One Uneventful Evening

One normal, uneventful evening in the Shinigami Realm, a lone figure could be seen wandering up the stairs of the huge Sector 1 dorm building. Ronald Knox was in an uncharacteristically foul mood tonight, or rather he couldn't decide between angry and just plain depressed. The usually cheerful blond youth was so lost in thought that he didn't realize he was being an idiot for trying to lug his lawnmower-shaped death scythe up the stairs with him until he was already halfway the first stairwell and the noise of the metal monstrosity banging against the stone steps finally got through to him. With a move of his gloved hand he dematerialized the thing and he was now left with only the echoing sound of his own footsteps against the white marble steps. A suitably lonesome sound, he thought, just like he felt right now. His large emerald eyes framed by oversized, black-rimmed glasses focused on the steps in front of him as his thoughts again wandered off to earlier that evening.

Leila. From the General Affairs Department. The girl he just couldn't get out of his mind. They got along so great, so why did she keep rejecting him everytime he tried to ask her out? She had actually said yes earlier this week and they were supposed to be out somewhere at a restaurant in London right now, but she had cancelled at the last minute, giving him the same "don't want to ruin our friendship" bit he'd heard so many times before. Ronald sighed. It was the story of his after-life, he was quite popular with the girls, with his pretty face, boyish charm and flirty, fun-loving attitude, but for some reason they all only wanted him as a friend. And after a long, hard day of reaping souls he could do with someone a little more than a friend… The surface underneath his feet changed from stone to hallway carpet as he pondered his problem. Maybe Grell Sutcliffe had been right and the girls really did want only his friendship because he looked more like a younger brother than a suave lover. Cute and boyish rather than sexy and manly. Ronald absentmindedly grabbed the handle on his door, pushed it open and stepped inside, only to look up and freeze in place in shock a moment later.

"Whoa shi-"

The blond youth turned beet red behind his large frames and for a few seconds could do nothing but gawk at the scene before him as his mistake sank in. Oh good lords, this isn't MY room. The room, like every other dorm room in this building, was relatively small, dimly lit, with a small kitchen area to the left, a little bathroom in the back, a few chairs. There was a sofa that in this case had two death scythes lying across it, a cupboard, and that bed a few yards away he was staring at, placed with its headboard against the wall on the right. A rather…occupied bed. Sexy and manly, echoed in Ronald's head as he eyed the tall, bleached-blond, goatee-sporting young man looking back at him from atop the covers, who had apparently been locked in a kiss a few moments before with the much smaller, daintier and very pretty dark-haired boy lying half on top of him. Both of them were dressed in nothing but thin, silk kimonos. Oh, hell yes. Wait, why am I even thinking this? Two pairs of green eyes exchanged looks and then focused on the intruder expectantly, their owners waiting silently for an explanation, more amused by the young shinigami's obvious discomfort than shocked at the intrusion. "Er, h-hi guys," Ronald stuttered clumsily, feeling more awkward by the minute, forcing himself to look away and stare at his white leather shoes instead. He knew them, which made this even more embarassing. Or maybe less, now that he thought of it. They might be able to just laugh about it. "They" were Eric Slingby and Alan Humphries, he had worked with them a few times, he even considered them friends. Well, sort of, they didn't really hang out or anything, but they got along well. It had always been obvious that the two shinigami were very close, so finding them like this didn't come as too great a shock to Ronald. Still, actually walking in on them was beyond awkward.

Alan, the shorter one of the two, smiled a dazzling smile and sat up, throwing his slender legs over the edge of the bed and reaching for his frameless glasses on the nightstand. "Oops, I must have forgotten to lock the door in all the er, previous excitement…" he remarked innocently. Ronald immediately turned bright red again, and not just because of the innuendo. All the times he had worked with Alan, he had never seen the chocolate-haired shinigami smile. It was like he always carried some kind of invisible weight on his frail-looking shoulders, something painful he couldn't or wouldn't share, that made Ronald wish there was something he could do to help. Right now that burden seemed to have been lifted, if only temporarily, and Ronald felt his cheeks glow as he realized how beautiful the boy was when he smiled.

"Good evening, Mr. Ronald Knox, is there anything we can help you with?" Alan continued, overly politely considering the fact that both he and Eric had seniority over the boy. He seemed not to care that he had just been caught in the middle of a passionate moment. "You're kinda interrupting something," Eric's deep voice added. Obviously the tall blond man cared about being walked in on a lot more than his chocolate-haired companion did. "Oh, nonono," Ronald hurried to say, waving his hands defensively and trying hard to keep himself from picturing the "something" that was just mentioned. "I-I just..I guess I was so lost in thought that I accidentally went to the wrong floor…" He grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "What a total airhead I must look like, huh? I guess I'll be going now…please excuse the interruption…senpais…" He turned around and reached for the door handle, but Alan's voice stopped him. "Ronald, wait. Please tell me what's keeping you so preoccupied that you mistake the seventh floor for the ninth?"

