Legal Stuff: All original characters of The Lion King are the sole property of Disney; all other characters belong to me

Chapter 3

The grove was silent as Simba walked out of view then finally after what seemed like an eternity Nala spoke. "I want apologize for Simbas outburst, you see his father raised him to not trust humans and the stories we have all heard about how bad humans are only helps to amplify that. Nala said as the remainder of the lionesses resumed their previous conversations "There is no need to apologize, I totally understand and it only means that his trust in me will have to be earned which is actually the way I prefer it. So what exactly are my duties going to be?" Asked Jake. Nala thought for a moment "Well for now your duty will be to babysit the cubs until your skills as a hunter can be determined and thank you for understanding." Nala said with a smile "Your welcome and would it be ok took a look around." Jake asked "Sure I don't see why not I mean the pride know your hear and they know not to hurt you however that does not mean that we do not have enemies so if you do venture out into the pridelands please be careful." Nala warned "Oh I will." Jake said as he got up and started to make his way out into the pridelands

It was now midday as Jake made his way down to the water hole, his body still somewhat sore from his crash but it had healed enough to allow him the ability to walk around freely. And as he walked Jake could do nothing but look at the sheer beauty of the world that was around him When Jake arrived at the water hole he was surprised to find that it was completely deserted. Taking advantage of this opportunity Jake quickly stripped down to his boxers and dove in, allowing the cool, clean water to give relief from the midday sun. And as he floated on his back the relaxing tune of Amazing Grace soon began to fall from his lips. All of a sudden Jake heard some rustling coming from some bushes nearby Jake then quickly got out of the water and grabbed his combat knife from his clothes and readied himself for an attack. "Show yourself." Shouted Jake holding his knife at the ready. "Its ok its only me." Came a childish voice from behind the bushes which Jake immediately knew belonged to Nya. And sure enough the cream colored cub came out from where she was hiding; her ears pressed back sheepishly "Im sorry I didn't mean to startle you." Nya said as she stood before Jake "Its ok but what were you doing back there anyway." Jake asked as he returned his knife to its sheath and put his flight suit back on feel slightly embarrassed about being nearly naked in front of a child even if she was another species."Well I was out playing and I heard someone singing so I came to see who it was, By the way what was that song you were singing because I have never heard it before." Nya said "Well the song is called Amazing Grace and there is a very interesting story behind it, would you like to hear it." Jake said as he sat in the shade of a nearby tree. "Sure I would love too." Nya said as she sat down next to Jake, her ears perked forward with anticipation. "Well the story begins over two hundred years ago with a man by the name of John Newton, now John Newton was a slave trader and for years he took thousands of men women and children from here in Africa to be sold as slaves, but one day while he was sailing away from Africa a storm came and threatened to sink his ship and everyone on it and in the midst of the storm John fell to his knees and prayed to God for mercy and as the night went on the storm subsided and it was then that he knew that there truly was a God who hears and answers all prayers even for the worst of men. And as the years past John Newton repented and became a preacher and a writer of hymns. Then one day John wrote a song called Faiths Review and Expectation, the words were his own but the melody came from a song that the African slaves sang to give them hope. And the song that he wrote that day became the song that all of my people know as Amazing Grace. And ever since then it has been sung to mourn those who have fallen, to lift the heads of the hopeless, and to soften the hearts of those who are hardened and even as my country was gripped by civil war this song was sung by those on both sides. And it goes like this." Jake said as he began to sing.

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost but know im found

Was blind but now I see

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear

And Grace my fears relieved

How precious did that Grace appear

The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toil and snares

I have already come;

Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far

And Grace will lead me home

The Lord has promised good to me

His word my hope secures

He will my shield and portion be

As long as life endures

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail

And mortal life shall cease

I shall possess within the veil

A life of joy and peace

When we've been there ten thousand years

Bright shining as the sun

We've no less days to sing gods praise

Than when we first begun

"Well what did you think?" Asked Jake once he had stopped singing "I think the song was very pretty." Nya said with a smile as the song continued to echo in her mind. "Yes a very pretty song indeed." Came a female voice as three slobbering hyenas walked out into the open.