Jean Granger, dampened the moment he realised that Hermione still seemed to live in some illusion world where Malfoy would defy his family just to be with a Muggle born. He hoped Malfoy's riches were more important to him than the brilliant, Muggle born witch.


"I'm going to the hospital wing to see Draco. I'm his betrothed after all."

"Oh no you're not. If anyone's seeing him then it me," Pansy shot back angrily.

Astoria scowled. "Don't you think it's time for you to accept the fact that Draco's mine. Not even the Mudblood will stop me from marrying him."

"No, he is not–" Pansy stopped mid rant and froze.

"Yes he is, or he will be," Astoria continued, but when Pansy didn't say anything else, she smirked. "Oh, so you agree that–Pansy?" she asked suddenly freaked out. Pansy looked like she was frozen and her eyes seemed different, distant. But then she moved suddenly and before Astoria could react, she withdrew her wand.

"Crucio," she muttered and before Astoria's eyes could widen, she was down on the floor. She screamed, as she was hit with a pain like thousands of knives digging in her skin and tearing her apart. The few students that were around ran and soon the corridor was in full panic. No one was brave enough to approach Pansy to stop her.

Pansy suddenly released the curse and fell back like she was shocked. She watched Astoria writher on floor for a moment longer before she was left panting and unable to move her body. "A-Astoria? What–what happened– I didn't– it wasn't me–"

Something in Astoria made her get to her feet even though her body was ready to give out. She wanted to warn Pansy to get away from her. She wasn't controlling herself. Her hand pulled out her own wand even though she tried to fight it. "Astoria?"

"Incendio," she muttered and Pansy's robes caught on fire. Just like that, the force left Astoria and she collapsed, unconscious.

Pansy screamed and in her panic dropped on the ground and started rolling around. No one approached her, even though she screamed for help. The flames were burning her skin and Pansy's screams grew in volume from the pain. "Help me!" she continued to scream, but the flames were too strong.

Severus Snape came running down the corridor the moment he heard the screams. "Finite," he muttered and the flames went out. Pansy sobbed pathetically on the stone floor, in a lot of pain. Astoria was still unconscious. By then, a large crowd of students had gathered, among them Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Ron.

"What happened professor?" Harry asked, but Snape only told him to fetch Madam Pomfrey. What had happened? Hermione wondered.


After Pansy, with some serious burns, and an unconscious Astoria were taken to the hospital wing, Ginny suggested she'd walk Hermione to the Head's common room, even though Hermione had wanted to go up to the hospital wing to see Draco. Some part of her, the sympathetic part, had wanted to see if the two Slytherin girls were alright. From the students who'd seen the fight between the girls, they'd said the two had been arguing before suddenly whipping out their wands and having a go at each other. Pansy, one fourth year girl said, had used an unforgivable on Astoria and Astoria in turn had set Pansy on fire.

"I wonder what got into those two," Ginny said aloud.

"I don't know," Hermione admitted because she really had no idea.

"You think they did it on purpose, just so they wouldn't have to leave?" Ginny asked and Hermione shook her head.

"I don't think so. An unforgivable isn't something to joke with."

"Fine. I'm just saying that I wouldn't put it past them. They're Slytherin's after all," Ginny muttered and Hermione grinned.

"I'll see you at dinner, Gin."

"Okay, rest a bit. You still look a bit pale."


They reached the portrait and the two friends hugged before Ginny went to the Gryffindor tower. When Hermione was about to say the password, she noticed something glinting on the floor. At a closer look, it looked like a small, red, marble. She picked it up and almost the next second it exploded into brilliant red, yellow, golden, blue and green colors. At first, she thought it was a prank, but then the small sparks formed letters.

'Your enemies got what they deserved' was all it said.

They hung in the air for a couple seconds longer before disappearing.

What– She started to think, but then it clicked: Astoria and Pansy. Shit!




To be continued…

A/N: That's it for now. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks to all of you who left me reviews. As usual, your response made me smile. I'll try to get the next chapter up as fast as possible. I really need to finish this story before I start anything else! Leave me a review if you like!