Ronald hesitantly turned back and found the petit brunette suddenly standing right in front of him. He managed a smile, thankful for Alan's interest. "Oh nothing, just…girl trouble. Nothing to worry about…" A hint of sadness crossed his features as he thought of the girl that wouldn't have him. Then his cheeks heated up again as he realized just how close to him the dark-haired, feminine youth was standing, and how the soft fabric of his robe clung to his slender frame and had slipped off just far enough to reveal a teasing three inches of pale, smooth shoulder. "I can tell it worries you though," Alan's soft voice came again and he looked the taller boy in the eyes. "Please stay a while, you'll feel better." The intense, heated look in the shorter shinigami's eyes unnerved Ronald, or maybe it was the fact that those deep-green eyes seemed to scan every contour and detail of his face as Alan was talking. This wasn't the formal, somewhat distant Alan he knew. Then again, they were off-duty now, and he was probably looking at some lingering passion from their previous 'activities'… He froze as he suddenly felt long, slender fingers run ever-so-gently through his golden hair. "N-no, I shouldn't, I r-really need to get going…thanks though…"

A slight panic worked its way up into Ronald's throat as he found his body starting to react to the touch in a way he really didn't want it to, embarassment once again painting his cheeks pink. Deep down he knew he also had a bit of an interest in guys, he'd caught himself staring at his blindingly handsome yet ice-cold boss more than once, but he flat-out refused to acknowledge it. It wasn't that it was explicitly against Shinigami rules -in fact, since the overwhelming majority of shinigami were male, boy couples were almost common practice behind the scenes-, nor did it have much to do with shame. He just liked girls better, he had somewhat of a reputation as a chick-magnet –in a nonsexual way, obviously- to uphold, and he knew that for a boy with his looks to admit publically that he liked men, was to invite a whole lot of unwanted male attention. He knew how other men tended to treat the openly gay Grell and he'd decided he'd never want to be treated in the same way. Granted, although flirty he was not nearly as provocative as the flamboyant redhead, nor would he ever be, but still.

Then Alan was behind him and Ronald felt a pair of hands gently rubbing his shoulders. Way over his personal boundaries as it was, it actually felt really good… "Shh, just relax," the smaller shinigami breathed into his ear, his lips almost touching the other's sensitive lobe, causing him to involuntarily shudder. "W-wha-" Ronald's heart started pounding. This wasn't normal friends-comforting-friends behavior anymore, Alan had to know that blowing into a guy's ear was, well, stimulating…He nervously cleared his throat and tugged on his necktie to get some air, too confused to make any attempts to stop what was being done to him. The soft hands still massaging his shoulders slid up to his neck and then to his front, where skillful fingers slipped in between his own and quickly pulled off the tie. A warm, wispy body was now pressing lightly against Ronald's back and a subtle, slightly musky scent filled his nostrils. His breath hitched when soft lips nipped ever-so-gently at the side of his neck and that warm breath purposefully teased his ear again, giving him goosebumps, and for a moment he was sure he'd pass out from the sheer volume of blood rushing up to his head and then back down to another part of him. By now he knew exactly what was happening, but he wasn't sure yet whether he was willing to go along with it, even though his body already seemed to make the decision for him. He had been hoping for some making out tonight, except not with him

"You like this, don't you?" Alan asked softly while continuing his gentle ministrations to the taller boy's neck. Despite himself, Ronald responded by instinctively tilting his head to the side to give him better access. His eyes attempted to flutter closed and he couldn't prevent a small moan from escaping his lips as subtle butterfly kisses suddenly turned into a much less subtle lick along the full length of his neck. This guy was GOOD, he could give even Grell a run for his money when it came to seductiveness…

Ronald looked helplessly at Eric, who was still lying on the bed and had remained quiet the entire time. The older shinigami was now lying on his back with an arm folded behind his head and part of his ripped torso exposed, and regarded the two younger males from behind lightly tinted glasses. The large, single bang that curled over his forehead and fell in front of his pierced left ear partially obscured an intense gaze filled with interest, a hint of frustration and a burning, possessive love for the brown-haired boy that was calmly reeling in his increasingly willing victim. One leg was pulled up and blocked the hand lying suggestively in his lap from Ronald's view. The boy suddenly got the distict impression that Eric wasn't going to call his companion off anytime soon… "He's quite something, isn't he?" Alan whispered hotly in his ear. "Um, y-yes?…Oh gods…" He gasped as his already sensitized neck was teased with deliciously warm breath and the most delicate brushing of velvety lips against his skin, causing fire to flare up in his loins. Slim fingers traced his jaw and then turned his head so he had to look the shorter shinigami in the eyes. "I'll share him with you…" Another one of those deceptively sweet smiles. Ronald swallowed hard, sweat suddenly prickling the back of his neck. He nervously glanced over to Eric, who silently raised an eyebrow, the perfect 'oh, really?' expression on his handsome face contradicting the hungry glint in his eyes. "Whuh?" Ugh, way to sound coherent, Knox. But he couldn't help it, the idea of actually touching that man, feeling that hard, hot, manly body under his fingertips, against him, left Ronald a bit weak in the knees. He was succumbing fast…

