Chapter 3

The moon is high and the sky and the air is cool and fresh. The stars are bright and the crickets are chirping. It's already 4:05 in the morning and Sonic hasn't slept a wink. His continues to look at the ceiling and reflect on his actions in the past couple of days. He eventually gets out of bed and goes out the window for a walk.

Sonic approaches the lake. The full moon is reflected on the surface of the water and the fireflies are dances amongst the flowers nearby. In the middle of everything is Mina. She's sitting by the edge of the water singing softly to herself. Sonic is taken in by the beautiful site and slowly approaches Mina. Mina must have heard him because she stopped singing once he was a few steps away from her.

"I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to know that I'm sorry for everything. I'll understand if you don't want to talk to me."

Mina didn't say anything. She sat still for awhile before she showed any kind of movement.

"Let's not talk about that now.", she said softly. Sonic nodded and walked up beside Mina and sat next to her.

"So why'd you come hear this time?", Sonic asked. Mina still tried to avoid eye contact with him. "Lots of reasons I guess. But I think the main reason was because I wanted to escape it all. I wanted to go back to that time when you loved me and no one else." Upon looking at her face closer, Sonic noticed a bruise on her cheek. Mina noticed this and turned her face away from Sonic. "Ash and I got in a fight. It's over between us.", Mina said as she hugged herself tightly. Sonic wanted to ask about the fight but thought it would just add to the wound. "Mina I still love you. You're one of the people I care about most in this world." Hearing this Mina finally turned to look Sonic in the eyes. She worked her way through her tears and said to Sonic, "As much as I want to believe you I just can't Sonic. I gave you my heart and you crushed it again." Sonic quickly reached out and pulled Mina towards him.

"Just recently my heart's been crushed too and more times than I would've cared for. I know that nothing can ever truly get rid of the pain but I do know that if you have someone to share the pain with it helps to ease it. Mina, I'm not asking you to forgive me or even look at me again. All I ask is that you be there for me. In return I'll be there for you no matter the obstacles I have to overcome." Mina began to cry even more. She held on tighter to Sonic as she let out a loud cry. "How do I know you're not toying with me again!" Mina was cut short by Sonic. His eyes met hers and hers met his. "Because this time I'm sure of it. I love you Mina."

Sonic wiped the tears from her eyes and shortly after the two lean in towards each other and share a kiss. The two separate after some time only to embrace some more. "I won't mess up this time." Mina nodded her head and rested her head on Sonic's chest as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

The next day had come. The Love Festival was tomorrow and the inhabitants of Knothole are busy getting everything set up. Aside from everything, Sonic and Amy stand facing each other at the edge of town.

"Are you sure you want to do this?", Sonic asked with a sad look on his face. Amy nodded. "I'm just tired of doing this Sonic. I can't keep this up. But don't worry, I'll come to visit from time to time."

Sonic smiled and nodded. He reached for the Life Ring on his wrist and began to take it off. Amy saw this and stopped him.

"I told you already I want you to keep it.", she said happily. Sonic looked up at Amy confused at first but began to realize she had forgiven him at some point. "How can you forgive me for what I've done to you just like that?" Amy gave Sonic a goofy grin. "Because silly, I love you. And besides I'm your friend and friends forgive each other right?"

"Even still…" Amy cut Sonic off as she began to cry. "Don't you want it?" Sonic smiled and put his hands on Amy's shoulders. "Of course I do. I just don't feel like I deserve it." Amy began to cheer up; wiping a tear from her eye. "Sonic, you've given me so much. You've shown me some of the best years of my life and you've let me know what it's like to truly love someone. I want you to keep that ring and wear it every day okay." Sonic smiled and nodded once more. Amy took his hands off her shoulders as she picked up her bag. "If I never come back, promise you'll never forget about me okay.", Amy said trying her hardest to hold back her tears, "Because I'll never forget you!" Amy dropped her bag and jumped into Sonic's arms for one last hug. Sonic hugged her tightly and stroked her hair. "I promise Amy." Amy let go of Sonic and picked up her bag again as she began to walk off. She stops shortly and turns towards Sonic again. "Never forget!", she yelled. Sonic smiled and nodded as he waved goodbye to Amy until he couldn't see her anymore. "I couldn't forget even if I tried."

Sonic approaches his house returning with his mother's groceries. He stops short when he sees Shadow standing outside of his house. He approaches him as Shadow realizes Sonic's presence.

"Hey Shadow. What're you doing here?"

"How do you feel about Sally?", he said without looking up.

Sonic wasn't expecting this and was in shock. "What do you mean?" Shadow leaned against the side of Sonic's house and looked at Sonic with and emotionless stare. "She still thinks about you ya know. She won't come out and say anything but it's obvious that she still harbors extreme emotions for you. I think she tried to escape this reality by becoming closer to me and believing she can love someone else. But in the end she was just fooling herself." Sonic quickly took in everything Shadow had said. He knew for a fact that he loved Sally but he had promised himself that he would stick by Mina. "She's my friend. Nothing more.", he said looking towards the ground. Shadow only looked at Sonic for awhile before getting off the side of the house as he started walking away. "You know Sonic. Some say you can't deny the heart's wishes. Once your heart's made up, there's no changing it." Sonic took in every word Shadow had said. He looked over his shoulder to see if Shadow was still there but he was already gone. Sonic took a deep sigh and entered his home.

Sonic stood by his window looking at the starry sky. A lot had happened to him in these past few days and it had changed him. Although he was still sad inside he was a lot happier now. He had confronted most of his inner demons and overcome them making him emotionally stronger. Sonic grabs his cell phone and dials Mina's number.

"Hello, Mina?" The other side is silent for awhile before the sound of crying comes through. "Sonic! Please help!" Sonic gasp and begins to panic. "Mina, what's wrong!" The sound of Mina's crying dies out as a familiar voice answers. "It's been awhile Sonic." Sonic clenched his fist knowing that voice from anywhere. "Robotnik! What have you done to Mina!" Robotnik's laughter could be heard clearly over the phone and it only served to fuel Sonic's rage. "I haven't done anything to your little girlfriend yet. However if you wish to see her again then meet me twenty miles east of the village. And come alone." With those words Robotnik hung up. Sonic was left in disbelief and in a rage as he crushed his cell phone in the palm of his hand. He leaped out his window and ran off for the forest.

Sonic soon arrived at the location Robotnik told him and was scared at the next sight he saw. Mina, Amy, and Sally where all strapped into a weird contraption lingering over a pit of spikes. Sonic ran forward to help them but soon found himself on the ground. He didn't know how but the gravity had suddenly increased tremendously. He struggled to his feet as Robotnik showed his ugly mug. "So good of you to finally join us Sonic." Sonic finally got up on both legs but was struggling to stay on them. "What are you up to this time?" Robotnik laughed as he rubbed his mustache. "Well you see Sonic, unlike my other assaults this time I seek to torment you rather than destroy you. The device the ladies are strapped to is specifically designed to drop them in approximately five minutes. Also, should one of the girls be set free the other two will automatically be dropped. And because of the extreme gravity, even with your superior speed you'll only have the time to save one. Or if you'd like you could strike at me and disable the machine. But keep in mind in doing so you'll set off a device that will cause everything within a five mile radius to blow sky high. Face it Sonic, with no one to help you, you have quite the impossible decision to make."

As much as he'd hated to admit it, Robotnik was right. There was no way he could move fast enough to save everyone and he couldn't save one of them knowing the others would die. Sonic fell to his knees as tears formed in his eyes. Robotnik, at a safe distance, began to laugh to the sky as he watched Sonic suffer. "Time's ticking Sonic. Who will it be?"