"Al, what the hell?" the man on the bed suddenly questioned, sounding slightly annoyed. Apparently the impromptu necking session in front of him was now getting a bit too intense for his liking, although he didn't seem sure whether to break it up, or join in. "Come back here already, bed's getting cold. He said himself that he's intruding, let him go." Alan smiled back at him from behind Ronald's shoulder and proceeded to test the boy's willingness one last time by slowly licking his earlobe, causing him to inhale sharply and moan through clenched teeth. "Indeed, he's intruding, seen things he shouldn't have…so we better give him a very good reason to keep that to himself, wouldn't you say?"

"Excuse me?" A thousand butterflies started fluttering around wildly in Ronald's stomach all at once as he realized what the chestnut-haired boy meant. "D-don't I get a say in this?" The smaller shinigami met his wide-eyed gaze of shock with a perfectly calm one, with only the hint of desire in those large, emerald orbs reflecting in his own. "Nothing will happen against your will, you're free to walk away. But this…" an audacious hand lightly brushed downward along Ronald's stomach until it approached the boy's lower regions so closely that he shivered. "…says you don't want to…" Ronald gulped and stared into Alan's perfectly oval face, his heart racing. No, he didn't want to walk away. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a bit scared, but he wanted this. But with someone else…right? His eyes scanned the other boy's delicate features, while somewhere in the background he heard Eric ask his partner just why he thought that the man would agree to share him with anyone. He felt fingers trace the side of his face as his gaze locked onto the boy's lips, warm, moist, soft, swollen… His mouth opened to draw a much needed breath, which seemed to be the cue Alan had been waiting for to gently pull his head in, close the already diminishing gap between them and brush his lips past Ronald's before completely covering the boy's sensual mouth with his own. A hot tingle of pleasure shot up the blond's spine as Alan sensually traced the outline of his full lips with the tip of his tongue and then playfully captured his upper lip between his own, licking it, requesting access. Ronald hesitated.

Oh, to hell with it all.

His lips parted, allowing the other boy entrance, and he answered the kiss, hesitantly at first, but growing bolder as the kiss grew deeper. "Ah. OK, that's…convincing…" he heard coming from the bed, but he didn't care. He never dreamed of doing something like this, and Alan was downright amazing… Bodies pressed close together and fingers got buried in thick, silky hair as both young shinigami temporarily lost themselves in the tongue play and sought to be closer. The click from the door being locked barely registered and it wasn't until Alan broke the kiss and sat him down on the soft mattress that Ronald realized that somewhere between the door and his current location he'd lost his suit jacket and vest. Cool air penetrated the thin fabric of his white shirt and caused him to shiver lightly as it touched his bare, heated skin. Alan was still standing and took his time in carefully putting away his glasses.

A blush crept across Ronald's already flushed face as he watched his petit co-worker from under long, thick lashes and thought of what they had just done together, what they were still doing. His lips still tingled from the kiss, craving more. He quickly, shyly looked away to stare at his lap as Alan turned back towards him, not sure if it was alright for him to show any initiative at this point. The chocolate-haired boy planted one knee next to him on the bed and gently lifted the blond's chin to look him in the eyes, a soft smile curling his lips at the look filled with both uncertainty and desire that greeted him. "So cute…" His thumb tenderly, reassuringly caressed Ronald's now slightly damp cheek and slowly traced the contours of his flushed, moist lips. The boy longingly leaned into the touch and Alan leaned in close to study his face better, nearsighted as he was without his glasses. "You're so beautiful…I've been wanting to do this for quite some time now…" Before Ronald could say anything, his own glasses were lifted off his nose and Alan's lips came crashing down onto his own in a hot, overwhelmingly passionate kiss. He moaned freely against the smaller boy's hungry lips and wrapped his arms around the slender frame tightly, giving his all to keep up with the agile tongue skillfully exploring the warm, wet depths of his eager mouth. Not pulling away for a second, Alan gently pushed him further onto the bed, straddled his lap and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. Both boys moaned as their groins brushed together and they felt each other's growing need. Shivers ran up Ronald's spine when he realized that his now lover wasn't even wearing anything down there. He leaned back further to give the boy room to finish unbuttoning his shirt when suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped around him from behind and his back met with a second, nude, body. "Ah!" He had completely forgotten about Eric.